michaelmk86 is a bit of a troll but he's right about kylew, and we all know this.
You're talking about IQ and yet you think someone born in 1986 would be 26 now??
They would be 23 or 22 depending what time of year.
Thats so good I almost feel like putting that in my sig...
I was about to say that but see you already did, theres a little ATI 'fanboy' gang that roam these forums.
Sad really, being a fanboy for any company.
That's what sleep deprevation does to you, eh, what are you gonna do about it?
As for me being a 'fanboy' do I have to explain again? There's a load of us on here with valid reasons for disliking nVidia.
The fanboys are the ones who just rant about how *company* sucks and how all their products suck, and how you're buying crap hardware, with invented reasons to support why they suck.
I dislike nVidia for the same reason a lot of people around here do.
We're fed up with their underhanded measures, propaganda about their rivals, sneaky tactics, paying people off to get their own way and getting games, getting APIs gimped to get their own way, blatant ripping off by charging obscene amounts of money for their hardware, as well as disabling functions of their hardware when rival hardware is present amongst other things.
Do I
really have to explain what there is to dislike about nVidia?
Or is being annoyed by such actions now deemed as fanboy behaviour?
If it does, then most of this board and anyone with common sense are fanboys.
I'm disappointed in nVidia's behaviour so I choose not to give them my money.
I'll repeat again, I don't have a problem with nVidia hardware, if I was a fanboy I'd be making things up about how their graphics cards suck, and how their drivers are terrible and never work, but that's not true.
They make good hardware, it's their actions I don't like, and I think you're a fool for even suggesting it's wrong to dislike their behaviour...