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Discussion On The ATI Radeon 5*** Series Before They Have Been Released Thread

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Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Please reply to my comment about developers, I am interested to hear your views based on your history of telling us that ATi don't support developers.

I'm reserving judgement for the time being... only time can really answer this one - it might just be a flash in the pan to promote their cards...
31 May 2007
Plus a very quiet fan is one the main selling points for me...

That though is highly subjective, sound doesn't bother me unless it's extreme, and then even my 'extreme' is subjective.

My computer is very rarely the loudest thing in the room though, my TV is on most of the time when I'm on my PC.
29 May 2005
West London
I'm reserving judgement for the time being... only time can really answer this one - it might just be a flash in the pan to promote their cards...

Fair enough, but the fact these developers are using ATi cards to headline these games and show them off speaks enough if you ask me! What more can you have with ATi sponsored videos and what not?

I stand by my point - I will be surprised if you ever come out and actually say "You know what, ATi have really delivered with these new cards". So far you've told me that 4 GPUs rendering 24 screens isn't a big performance increase which I find slightly astonishing!
31 May 2007
Please reply to my comment about developers, I am interested to hear your views based on your history of telling us that ATi don't support developers.

Bashing Nvidia? Come on - they deserve some of the stick...just as ATi did a few years ago.

Renaming, and plans to rename GT200s and G92s yet again to G300s :mad:


The debacle we know as DX10

Assassin's Creed


Gimping any card used for physx when an ATi card present

Paying off devs to support/not support certain technologies...

The list goes on, is there any reason why they shouldn't be bashed for this?
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
I do hope nvidia do/are doing something like this as for some people it is great and i do think it looks good myself

Unless its a massive subterfuge nVidia are pretty much going to be doing 3 things...

Pressuring the majority of developers to implement vendor specific paths for graphical features that can't be run under their current DX10 spec - nVidia cards to support a lot of features through their own extensions - their "DX10.1" cards will likely expand on this to include anything that is likely to be used under DX11.

Throwing out some rehashed 200 series cards with massively increased SP count, etc. that may or may not include the previously mentioned "DX10.1".

Continuing to work towards the 300 series... which will rape... performance and your wallet.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
I stand by my point - I will be surprised if you ever come out and actually say "You know what, ATi have really delivered with these new cards". So far you've told me that 4 GPUs rendering 24 screens isn't a big performance increase which I find slightly astonishing!

They are rendering the same FOV as one screen, only split up over a massive number of extra pixels... so you have the same polygon setup, same shaders running, etc. the only difference is the fillrates - of which aside from the decrease in AA workload is only approx. doubled over previous generation ATI cards and nVidia 200 series already have double the 4800 series in this area... so on paper they should manage ballpark similiar capabilities, tho obviously nvidia doesn't currently have the capability to utilise quad SLI with 24 screens.

But as someone with a high res projector and 100" screen I don't really find 24 displays complete with bezels that interesting as from any useable distance the actual image detail the eye is going to see is going to be pretty similiar to what I'm used to.
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31 May 2007
Unless its a massive subterfuge nVidia are pretty much going to be doing 3 things...

Pressuring the majority of developers to implement vendor specific paths for graphical features that can't be run under their current DX10 spec - nVidia cards to support a lot of features through their own extensions - their "DX10.1" cards will likely expand on this to include anything that is likely to be used under DX11.

Throwing out some rehashed 200 series cards with massively increased SP count, etc. that may or may not include the previously mentioned "DX10.1".

Continuing to work towards the 300 series... which will rape... performance and your wallet.

How is any of that positive?

The fact that it's admitted, we won't support it how it's supposed to be, we'll make up how we do it.

It's either them being arrogant, or they're purposefully doing that to gimp the game in to working better for them.

And you wonder why they get bashed. :rolleyes:
31 May 2007
They are rendering the same FOV as one screen, only split up over a massive number of extra pixels... so you have the same polygon setup, same shaders running, etc. the only difference is the fillrates - of which aside from the decrease in AA workload is only approx. doubled over previous generation ATI cards and nVidia 200 series already have double the 4800 series in this area... so on paper they should manage ballpark similiar capabilities.

But as someone with a high res projector and 100" screen I don't really find 24 displays complete with bezels that interesting as from any useable distance the actual image detail is going to be pretty similiar to what I'm used to.

You're purposefully being very specific there.

The main use for this will be 3 screen gaming to provide a very wide view, the FOV will be far wider, this is what most people are interested in.

Go and tell WSGF that it's useless and I'm guessing you'll be lynched by a mob with pitchforks.
31 May 2007
preconceptions much? your so wrapped up in attacking anything even slightly anti ATI you can't even see the wood for the trees.

Preconceptions? I'm working with what you've said, now if you'd so kindly answer the question I actually asked to ensure we're being a bit more constructive? :)

You and your selective quoting, it's beautiful isn't it? :rolleyes:
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31 May 2007
I'd like to start a fund so we can buy a 5870 for Rroff so he can see clearly :)

PS Dirt DX11 looks absolutely incredible

I think once nVidia come out with some DX11 hardware, he'll feel comfortable being positive about DX11 as he won't have to feel like he's being ATi positive.

I think he's been unaware than nVidia have to support DX11 for a while now.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
I'd like to start a fund so we can buy a 5870 for Rroff so he can see clearly :)

PS Dirt DX11 looks absolutely incredible

:S I do have some ATI cards here and I don't see the 5870 as a bad card either despite some peoples' preconceptions - I'd just rather see it hyped up for the actual positives rather than the fluff which once the dust settles won't really count for a huge deal for most people...

and ta but I don't need a fund to get my hands on a 5870 :p
31 May 2007
Which question?

This one:

How is any of that positive?

The fact that it's admitted, we won't support it how it's supposed to be, we'll make up how we do it.

It's either them being arrogant, or they're purposefully doing that to gimp the game in to working better for them.

And you wonder why they get bashed. :rolleyes:

I actually asked how is that positive? As it looks like you're saying they pressure devs into doing it the NV way, and 'pressured' isn't a particularly positive term either now is it?
29 May 2005
West London
:S I do have some ATI cards here and I don't see the 5870 as a bad card either despite some peoples' preconceptions - I'd just rather see it hyped up for the actual positives rather than the fluff which once the dust settles won't really count for a huge deal for most people...

and ta but I don't need a fund to get my hands on a 5870 :p

I'm sure it will be a good card, although now I am on X58 I have been tempted to grab a cheap 260 to try out SLi.

Personally, I like the look of the DX11 titles and I'm about to buy a new place and my office will have space for loads of screens...
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