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Discussion On The ATI Radeon 5*** Series Before They Have Been Released Thread

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5 Oct 2008
Ah Final8y, always the man who brings us news on the AMD/ATI front :)

Good news. I was thinking of selling my 4870 and buying a GTX285 instead. I guess I'll wait now and see if this brings down prices/temperatures are improved so I'm tempted by the 5xxx series cards.
16 Dec 2005
Halifax W'Yorkshire
short question seen as tho iv not looked into any new pc parts or read any reviews etc since my 4870x2, and cant be botherd looking at the whole thread.

short question, how much faster is the fastest 5 series than my 4870x2?

3 Feb 2009
Brighton, UK.
short question seen as tho iv not looked into any new pc parts or read any reviews etc since my 4870x2, and cant be botherd looking at the whole thread.

short question, how much faster is the fastest 5 series than my 4870x2?


<--------------------------------> this much.

No one knows, we have yet to see any benchmarks though theoreticaly it "should" be at least 50% faster.
11 May 2006
I would have said X1950XT to 8800GTS 640 was a 2x jump, the 8800GTX was more.

That's why people raved about it so much.

Check the benchmarks, the GTX was just about 2x the power of the X1950XTX, depending on the game and settings.

Maybe you are thinking about X1950XTX crossfire? In this case note that X1950XTX crossfire was nowhere double the performance of a single card.
28 Jun 2009
Theres a rumour nvidia are going to be showing there DX11 cards off on september the 10th. Hope this isn't true :/ Read this on Tweaktown btw so probably a rumour.
8 Jul 2003
In a house
ATI to launch five 40nm DX11 GPUs

Most of them in late September

The top guy that stayed in AMD after ATI acquisition, Rick Bergman has come up with a plan how to deceive journalists and partners and try to keep the graphics plans for itself, until very close to launch. We know that some other people also claim that they invented this strategy, but a few people in AMD told us it was Bergman.

We can give him credit as he did quite a good job. We know that Evergreen is the codename for the whole generation but now we got more details. R800 dual chip is codenamed Hemlock, top single chip card is Cypress while performance runner up codename (replacement for 4850) is codenamed Juniper. Redwood is the codename for a DirectX 11 card with new 3D engine, PCIe 2.0 and UVD2.0 in 40nm and this card should replace RV740 /RV730 cards.

The slowest of new DirectX 11 cards is codenamed Cedar and all of the are sharing the same basic spec that includes DirectX 11, new 3D engine (more shaders), PCIe.2.0 and UVD 2.0, all done in the new 40nm process.

Charlie has used many of these names if not all at his site here, but this is the first time we can confirm them from our sources.

Tomato :- http://www.fudzilla.com/content/view/15351/1/
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3 Nov 2004
ATI Radeon 5850, 5870, 5870X2 pricing revealed?

9/2/2009 by: Theo Valich -

Next week, AMD will reveal its top-to-bottom DirectX 11 lineup, with the top three parts heading out to the stores. As ATI Evergreen family of graphics cards is taking its shape as multiple parts that cover top to bottom of world's PC line-up. As it usually goes, the availability won't be on the same date, but ATI will do a multi-part launch targeting hard availability in the whole world for the each part.

We managed to learn some interesting details about the top-end, Radeon 5800 series. Unlike some inaccurate publications that toyed with the name "Radeon 7", the Radeon 5000 series is a natural continuation of trend started with X1K series.

The top dog carries the name Radeon HD 5870X2, and we are talking about single-PCB, dual-GPU card that will retail for cool $599. This is still $50 cheaper than GTX280 at the time of its debut [do you remember the outrageous $649?], but bear in mind that this is a top dog part.

For some odd reason, the $499 bracket will remain without a card. We expect that slot will be filled with a water-cooled edition of 5870, or more likely - 5870X2 once that nVidia launches their competing products. Afore mentioned Radeon HD 5870 is set to go on sale for $379-399, while the cheapest entry into the 5800 series, the Radeon HD 5850 is priced in the $279-299 bracket.

We expect that the first batch of products will come without any MIR [Mail-In-Rebates], so priced at 299-399-599, but with the launch of GT300, market incentives will go into action and this time around, AMD does not want to stop its momentum and wants to rule the roost. According to sources close to the heart of the company, they want to firmly beat nVidia and establish themselves as the kings of GPU market.

ATI RV870 GPU is rotated just as ATI R600 wasEven though the chip is huge, and rotated at a certain angle compared to the organic package [remember ATI R600 GPU?], the yields for RV870 are really good and there should be a significant chunk of chips coming to the market. According to the sources at hand, TSMC significantly improved the yield from the first batch of chips and that should significantly help the margins on these multi-billion parts. Bear in mind that AMD Graphics e.g. ATI is expected to carry the company in consumer segment until the Bulldozer architecture arrives in 2011, so a lot is expected from Evergreen generation. In a way, AMD plans to recapture the crown it took in 2002 with the world's first DirectX 9 parts.

Which brings us to the interesting comparison: in the past seven years, nVidia was the top dog for paired versions of DirectX - 8 [GeForce 3] and 10 [GeForce 8800], while ATI was brilliant in DirectX 9 [Radeon 9700] and looks good for DirectX 11 [Radeon HD 5000]. After all, DirectX 11 is being considered as the key API for the upcoming generation of not just the personal computers, but consoles as well. Whoever wins the "Xbox 3" contract, they will build the part upon the features introduced with DX11, and same thing applies to other consoles on the market, only they will use those features using available Open API's such as OpenGL and OpenCL.

Determination is the key, and AMD wants to beat nVidia badly. The only real challenge AMD faces is the fact that company is rather uneasy when it comes to making custom build parts that are the main reason why nVidia has a firm sales grip on the market: nVidia's AIBs are allowed to do something extra in hand, such as the recent launch of EVGA's "World Record Beating" platform featuring world's first graphics card with three 6-pin power connectors. If ATI overcomes that and allows their partners heavy modifications of the cards 3-6 months down the line, nVidia just might be in real trouble.
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3 Nov 2004
Something a bit odd about those prices. The 5870X2 price, $599, looks a little low to me compared to the 5870 at $379-399. They usually pitch it a bit cheaper than the equivalent two cards making it more like $710-740. Or is the 5870 price too high, maybe nearer the $300 mark as previously reported? We'll see I guess.
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12 Mar 2006
N.E England

$299 revealed?

Has now been removed from the Powercolor website. Unintentional leak?, you decide.

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3 Nov 2004
Do we know if that's the 5850 or 5870?

EDIT: I had a look but it was suggested that is maybe the 5870. So from the various pricing rumours it could be either, grrrrr.
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