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Discussion On The ATI Radeon 5*** Series Before They Have Been Released Thread

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15 Nov 2004
I just wrote that, to see the reaction from the ATI FANBOYS.

So, I came to the conclusion that the ATI FANBOYS support ATI until death.
Is that the definition of a troll?


I've not bought a card at launch for a while, was just wondering what it was like for the 4xx0 launches, price wise.

What did the mid-range cards come in at? Will we really be seeing a 5850 for under £150 that performs on par with a 4890 and adds DX11 support and runs cooler, draws less power and is smaller?

If so that's the card I have my eye on.



18 Aug 2008
lincs, spalding
Nvida are innovative, well key words here let me fix they *were* with the 8800

since when is re branding innovative ?

I m guess ATI will have DX11 in the bag, time Nvida can counter them, ATI will be able to counter Nvida again, ATI has come along way from the HD2XXX
that is fact.
11 Oct 2007
London, UK
so you mean after all this time, they decided to go back to what they had with Geforce 2/3/4 except that it now has larger numbers.....if they simply rename the cards its not too bad, if they re launch them as all new cards that'll be annoying



18 Aug 2008
lincs, spalding
I don't mind them re-branding, tech that works, but when say a 8800GTX can still beat a 9800GTX thats annoying

were as AMD may well rebrand, HD4890 is pretty much a HD4870 but this time they love to be clocked hard, that makes a huge differnece, the Nvida onces what actually do they give extra ? whats the differences between a 8800, 9800 and GTS250 ? sept for slightly higher clocks
31 May 2007
Ati will rush their new cards in order to beat nvidia. They are desperate as their marketshare is still small even after all these price drops. However the 58xx will be nothing but a 48xx reharsh with dx 11 plastered on them. On the other hand nvidia is focusing on innovation and will dominate the scene once more.:D

You mean the type of innovation it takes to rebrand the same GPU?

8800GT to 8800GTS to a 9800GT to a 9800GTX to a 9800GTX+ to a GTS250 to a GTX260M and GTX280M?

I fail to see how an 8800GTX is different from a GTX260/275/280/285 besides them adding more of the same?

I'm not complaining about the GT200 series GPUs, but to say they're innovative is utter nonsense. ATi added more to their cores between R600 and RV770 than nVidia has between G80 and GT200s.

You couldn't even argue that nVidia have been more innovative. Quite the opposite really, they seem only interested in getting their own way and if that includes stifling innovation, then they'll do it.

They gimped DX10, then spread propaganda about DX10.1 even though it was obviously beneficial.

It doesn't take a fanboy to realise nVidia are quite negative with their actions.

No wonder MS have reformed DX10.1 to 11. There's nothing nVidia could really do without themselves looking foolish with regards to DX11. They just have to nod and follow through.

I reckon DX10.1 and 11 are what was originally in mind for 10. A lot of people already suspect that 10.1 is the original DX10 before nVidia threw their hissy fit to get it changed.

Again, this isn't anti nVidia pro ATi, it's anti nVidia for arguably valid reasons.

You'd have to be an idiot to think nVidia isn't a slimy greasy company and even more of an idiot to condone their actions. With every new bit of info that keeps coming out about their underhanded actions is one step closer to them getting slapped with an anti-competative lawsuit. Yet they're the first to cry foul when they think they're being wronged.
27 Jun 2009
Preston, UK
were as AMD may well rebrand, HD4890 is pretty much a HD4870 but this time they love to be clocked hard, that makes a huge differnece, the Nvida onces what actually do they give extra ? whats the differences between a 8800, 9800 and GTS250 ? sept for slightly higher clocks
Yeah, it did get very confusing. ATi has been bad in the past as well but recently their naming schemes, at least for the most part, have been quite logical. It gets a bit messy with the 43xx / 46xx / 47xx ranges but nothing like the 9xxx series / 8800GT revision disaster. I follow computer hardware pretty closely and still didn't know how the 9800GT related to the 8800GT until I did a search on Google just now - they're the same card, just different names.

