Dishonored - Thread

It only takes 10 mins to try all the combinations to a safe & that's if you make it to 999.
Only 1 safe had me stuck so I just tried them all. I think it ended up starting with a 5 so took me less then 5 mins lol :D
It's not a difficult game by any stretch but did you manage that without using/abusing the save system?

It's the sort of game where if you're happy to reload after any error then it's very very easy to avoid being detected or taking any damage and get a flawless run, I'd be more impressed if you had done it from start to finish without ever reloading but I doubt that's the case?

Only quick loaded a few times, most of those were me accidentally blinking off of buildings.

The game gives far too many tools for knowing where enemies are to get seen regularly.
One thing that is bugging me is how bloody easy the game is if you go pure stealth/no kills.

Don't get me wrong I'm having a great time playing the game, it's just that even on Very Hard there just never seems to be any challenge.

I didn't find it easy at all. It got annoying, the number of times I tried to sneak past a guy, only for him to turn around at the worst possible moment.

I just completed the game, and got the best ending, so yay.

I spared Havelock - I just crept up behind him and knocked him out. In fact, I ghosted that entire level. I figured I would probably have betrayed him had our positions been reversed, and in fact was dismayed when Corvo swigged that drink, because I guessed it was probably poisoned. So yeah, no grudge against that guy. I also spared that Daud guy, the Pendleton brothers, and Lady Boyle, because I'm just that awesome and merciful and stuff. Although I reckon some of them would have been better off dead...
I spared Havelock - I just crept up behind him and knocked him out. In fact, I ghosted that entire level. I figured I would probably have betrayed him had our positions been reversed, and in fact was dismayed when Corvo swigged that drink, because I guessed it was probably poisoned. So yeah, no grudge against that guy. I also spared that Daud guy, the Pendleton brothers, and Lady Boyle, because I'm just that awesome and merciful and stuff. Although I reckon some of them would have been better off dead...

I confronted Havelock and after a brief conversation he attacked me, so I killed him, otherwise I had ghosted the whole level. I also spared Boyle and the Lord Regent, every other target died though

Since this game got me in the mood, I am now replaying Deus Ex:Human Revolution and whilst I still think it is a great game, playing Dishonored has really highlighted where it could and should have been better....I hope they learn much from Dishonored for the next game! (just lean and proper mele would be a start)
just finished, what an ending! Non-lethal option on every target just to see what would happen, dont know if its a good ending game-wise or not, I was happy with my choices though :)
Completed it this evening. I think I took a bit too long to complete it because hindsight would suggest you could probably rush the game in a few hours (e.g., with objective markers on and a blatant disregard for stealth, the game could end up being extremely short). But I took my time wondering about and soaking everything in and ended up clocking 23.5 hours on Steam -- actual game time will be less because I had the game running while away a few times, but suffice to say I got my money's worth.

One of the better games I've played this year. Will start a new game in the next day or two doing a no kills/enhancements/power-ups and pure stealth playthrough.
16 hours for a full playthrough, stealthy so next time im going to go all guns blazing just so i can see the gameworld change, as if you play stealthy it stays the same.
Meh, I killed just about everyone, but got everywhere stealthily, I snuck around, saw what everything was, found almost everything, killed almost everyone. It becomes FAR too easy, randomly stand on pipe, blink behind someone, kill, even if 10 guys rush at you, blink out the way, and then kill them anyway with whatever the hell you want. At first I tried to kill stealthily all the time because of health, weapons, powers, etc. Later on I just couldn't be arsed, I still went "stealthy" but wasn't bothered about waiting ages or being careful, if I get seen, everyone dies quickly with a nade or gun, if I don't, blink to the next guy, rinse repeat. Way too easy.

Ending was anticlimatic and overall.... I dunno. It was fun for a while, the mechanics of moving around were good. Stealth is fine, I'm not a massive fan of stealth games, 99% of stealth games are just waiting a long time for the right moment to move.... waiting isn't fun, simple as that. Powers that make stealth fun is a great idea and this game got that spot on. However they also made it too easy, as with basically every RPG I think I've played in the past 5 years, you start off strong, and become "uber" far too quickly while the enemies don't scale.

FO3 wasn't too bad, while you could go anywhere anytime and find things impossible to kill and scaling wasn't great, there were still difficult guys to kill at the end and really all the way through.

