Distasteful vegan TV ad

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I don't think most would. If you had to literally kill a pig.. It would be grotesque for most people
you have to remember you would not just be given a knife and a pig............... its something you would be trained to do to do it as quickly as possible.
and during that time you would be hardened off to it.

i dont buy the idea that if you cant kill an animal you should not eat it anyway. I get the logic and even have thought that way myself as well...................

but there are plenty of jobs i either mentally couldnt, or at least i wouldnt want to do......... but i would have no hesitation of using the services if i had to.

(Paediatrician for one................ I did strongly consider a career change a few years ago to go into nursing , then i briefly dated a sister from addenbrookes hospital and decided it was not for me)
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i think so....... and correct me if i am wrong..... it was a true story wasnt it?

Yep, that's the one. The 1993 film. Can't say I wouldn't have done the same in their shoes. At first I thought @jigger was asking if I'd be eating the other passengers whilst they were still alive. :cry:

Doesn't make it fair though. Even less so for male chicks in hatcheries who get 24 hours. Would we be grateful if we were only given a couple of years? Reminds me of the film 'Never Let Me go'.

Life isn't fair and life is especially unfair when you're entire reason for existence is for another species sustenance. You say it's not fair they only life for X amount of time and my rebuttal is they're only alive for X amount of time due to our requirement for them. If we didn't need them then they wouldn't have even existed for a second let alone a few hours or weeks.
you have to remember you would not just be given a knife and a pig............... its something you would be trained to do to do it as quickly as possible.
and during that time you would be hardened off to it.

i dont buy the idea that if you cant kill an animal you should not eat it anyway. I get the logic and even have thought that way myself as well...................

but there are plenty of jobs i either mentally couldnt, or at least i wouldnt want to do......... but i would have no hesitation of using the services if i had to.

(Paediatrician for one................ I did strongly consider a career change a few years ago to go into nursing , then i briefly dated a sister from addenbrookes hospital and decided it was not for me)

There are indeed a lot of aspects around this.
I actually don't have any issue eating meat for an animal that's lived a natural life and has beg humanly killed. Let's take a shot wild bird with a clean kill.

What I don't like it's the factory conditions, the slaughter house etc etc.

This is inescapable with our meat demands.

Could I pull the trigger on a clean kill? Yes.
Could I raise an animal in a farm, take it to slaughter? Eat it? No.
Footage from a slaughterhouse in Vietnam using sledgehammers on cows still haunts me, along with many other things I wish I hadn't seen.

Its the stuff. In China.. Octopus being eaten alive.. **** like that. I'll never unsee it. I'm half glad I've seen it to know how truly disgusting humans can be.. But other half wants to live in ignorance.

Drove truly sick people out there.
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If we didn't need them then they wouldn't have even existed for a second let alone a few hours or weeks.
I hate this argument, approximately 90% of chickens come from factory farms in the UK.

The conditions and treatment of these animals is disgusting, it's sad they will only know suffering for their brief time on earth.

(Edit 90% not 95%)
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Its the stuff. In China.. Octopus being eaten alive.. **** like that. I'll never unsee it. I'm half glad I've seen it to know how truly disgusting humans can be.. But other half wants to live in ignorance.

Drove truly sick people out there.
i havent, and nor do i want to see those kinds of videos.
i did see one about shark fin soup however............ so much suffering and not only that but such a waste as well with 99% of the animal discarded (alive)
Its the stuff. In China.. Octopus being eaten alive.. **** like that. I'll never unsee it. I'm half glad I've seen it to know how truly disgusting humans can be.. But other half wants to live in ignorance.

Drove truly sick people out there.
And frying fish while keeping them alive, and customers start eating before they die. Korea buried around a million pigs alive when they had foot and mouth years back, that wasn't pleasant to see. List goes on and on sadly.
I hate this argument, approximately 95% of chickens come from factory farms in the UK.

The conditions and treatment of these animals is disgusting, it's sad they will only know suffering for their brief time on earth.

Which is why it's important people see where there meat comes from. I don't buy chicken or eggs unless it's free range. If more people saw the disgusting conditions battery hens were kept in, I bet more would opt for free range.

As an individual all I can do is alter my purchasing.
Which is why it's important people see where there meat comes from. I don't buy chicken or eggs unless it's free range. If more people saw the disgusting conditions battery hens were kept in, I bet more would opt for free range.

As an individual all I can do is alter my purchasing.

If my girls aren't laying I go without eggs. I don't eat chicken at all.
I was genuinely shocked at the price of eggs the other week when it was on news with shortages!

Even free range organic eggs have the males macerated or gassed at 1 day old
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Free range eggs only for me too. More people would eat free range chicken if there wasn’t such a premium on it.

