Dishonored - Thread

Sweetfx with no in-game AA was best for me. Massive improvement. People saying they can't see a difference in-game are not using it properly.

PS the config posted by SS-89 in the other thread was great
Thing is all they need to do is use the SweetFX, press Scroll lock to see what it looks like ON or OFF. The biggest difference i've noticed is how damn blurry Dishonored is
Download sweetfx unpack the way it tells you to
Copy the custom sweetfx settings provided by others or tweak yourself
run game

Scroll lock is just so u can turn it on or off :)
One thing that is bugging me.....why isn't the main character voiced?

It isn't like you can choose the gender or anything.

Off the top of my head, I can't think of another game where the main character is totally pre-defined, but isn't voiced(GTA III doesn't count).
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Amnesia – Dark Decent and Justin DLC for same game had a sort of silent protagonist

Rage – he didn’t say a lot.
Half Life – Gordon Freeman has never spoke

Doom III – don’t remember him speaking
Oh silent protagonists are nothing new of course, and I don't mind it at all, but with Rage, for example, iirc the character isn't really pre-set.....could be anyone really(can't remember Doom 3). In this, Corvo is a properly fleshed out character. I just thought it was an odd choice to not have him voiced, especially considering the great cast they have in this game.
Ha found the tutorial section, its in the main menu.. Good, means I can turn off the help icons...

Spent around an hour looking for stuff at the hound pits... Game has a lot to do if you take your time..

Enjoying it, don't regret my pre order.
This game is insanely good!

I was a bit worried when I saw some mixed comments, but I shouldn't have been:p

When you use your powers properly to stealth an area/NPC it is very satisfying. All UI options off, taking my time doing things.
So yea, we are not all a bunch of pirates hugging the free camel and actually pay where money is due. So off your high horse mate.

None the less, still having the saved settings issue.


Really does annoy me when people assume that because something is not right due to playing the game early, they must be a pirate. I had a good friend (now out of business) who owned a indy game shop near me. Always gave me games before release to play and review for my own site.

Now, the console forum had a issue with this and always cried, everytime when questioned. I proved my worth with pictures... So pathetic.

I do not assume someone is playing a pirate version just because there are bugs & they are playing it early. I was stating the possibility because on other forums people have been reporting that problem with the cracked version and no one with a valid copy had suffered from it, that is all. It does look pathetic though when someone tells someone else to get off their high horse, then proceeds to climb up to his pulpit to preach & show how great he is because he can take a screen shot.:rolleyes:
There are so many different ways to do things in this game!

My trip to the Golden Cat was classic. I possessed a fish, tortured some guy, pushed someone off a balcony, then killed my targets and knocked out the witnesses....then jumped out of a window and made my escape:cool:. I found four different ways alone just to find out the location of my targets in that mission.

People are comparing it to Bioshock, which I suppose in fair in a way in terms of style, but the game it has most in common with is Deus Ex by a mile.

Loving this game:)

btw, I bet everyone got the achievement 'Art of the Steal'....the only rational course to take tbh;)
Well, I decided to give SweetFX a punt using SS-89's settings, and I must say the image quality looks massively better than vanilla. The SMAA isn't perfect by any means (unless a lot more tinkering will do the trick), but it's certainly better than blurry FXAA or no AA at all.

On another note: the game is bloody awesome! Can't wait to sink more time into it over the weekend, exploring the environments and experimenting with different ways to complete missions.
I suppose you could call these spoilers, but it is only,y showing different ways to kill someone.


I think PC Gamer summed the game up pretty well when they said - "A big, shiny example of so much we keep asking for in games, but rarely get"
just done the mission where you need to assassinate lord regent (i think thats his name, can't remember) holy crap it was hard, not sure if i took a hard route or not but I pretty much skipped the entire bottom floor and went around and straight in, and couldn't get back out, took me like 50 mins just to finish that mission :/
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