Bioshock, Skyrim, this, etc, etc, yes its hard to explain why you'd be fighting uber soldiers further into the game but that is where the hard part of writing/designing a game is, soo lacking lately in games.

I think I spent the final 1/3rd of the game playing to finish rather than playing for fun. Blink, stab, puff of smoke, blink, stab, puff of smoke.

I think one of the main things it lacked was some kind of boss style baddies, there was really only one in the entire game that I can remember, and tallboys which are just far too much bother to kill so never even bothered. 4 types of enemy really, of which 3 were very rare and one was so easy to avoid it was silly.... that just doesn't cut it.

It's MUCH better than loads of other games in the past few years, but still has massive flaws. Story was decent, though frequently very very obvious what was coming, powers were good in theory, though much like Bioshock I barely used time/rats(at all)/wind, dark vision/blink are all you need and give you unlimited power usage basically.
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Sounds about right to me drunkenmaster.

For holding my attention and being a joy to play Black Mesa gripped me so much more.

Maybe I am in a minority and I am not intelligent, creative or patient enough to enjoy the stealth tactics to the max. On the other hand maybe it is a clunky, consolitus affected game, that falls way short of being a classic.
G.O.T.Y.? I'll eat my hat.
Game gets even better when you get to some of the later missions, couldn't put it down last night, I'm really taking my time, stealth and being very sneaky and not rushing in...

I use quite a few of my powers, I think its still an excellent game. Clocked up many hours now, if you play it stealthy it takes a long time, but I can see how those who just blasted in and killed everything could wrap this up in less then 6 odd hours.. shame really, missing out.
Just finished in 18 hours, got 95% of runes/charms and played stealth so only took out about 3 people and 2 of those were by knocking them out and dropping them in water by mistake.

Great game, not sure I will play it again as a shooter since I had a play with the weapons/powers and whilst fun I don't know if they warrant a full rerun.

I wasn't overly impressed with the ending, it was a bit anticlimactic and felt quite short/abrupt but everything before then was good fun. Not game of the year for me as some of the AI really isn't quite up to scratch but certainly worth picking up.
I think I just 'clicked' with how to play this game last night :)

Been sneaking around, using the night vision power and isolating guards one at a time, blinking up behind them and knocking them unconscious, then hiding their bodies.

Completed the first mission with 15 kills, and 24 unconscious - most of the kills were at the beginning, before I'd really got the hang of the stealth.

Gonna carry on like this and work on getting stealthier powers, and killing as few people as possible.

Next playthorough however, is gonna be the murder-rampage of the century! Oh yes. Ramp up the difficulty a bit and have lots of hacky-slashy stabby shooty fun with guards... until they're all a pile of dismembered corpses :)
Sounds about right to me drunkenmaster.

For holding my attention and being a joy to play Black Mesa gripped me so much more.

Maybe I am in a minority and I am not intelligent, creative or patient enough to enjoy the stealth tactics to the max. On the other hand maybe it is a clunky, consolitus affected game, that falls way short of being a classic.
G.O.T.Y.? I'll eat my hat.

Don't agree at all. GOTY no question. There's nothing clunky about it - the controls are a joy on PC.
All criticism is fine, but I don't understand how you can say it is 'clunky' ...I am not just saying this, it is one of the least clunky games I have ever played!
All criticism is fine, but I don't understand how you can say it is 'clunky' ...I am not just saying this, it is one of the least clunky games I have ever played!

Just what I was saying. The controls harken back to the days of Quake/quake II - precise and immediate. There is also a great skill gradient, whereby the better you are the more powers, things you can do all at once.

There are plenty of videos on youtube of people killing 5-6 guards in less than 5 seconds, using multiple powers, catching grenades in mid air and throwing them back etc etc ... The possibilities are endless really. So much replayability.
The controls are fine once remapped, default bindings are awful.

However, I do think the controls would be much easier with a 360 controller.......

I agree mostly with DM, although have found the game to get better as I went along.

Overall I preferred bioshock in pretty much every way.

I too have found the game to be rather easy (only playing on normal though), I could have easily sneaked past everyone without killing/knocking them out and I haven't "abused" the save system, only died like 3 times and it was from me falling of the ledge :p :o
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