In Sainsburys a £5 large chicken will cost £15 free range. Unaffordable for a huge amount of people.
If my girls aren't laying I go without eggs. I don't eat chicken at all.
I was genuinely shocked at the price of eggs the other week when it was on news with shortages!

Even free range organic eggs have the males macerated or gassed at 1 day old

Yeah they're not cheap. We have an allotment around the corner with quite a few hens on so there's always cheap eggs going. £3 gets us 24 delicious eggs of various sizes.
Yeah they're not cheap. We have an allotment around the corner with quite a few hens on so there's always cheap eggs going. £3 gets us 24 delicious eggs of various sizes.

I think organic was some crazy 2 pounds something for 6!

I get 1 or 2 eggs a day from my 2 hens.
Well I eat meat, but would you eat it if you had to kill it yourself?

Without hesitation. My grandparents kept pigs. Had a couple "family days" a year when the whole family came together to slaughter an animal and process pretty much every single bit. Even bones would be shredded and added to pigs feed. I was a bit too young to be involved in actual act but would have been there to see how it's done (either electric collar or pressure pistol back in 80s early 90s). Start around 6am and wouldn't finish till 9-10pm. They also kept 30-40 chickens, I used to spent most of summer holidays there and each year and grandma would regularly let me slaughter a chicken. Apparently as a toddler I once killed 10 chickens in about 30min when "playing" with them. My dad was not happy when he came home from work and my older siblings got propper bollocking. :D
Without hesitation. My grandparents kept pigs. Had a couple "family days" a year when the whole family came together to slaughter an animal and process pretty much every single bit. Even bones would be shredded and added to pigs feed. I was a bit too young to be involved in actual act but would have been there to see how it's done (either electric collar or pressure pistol back in 80s early 90s). Start around 6am and wouldn't finish till 9-10pm. They also kept 30-40 chickens, I used to spent most of summer holidays there and each year and grandma would regularly let me slaughter a chicken. Apparently as a toddler I once killed 10 chickens in about 30min when "playing" with them. My dad was not happy when he came home from work and my older siblings got propper bollocking. :D

I grew up in a similar environment. I mean the pig slaughter was never done on farm unless it was an emergency.

But I couldn't do it. I especially couldn't do it to the hens. I had to get my grandad to do it if one was sick. Never got involved in the farm.

If you live on a farm you either go one of two ways.. Full on love the meat, get involved etc... Or you see the horrors first hand and the scenes behind the meat in the supermarket and it puts you off.
Which is why it's important people see where there meat comes from. I don't buy chicken or eggs unless it's free range. If more people saw the disgusting conditions battery hens were kept in, I bet more would opt for free range.

As an individual all I can do is alter my purchasing.
Free range isn't much better, most birds will still never see daylight and are still packed in - up to 13 birds per square metre.
Without hesitation. My grandparents kept pigs. Had a couple "family days" a year when the whole family came together to slaughter an animal and process pretty much every single bit. Even bones would be shredded and added to pigs feed. I was a bit too young to be involved in actual act but would have been there to see how it's done (either electric collar or pressure pistol back in 80s early 90s). Start around 6am and wouldn't finish till 9-10pm. They also kept 30-40 chickens, I used to spent most of summer holidays there and each year and grandma would regularly let me slaughter a chicken. Apparently as a toddler I once killed 10 chickens in about 30min when "playing" with them. My dad was not happy when he came home from work and my older siblings got propper bollocking. :D
You see, that’s what I mean about the method of killing. I’m confident I could do it with something quick and clean like a pistol or collar, but I couldn’t face anything more brutal like throat cutting, which is how it’s done in abbatoirs
Free range isn't much better, most birds will still never see daylight and are still packed in - up to 13 birds per square metre.

My options are buy free range or support battery hens.

Even if the free range isn't perfect, that's the route I'm going. Not eating meat isn't an option.
last year i tried to rescue a young rabbit which had been run over in our car park..... i took it outside and let it go and it just span round on the spot and could not lift its head. I broke its neck. i got huge stink eye and a couple of comments of how cruel it was............................ to which i said no gorping at it and letting it die slow was the cruel option.

and i think that is how you have to look at animal husbandry. you dont have to like killing the animals, but just accept it needs to be done and do it in an humane a way as enconomically possible.

*note i work on a science site which used to have an animal house so i guess i am some what hardend to that side of things.

that said i wont lie, sometimes when analysing human fetal brain tissue or various age stages cancer tissue it sometimes gives me pause.......... and i decide best not to think about it... (which is easy as its all on computer and someone else has done the wet lab side of things()
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