Dishonored - Thread

I dont think developers help themselves, if they dont release demos prior to the game release then loads of people arent going to fork out £30 on a game they havent played that may not be any good. Thanks to current steam/origin rules you cant trade them back in. So whats the option? - pirate it, play it weeks before general release and see if its worth the asking price. Console players have it easy, if theyre not sure about a new release, rent it from blockbusters or similar for ~£5 and decide.

If the individual that pirated it, actually then pays for a genuine version is impossible to say and I guess we'll never know but unfortunately thats the way it is. Until developers learn this and release demos then it serves them right.

Imagine buying a new car, would you still buy it if the salesman said no you cant have a test drive?
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Played the first full mission of this today, very good game imo.

I'm trying to be as stealthy as possible, it's been quite easy so far to remain undetected and knock enemies unconcious without killing. Lots of tools and powers at your disposal so you can mix up stealth/aggression as much as you like.

Also plenty of reading to do in the shape of books/notes/journals etc. The story is shaping up nicely already and I'm looking forward to seeing how it all unfolds.

Not using sweetFx, just maxed all settings and using the in game FXAA and the game looks really nice to my eye, it definitely has that oil painting quality as others have mentioned, quite a unique looking game I suppose.

All in all so far Dishonored strikes me as being a very well made and entertaining game, it has some original touches and lots of depth/variation in terms of how you approach the game and its missions.
erm is there something wrong with my game??????? All the textures look really bland, everything set to max :( dunno how else to describe it, looks like walls and wood etc have no depth whatsoever
Thought i'd just stick this on briefly, at 10pm, and now its 1am, where the hell did the time go!

Started off being not quite my sort of thing but the more i'm use to its "ways" the more i'm enjoying it!

One thing does bug me, left click for right handed weapon. i appreciate most people are right handed and left mouse has always been primary fire and they coincide with that but its taking some getting use to!
One thing does bug me, left click for right handed weapon. i appreciate most people are right handed and left mouse has always been primary fire and they coincide with that but its taking some getting use to!

Change the key bindings.....


Default controls are awful, currently changed right weapon i.e. sword to right click and left hand weapon i.e. powers, gun etc. to left click and block to middle click and the quick menu to thumb mouse button.
One thing does bug me, left click for right handed weapon. i appreciate most people are right handed and left mouse has always been primary fire and they coincide with that but its taking some getting use to!

Switch 'em round in the Control settings. Plays much more naturally with right for right and left for left.
I don't know what you guys are smoking - it looks nasty with those SweetFX settings. It's like playing on a horribly calibrated shop display TV with edge enhancement and contrast up way too high. It spoils the muted painterly look completely.
One thing does bug me, left click for right handed weapon. i appreciate most people are right handed and left mouse has always been primary fire and they coincide with that but its taking some getting use to!

Left click for sword, right click for everything else.
Didn't take much getting used to :)
ahahaha yeah the textures look right now, above comment 'painterly look' made me realise its supposed to look like this! Although the levels after the meeting at the start definitely look better
Played last night, got to the pub. I like the mission summaries at the end. I thought I had been pretty thorough but only had 600 money from an available 1000. I didn't pick pocket that many guards though.
Started the game last night at around 12 then finished at 2.40 in the morning, between this and xcom i will be sorted for a while and also sleep deprived :(
Does this genuinely have a GTX460 / 5850 as a minimum requirement?

It looks as if the time has finally come for my GTX260 to retire if so :p
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