I just hope ATi plays its lead sensibly and doesn't overprice things. Afterall, they certainly deserve higher sales because of the 4xxx series of cards (you only need to look at the Steam Hardware Survey results to see how poorly ATi cards are doing). It's disappointing that nVidia has such a lead (65% market share), as without effective competition it damages the whole industry.
23 Mar 2007
Scottish Borders
another thing about them is no sign of nvidea DX10.1 parts when ati bring them out years ago. but now ati are through with DX10.1 and are bringing out DX11. nvidea are now bringing out DX10.1 parts! wouldnt like to make out that ati made a good step now would they. geez. if nvidea brought DX10.1 parts same time as ATI then we might have a lot more DX10.1 games. which is clearly better than DX10! ugh, Bring on DX11. cant wait to buy a 5870 or 5870x2 part when they come out. got the cash on standby!
31 May 2007
I don't mind them re-branding, tech that works, but when say a 8800GTX can still beat a 9800GTX thats annoying

were as AMD may well rebrand, HD4890 is pretty much a HD4870 but this time they love to be clocked hard, that makes a huge differnece, the Nvida onces what actually do they give extra ? whats the differences between a 8800, 9800 and GTS250 ? sept for slightly higher clocks

To be fair, the 4890 is a refresh of RV770. ATi and nVidia have always made refresh cards with slightly different GPUs.

The 4890 is not the same GPU as the 4870, they're slightly different with the 4890's GPU being slightly larger.

I do think ATi have flooded the market a bit too much though. They've got too many cards out under the 4 series brand I think.

In my opinion, they should just have 3 tiers. Low performance medium, high end and then the dual GPU cards of the high end.

Such as

4450 and 4470

4650 and 4670

4850 and 4870

Then if they make a refresh of GPUs, make an XX90 variant like they have with the 4890.

The worst factor is when price and performance crossover between lines such as the 4770 being almost the same performance wise as a 4850.

Maybe they should kill certain cards off and just replace them with the refresh.
20 Aug 2009
Local to someone
All I want to know is where have all the reasonably priced 4870x2's gone; just get a decent aftermarket cooler and I save for new card and they have disappeared, possibly never to return to an online retailer brand new.

Perhaps another reason for lack of DX10 software is the OS it is related too; Vista hasn't been very well received but the uptake for Win7 is expected to be high and XP wont last forever so 2 years(?) down the line there will likely be a lot of DX11 equipment out there which is about the time (in theory) DX11 games will be hitting the mainstream market

I do believe another forum related to CPC magazine there is a good article on the (likely) upcoming challenges Nvidia face and how they think they will overcome them; it doesn't sound to me like the green corner is dead and buried yet (although they are doing there best to dig their own grave)

(For the fanboys I use an xfx 4870xxx which is just about spot on at the moment but without having a GTX275 I cannot compare it with my own eyes)
20 Aug 2009
Local to someone
Something has been said on the 4870x2's, OcUK confirmed in another thread they have gone EOL.

Another site has them marked as sold out but available for order, I don't know whether to try anyway (forlorn hope) just incase - anybody know what 2 4870's in xfire are like? am guessing it is nothing like as good as a 4870x2
7 May 2006
London, Ealing
I don't mind them re-branding, tech that works, but when say a 8800GTX can still beat a 9800GTX thats annoying

were as AMD may well rebrand, HD4890 is pretty much a HD4870 but this time they love to be clocked hard, that makes a huge differnece, the Nvida onces what actually do they give extra ? whats the differences between a 8800, 9800 and GTS250 ? sept for slightly higher clocks

4870-4890 is not a re brand, its a faster SKU of the same 4XXX family.. It just didn't come out at the same time as the 4850 4870.

Changing a previous card to a new family is a rebrand = talking a 4XXX card & then calling the same card 5XXX
7 May 2006
London, Ealing
To be fair, the 4890 is a refresh of RV770. ATi and nVidia have always made refresh cards with slightly different GPUs.

The 4890 is not the same GPU as the 4870, they're slightly different with the 4890's GPU being slightly larger.

I do think ATi have flooded the market a bit too much though. They've got too many cards out under the 4 series brand I think.

In my opinion, they should just have 3 tiers. Low performance medium, high end and then the dual GPU cards of the high end.

Such as

4450 and 4470

4650 and 4670

4850 and 4870

Then if they make a refresh of GPUs, make an XX90 variant like they have with the 4890.

The worst factor is when price and performance crossover between lines such as the 4770 being almost the same performance wise as a 4850.

Maybe they should kill certain cards off and just replace them with the refresh.

I also think 3 tiers is enough, less confusion, less SKU's, less on packaging, less bios & possible driver issues that effect each SKU.
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