Dishonored - Thread



Couple more gifs of my config for sweetfx in action for those that haven't seen the dedicated thread (my config is also posted in there) :)
One of the reasons why this game looks so blurry is the Anisotropic Filtering on this game is set really low. To improve this change two entries located in the DishonoredEngine.ini which is found in the config file and the visuals will sharpen up.

Anisotropic Filtering

- Go to: C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Dishonored\DishonoredGame\Config

- Open: DishonoredEngine.ini

- Search for MaxAnisotropy (this is listed twice so change both of them)

- Change value to 16 and save and exit

Now when you reboot Dishonored you will be running with 16x AF. :)
it looks much more like Borderlands than Crysis, his hand look good though.... the sunset is typical Borderlands, it's a very accurate blinding orange light..... it never looked as good as this 5 years ago

the lighting in games looks perfect now, but the detailing is still quite poor; it hasn't kept pace, but to be honest it doesn't really matter as long as the game plays well and it looks like this does ;)

i wonder if the oil painting look is on purpose... probably
Just completed dishonored, took me 11 hours. Very good. Going to start another playthrough as stealth now, never done a second playthrough on another game before unless I wait like 2 years I don't think :O really good though, ending was a bit odd but hopefully there will be some DLC
My goodness, that sweet FXA thing makes a huge difference! Game looks sooooo much better now :D

Using ss-89 settings:





Glad you like it, it definitely added a lot more atmosphere for me especially during the first mission. Shadows are actually black not grey and it makes the dark vision power more useful (aside from the vision cones).



Back to the game itself. WIth all the UI features off it really does make the game more immersive (playing on hard difficulty). Randomly discovering people mentioned in the optional side missions and general exploring. Loving it so far, played 6 hours (probably more like 4-4.5 taking away testing of sweetfx) and not even attempted the main point of the first mission! :p Love it.
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It`s a bit tedious, to say the least. Just feels out dated and cumbersome. It`s definitely not an exciting game.:(

that's not what the reviews say is it, it's close to the game of the year !

if you want a blast play Borderlands, because this is stealth and tactics, more like Deux Ex.... this game sounds brilliant to me.
Must admit I loved the game then felt it's tedious, boring and fustrating... now i love it!, it certainly is one of those games :D

p.s Really doesn't come into it's own until you get the rats LOL :D
that's not what the reviews say is it, it's close to the game of the year !

if you want a blast play Borderlands, because this is stealth and tactics, more like Deux Ex.... this game sounds brilliant to me.

reviews are good for it i agree, but we are in titled to our own opinion on the game.

im just bored playing it and it just feels like a grind...
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