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Discussion On The ATI Radeon 5*** Series Before They Have Been Released Thread

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25 Jun 2009
Ive just been unlucky enough to read last two pages of utter ****e on this thread:rolleyes:

I mean seriosuly? give it rest, can you start a seperate thread so you can all argue ALONE. Same people throwing stones at each other.

I got a two day ban for saying i thought I5 was a let down:rolleyes:
29 May 2005
West London
Only way the mars edition is gonna be any response to the hype is if they slash the price to sub £200 lol...

That multi monitor setup fails to inspire me - as the useable distance so you could take the whole image in would be indistinguishable from a high res projector image - which has no distracting bezels... its also not as much of a performance increase as you'd think either as they are rendering the same FOV - just the workload spread out so it mostly comes down to fillrates - of which the current high end nVidia cards can keep up (as they have typically been twice as fast here as ATI cards).

With all due respect, all you do is talk down anything related to ATi. They've just delivered what to me looks like a proper big bang. They have actual games signed up to DX11 which all look amazing. CryEngine 3 running on ATi hardware smoothly across 3 screens. When was the last time NV done this? 8800GTX.

Of course it's a major performance increase....these cards, as things look, are the biggest thing in the GPU industry.

What will it take for you to actually acknowledge reality? When the reviews come out and if it blows everything away, what are you going to say then? Are you going to bring out the theory "being a games developer" as we're not as knowledgeable? What I see is a bunch of big games developers signed up to ATi right now...Nvidia are in trouble strategy wise if you ask me, 3d goggles, a soon to be extinct physics engine and CUDA is not enough.
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Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Not really - how many people are still running 8800GT's - at their price point, these cards were unbeatable. I still have mine, but dx11 will finally tempt me to upgrade to something else..

According to the hardware stats from steam, ms, etc. the 8800 series has the largest market penetration by quite a margin - with the 8800GT the most popular of those.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
With all due respect, all you do is talk down anything related to ATi. They've just delivered what to me looks like a proper big bang. They have actual games signed up to DX11 which all look amazing. CryEngine 3 running on ATi hardware smoothly across 3 screens. When was the last time NV done this? 8800GTX.

Of course it's a major performance increase....these cards, as things look, are the biggest thing in the GPU industry.

I'm not doing ATI down - I just don't find this particular aspect quite as exceptional as people are making it out to be... its little more than a useless gimmick for the most part.
31 May 2007
michaelmk86 is a bit of a troll but he's right about kylew, and we all know this.

You're talking about IQ and yet you think someone born in 1986 would be 26 now??
They would be 23 or 22 depending what time of year.

Thats so good I almost feel like putting that in my sig...

I was about to say that but see you already did, theres a little ATI 'fanboy' gang that roam these forums.
Sad really, being a fanboy for any company.

That's what sleep deprevation does to you, eh, what are you gonna do about it? :rolleyes:

As for me being a 'fanboy' do I have to explain again? There's a load of us on here with valid reasons for disliking nVidia.

The fanboys are the ones who just rant about how *company* sucks and how all their products suck, and how you're buying crap hardware, with invented reasons to support why they suck.

I dislike nVidia for the same reason a lot of people around here do.

We're fed up with their underhanded measures, propaganda about their rivals, sneaky tactics, paying people off to get their own way and getting games, getting APIs gimped to get their own way, blatant ripping off by charging obscene amounts of money for their hardware, as well as disabling functions of their hardware when rival hardware is present amongst other things.

Do I really have to explain what there is to dislike about nVidia?

Or is being annoyed by such actions now deemed as fanboy behaviour?

If it does, then most of this board and anyone with common sense are fanboys.

I'm disappointed in nVidia's behaviour so I choose not to give them my money.

I'll repeat again, I don't have a problem with nVidia hardware, if I was a fanboy I'd be making things up about how their graphics cards suck, and how their drivers are terrible and never work, but that's not true.

