I had written a lot more but it got lost and I aint typing it all again on a mobile phone

Essentially, however, I will say this - Their statements have some correct facts however are written in a way that is a little disingenuous and/or unbalanced and fail to look at the other side of the argument. For example:
They mention that pigs undergo tooth clipping and tail docking in pigs, but fail to state why they do this. Its poor journalism to state something is done and then not go on to explain the reasons why (tails for hygiene reasons and teeth to prevent injury via pigs biting each other).
Another example is where they they state that cows are kept indoors "for at least part of the year" and written in a manner as if this is animal abuse. They fail to mention that this happens in the UK in WINTER. Being housed in the winter and having free access to food as well as raised cubicles with straw to lay in is far better than standing outside freezing and wet.
Most importantly - A lot of the reference links are either not working or are circa 8-10+ years old (1 is even 20 years old). The main site is "copyright 2020", they could at least keep them upto date especially when they explicitly state "
Through Land of Hope and Glory we aim to show the truth behind UK land animal farming by featuring the most up to date investigations". So the doesn't help their argument... Unless their most upto dat investigations are really this old... This doesnt help their cause.
Given that legislation and practices may have changed in the intervening period, they could now be contrary to their claims. Also, due to this, people are unable to view the sources of some of their claims and so they cannot be either properly peer reviewed nor challenged as wrong/accepted as correct
Not sure what you are looking for here - Its video snapshots of people not following correct protocols and ranging from 5-12 years old pulled together to try and shock the viewer. Its certainly not there to "educate" the viewer however you want to argue it.
Are there unscrupulous farming/slaughter operations out there? Of course there is and I have never denied it. The difference is I can accept there are bad operations however you refuse to accept that ANY animal farming operation can be a good one as your opinion is they are ALL exploiting animals.
NOW - the bit you've been waiting on, nay, salivating over... Having read the site and the video you have posted, will I change my view? Nope... I am still fine with eating meat and will continue to do so. My opinion has not changed but thanks for playing