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Discussion On The ATI Radeon 5*** Series Before They Have Been Released Thread

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27 Sep 2005
London innit
I hope Sapphire dont fanny about & just release a Vapor-X cooler edition straight away, they would sell like hotdogs.

If it is a paper launch by AMD/ATI, how long did they take to do a hard launch last time they did that? Not something I checked up on.

Don't AMD prevent custom cooled cards being launched until 3 months after the reference design? Seem to remember something along those lines. Maybe the card manufacturers need that sort of lead time to fab and QA a custom card. *shrug*
15 Mar 2007
From that video you could not tell anything and seeing as how the XBOX is using DX9/10 I doubt that was PC footage and the graphics were so brief that you objectively could not tell anything about it.


Wow, amazing as a ATi 4870 CF can do the job for so little money and hence crossfire seems the way to go especially as they are so cheap today.
5 Mar 2009
Ati will rush their new cards in order to beat nvidia. They are desperate as their marketshare is still small even after all these price drops. However the 58xx will be nothing but a 48xx reharsh with dx 11 plastered on them. On the other hand nvidia is focusing on innovation and will dominate the scene once more.:D
2 Sep 2006
Portland, OR
Ati will rush their new cards in order to beat nvidia. They are desperate as their marketshare is still small even after all these price drops. However the 58xx will be nothing but a 48xx reharsh with dx 11 plastered on them. On the other hand nvidia is focusing on innovation and will dominate the scene once more.:D

This post speaks volumes of ignorance.
3 Feb 2009
Brighton, UK.
Ati will rush their new cards in order to beat nvidia. They are desperate as their marketshare is still small even after all these price drops. However the 58xx will be nothing but a 48xx reharsh with dx 11 plastered on them. On the other hand nvidia is focusing on innovation and will dominate the scene once more.:D

It's strange, while reading this post I thourght I could hear a faint whisper, barely audible...

Fanboy it said.


Over and over, just..


13 Sep 2008
Ati will rush their new cards in order to beat nvidia. They are desperate as their marketshare is still small even after all these price drops. However the 58xx will be nothing but a 48xx reharsh with dx 11 plastered on them. On the other hand nvidia is focusing on innovation and will dominate the scene once more.:D

Blame nvidia for DX10 being crippled. Innovation you say? I think not!! Do some research mate. A lot of the new DX11 features have been implemented by ATI ages ago.
14 Jun 2008
Ati will rush their new cards in order to beat nvidia. They are desperate as their marketshare is still small even after all these price drops. However the 58xx will be nothing but a 48xx reharsh with dx 11 plastered on them. On the other hand nvidia is focusing on innovation and will dominate the scene once more.:D

The 48x0 series has outsold the GTX range going by available statistics (Steam HW survey says about double), AMD also have a higher share of the notebook market.

I find it odd that some people wish for a single manufacturer to dominate the market, when recent events shows us what happens when such a situation occurs (Original GTX280/260 pricing, and the continual rehashes of the G9x chips).
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12 May 2005
Ati will rush their new cards in order to beat nvidia. They are desperate as their marketshare is still small even after all these price drops. However the 58xx will be nothing but a 48xx reharsh with dx 11 plastered on them. On the other hand nvidia is focusing on innovation and will dominate the scene once more.:D

You are saying this to provoke a reaction right? Trolling?

At least I am hoping... Because if I was to post a face palm picture of 4000x4000 pixels in size, it wouldn't be enough.
11 Sep 2007
from the internet
The 48x0 series has outsold the GTX range going by available statistics (Steam HW survey says about double), AMD also have a higher share of the notebook market.

I find it odd that some people wish for a single manufacturer to dominate the market, when recent events shows us what happens when such a situation occurs (Original GTX280/260 pricing, and the continual rehashes of the G9x chips).

I agree. Two equally matched vendors are far, far better than one strong one dominating the market, because they're forced to compete with eachother very aggressively to maintain marketshare. Also I think somebody saying they want a totally dominated market in any given speciality probably implies elitist tendancies towards it.

Also, I think the contrast between what happened with the 8800 cards and the GTX200 series cards pricing wise shows that we're far better off now than in mid-2007 graphics market wise. That goes for no matter which manufacturer you want to buy from: If you're getting an ATi card you're getting a good, competitive card for a good price, if you're getting an Nvidia card, you're getting far more for the money you would have otherwise spent if Nvidia were totally dominating like they were with G80.
8 Jul 2003
In a house
Blame nvidia for DX10 being crippled. Innovation you say? I think not!! Do some research mate. A lot of the new DX11 features have been implemented by ATI ages ago.

Yep they have, which is why Nvidia have had to come up with a new tech, as when they got Dx10 crippled down, ATi already had the full spec done, so it was to late for them to remove the features that Nvidia got taken out. :)

Just open your eyes, Nvidia have been banging on for eons saying Dx10.1 etc... is useless, not needed etc... etc..., so why are they now re-releasing their GT200 series cards with it, whats the point if they not needed, useless, could it be that they are indeed needed afterall (so they lied), and also that M$ won't bend over for them this time by letting them cripple Dx11 down as well, they got to do the full spec. :p

Its funny as hell when you think about it, Nvidia have to do Dx10.1, talk about being owned, nice one M$, and there was all the usuals as well following them like sheep, yeah this isn't needed, thats not needed, slagging them off at every opportunity, oh dear, would you like a towel so you can wipe all that egg off yer faces :D
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14 Jan 2008
"Ati will rush their new cards in order to beat nvidia. They are desperate as their marketshare is still small even after all these price drops. However the 58xx will be nothing but a 48xx reharsh with dx 11 plastered on them. On the other hand nvidia is focusing on innovation and will dominate the scene once more.:D" Lol just lol sorry to hear about the coma you have so clearly been in for the last year hope your all better now.
22 Jul 2007
nvidia fanboys can troll all they like but the truth is ati will have the fastest card that's dx11 at the time of a new os launch that's dx11.Nvidia have no reply to this until next year maybe 5 months or more after ati.Ati will be ready to launch a refresh by then.Nvidia has screwed up and missed the boat.I have both nvidia and ati cards by the way.To buy a product for the name is stupid as half the time you will buy a inferior product.Even if for some reason you dont like ati you should be grateful they exist just so they keep nvidia prices down.
20 Apr 2006
Leeds, UK
Ati will rush their new cards in order to beat nvidia. They are desperate as their marketshare is still small even after all these price drops. However the 58xx will be nothing but a 48xx reharsh with dx 11 plastered on them. On the other hand nvidia is focusing on innovation and will dominate the scene once more.:D

For this wonderful statement, you win .......... an entire website dedicated to you:

I did it for the Lulz
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