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Discussion On The ATI Radeon 5*** Series Before They Have Been Released Thread

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19 Oct 2002
yeah I would say this will be a paper launch. Retail availability possibly by early october on the mainstream card.

Expect enthusiast boards to come a month or two later when yields have improved. Remember X2 boards used twice as many chips :)
18 Oct 2002
Tbh I'd expect a hard launch with some limitations on
quantity. Also nothing official, but
I'd expect the x2 variant to ship a couple of months later and just before
the gt300 to keep things 'fresh' in the minds of the consumers and to
be competative with nvidias top card

edit - posted from iPhone so forgive the spacing errors
18 May 2003
Tbh I'd expect a hard launch with some limitations on
quantity. Also nothing official, but
I'd expect the x2 variant to ship a couple of months later and just before
the gt300 to keep things 'fresh' in the minds of the consumers and to
be competative with nvidias top card

edit - posted from iPhone so forgive the spacing errors

That makes complete sense, keep something back to rain on Nvidias parade however I think ATI would want to take the performance crown while they can and I hope I am wrong but I doubt a single 5870 will beat a GTX295.
27 Jun 2009
Preston, UK
I'll be grabbing one of these at launch, providing they offer a decent enough performance increase - the 4870 512MB I have at the moment is decent but somewhat dated now. If Crossfire performance is impressive I may pick up a second, though I'd need a Firewire soundcard to free up my second PCIe slot. I already have Win7 preordered and am really looking forward to DiRT2 (I'm a huge fan of GRID) and its full DX11 support. I'd wait for an X2 but it will likely take a while, the price is an unknown and Crossfire still doesn't scale well beyond two cards.
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