Distasteful vegan TV ad

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I think it's important that live stock is reared with a good quality of life. Just because their entire purpose of existence is ultimately for our sustenance I don't believe that is a valid excuse to not treat a living breathing creature with respect.

I have my own standards/morals which I adhere to. I eat a lot of chicken and eggs but I would never buy a chicken or eggs from a chicken if they aren't free range - though a lot of our eggs actually come from the nearby allotment as it's cheaper than the supermarket for 24 eggs. Though I don't eat offal I also wouldn't eat something like Foie Gras as I don't agree with the practice of force feeding something. I don't eat crabs/lobsters because I don't like the idea of boiling something alive.

Obviously the animal doesn't want to die. It's going to have self preservation like all living creatures. They are going to die so I'd like their slaughter to be as humane as possible and as instantaneous as possible. Yes, the animal wont care how much of it's carcass is consumed after the fact but I believe out of respect to the animal, it should be minimum waste.

My exact take too. Although I also eat very little red meat and I'm actively trying to cut it out completely.
My vegetarian other half swears blind she wouldn’t eat meat even if she was starving. I think she, like pretty much everyone else in the world, push comes to shove, would kill something to eat it, or at least eat the meat if offered. I’ve only got to be a little hungry and I start looking at animals differently. Every time I’ve visited an aquarium I have fish and chips on the way home.
I eat meat. I often don’t buy it though when I think of the animal in question being alive. I don’t buy pork anymore. I like pigs too much. I would buy some from a farm. It’s the conditions in which they’re reared which really puts me off.

I eat beef, at least they get to spend time outdoors and there’s lots of meat to be had on a cow. I’m okay with chicken, so long as it’s not real cheap factory stuff. Lamb I will, but only occasionally.

I’ve never killed a mammal bigger than a mouse. I’ve despatched a few injured birds and I’m not that squeamish about that. Killed and eaten a few fish. Again, I’m okay with gutting them etc.

I think it would be better for everyone if people paid more attention to where meat comes from. People say they’re aware, but then eat KFC, so are either ignorant, sadistic, or really don't give a ****.
Nothing wrong with KFC, they’ve improved welfare a lot in the UK
My vegetarian other half swears blind she wouldn’t eat meat even if she was starving. I think she, like pretty much everyone else in the world, push comes to shove, would kill something to eat it, or at least eat the meat if offered. I’ve only got to be a little hungry and I start looking at animals differently. Every time I’ve visited an aquarium I have fish and chips on the way home.
I think that although your experience is far more natural, it's fair to say that's definitely considered a bit weird by today's standards (which, in reality, are actually the weird bit). I also find the "not even if I'm starving" statement absolutely laughable. Very few people in developed countries have any idea of the desperate acts actual starvation will drive you to.
My vegetarian other half swears blind she wouldn’t eat meat even if she was starving. I think she, like pretty much everyone else in the world, push comes to shove, would kill something to eat it, or at least eat the meat if offered. I’ve only got to be a little hungry and I start looking at animals differently. Every time I’ve visited an aquarium I have fish and chips on the way home.
lets be honest.......... if you were in a plane crash and there was zero food and you had to wait a month for rescue..... push comes to shove you would probably eat the dead passengers if it would keep you alive........

If i am wrong however, then no offence meant................................. it just means more for me ;)
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lets be honest.......... if you were in a plane crash and there was zero food and you had to wait a month for rescue..... push comes to shove you would probably eat the dead passengers if it would keep you alive........

If i am wrong however, then no offence meant................................. it just means more for me ;)
A month? I'd be contemplating it after 45 minutes.

There was a film based on something like that happening. Can't remember what it was called though. I just remember them carving buttocks off frozen bodies.
I’ve killed loads of fish before. Somehow that’s less bothersome.
I never have, but I’d certainly shoot to kill. Rabbits, pheasants, deer etc.

Maybe it’s more the method of killing that’s more bothersome for many, rather than the actual killing.
That’s because you don’t see emotion when killing fish.
That’s because you don’t see emotion when killing fish.
hmmmm i dunno, when you really think about it, what is worse, a deadly shot to a rabbit, or a bird..................... or being pulled out of water and left to essentially slowly suffocate. its not even over quickly like when a mammal has no air. it is pretty grim seeing a fish flopping about.

i dont fish any more (am thinking of getting back into it with my lad but that for another thread) but even when i did, if it was to eat i always knocked em on the head / broke their "neck" to at least cut short their suffering.

(i still have the photo of my 38lb 4oz cod cought off the coast of Poole back in 1992ish )
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TV on in the background (C4) as you do and an ad for 'viva vegan' came on. In the advert a couple order a delivery of pulled pork from "just meat", only to get a delivery driver deliver a live pig with a "free meat cleaver".

Actually made me furious taking over my TV with their vegan propaganda cobblers. I have no problem with them advertising the "advantages of veganism" but unsolicited insulting of those who eat meat on prime TV made me red with rage. My complaint is on the way to the ASA!

Ad is on YouTube but won't post it to give them the credits

Don't see the problem with this. People should absolutely know what goes on in making thier food.
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