They make good hardware, it's their actions I don't like, and I think you're a fool for even suggesting it's wrong to dislike their behaviour...
17 Nov 2005
I'm not doing ATI down - I just don't find this particular aspect quite as exceptional as people are making it out to be... its little more than a useless gimmick for the most part.

You telling me physx isn't a gimmick at the moment, like the post above said anything ati you put down and are all over anything nvidia.

I will not use more than 1 monitor in the near future but just because i will not use it i will don't dismiss it
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31 May 2007
you know whats the funny part? michaelmk(and probably me as well)is getting 5870 crossfire if the early benchmarks are confirmed on the other hand you'll just keep drooling and defending ati for no reason.

:rolleyes: defending ATi? Or defending the truth when you and your 'mate' come and troll threads to put down anything ATi related?

If nVidia cards performed the same as ATi but were cheaper, I would be recommending them, I wouldn't buy them my self for reasons above, but I'm not gonna tell anyone else to not get them.

The only reason I've told people to not get nVidia is when there's an ATi alternative for cheaper.

Doesn't it make sense to get the best value you can get? :rolleyes:
29 May 2005
West London
I'm not doing ATI down - I just don't find this particular aspect quite as exceptional as people are making it out to be... its little more than a useless gimmick for the most part.

I'm not talking about the gimmick, I am talking about performance, DX11 and onboarding developers. I'm not too bothered about the multi screens, it looks great and people will have their uses for it.

You keep telling us previously that ATi dont help developers this and that, well they've just answered you emphatically. I guess you will never turn around and acknowledge it, right?

As a consumer, I don't see much going for NV at the moment, maybe the 260 (I have one and it's great) but I feel a bit cheated as they rename, overprice their high end parts and their strategy I dont see as consumer friendly. That's not fanboyism, it's being a consumer.
31 May 2007
I'm not doing ATI down - I just don't find this particular aspect quite as exceptional as people are making it out to be... its little more than a useless gimmick for the most part.

It's exceptional to a fair few people, it's pretty big for those interested in multiple monitor gaming, as for being a gimmick, it's definitely much less a gimmick than PhysX, it's a standard that you yourself knows can only ever become mainstream when it's supported by all GPUs, and we all know that's not gonna happen, so the next best solution is when there is an OpenCL based one.

It's not PhysX that's a gimmick, the concept is great, it's the proprietary-ness of it that gets people.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
I don't see how physx has anything to do with my comments about ATI's eyefinity tech being little more than a gimmick? or are people just desperate to find ways to carry on bashing nVidia?
31 May 2007
I'm not talking about the gimmick, I am talking about performance, DX11 and onboarding developers. I'm not too bothered about the multi screens, it looks great and people will have their uses for it.

You keep telling us previously that ATi dont help developers this and that, well they've just answered you emphatically. I guess you will never turn around and acknowledge it, right?

As a consumer, I don't see much going for NV at the moment, maybe the 260 (I have one and it's great) but I feel a bit cheated as they rename, overprice their high end parts and their strategy I dont see as consumer friendly. That's not fanboyism, it's being a consumer.

Thing people don't get, they think saying something negative about a company means you're suddenly a fanboy for their rival...

The most important thing when buying a graphics card should ALWAYS be price/performance ratio.
31 May 2007
I don't see how physx has anything to do with my comments about ATI's eyefinity tech being little more than a gimmick? or are people just desperate to find ways to carry on bashing nVidia?

You're talking gimmicks, that's how people see physx, is this all adding up to you or do you need more cues?

Or is this deliberate?
29 May 2005
West London
I don't see how physx has anything to do with my comments about ATI's eyefinity tech being little more than a gimmick? or are people just desperate to find ways to carry on bashing nVidia?

Please reply to my comment about developers, I am interested to hear your views based on your history of telling us that ATi don't support developers.

Bashing Nvidia? Come on - they deserve some of the stick...just as ATi did a few years ago.
16 Apr 2009
My last two cards have been nvidia (8800gtx sli - 295gtx) before that i was ati for a couple of generations.

What ATI is doing right now is very exciting!:cool:
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