Distasteful vegan TV ad

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Unfortunately animals die when they turn into meat.

Not strictly true, they're meat when they're still alive as well, it's just easier to eat them when they aren't actively running away :p

While I've never butchered a sheep or cow, I frequently helped on my uncle's farm during the school holidays when I was younger, where he did have lambs and cattle bred for meat. I've also caught, killed, prepared and eaten fish many times and also shot* rabbit and woodpigeon and helped prepare & cook those.

I absolutely agree that it's hypocritical to be happy to eat meat, but not be willing to kill and prepare an animal for that meat if necessary.

I think the animal is probably more insulted that we slit it's throat :p

It's dead, I doubt it's insulted about anything to be honest ;) (also, I'm pretty sure animals don't understand the concept of "insult" [except cats, the wily little sods...])

* I was about 8 at the time, so my dad did the actual shooting part.
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I’ve killed loads of fish before. Somehow that’s less bothersome.
I never have, but I’d certainly shoot to kill. Rabbits, pheasants, deer etc.

Maybe it’s more the method of killing that’s more bothersome for many, rather than the actual killing.
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The real test should be: locked into a room with a pig, you both have guns, a briefcase full of unmarked $100 bills totaling $750k, 1 kg of the finest columbian cocaine...2 plane tickets to Rio.

Thing is if you beat the pig, you have to deal with the rhino afterwards...
It's mostly cognitive dissonance.

I'm guilty of the meat one but I'm also at ease with my position which is that I am both an animal lover but I consume meat. I know to vegans the two of those statements are at odds with one another "how can you kill something you love" etc but it doesn't concern me. Rear and slaughter the animal with respect and dignity and waste as little as possible (bit rich coming from someone who refuses to eat offal)
I'm guilty of the meat one but I'm also at ease with my position which is that I am both an animal lover but I consume meat. I know to vegans the two of those statements are at odds with one another "how can you kill something you love" etc but it doesn't concern me. Rear and slaughter the animal with respect and dignity and waste as little as possible (bit rich coming from someone who refuses to eat offal)
I don't think you should worry about the respect and dignity part as it's not respectful to kill something that doesn't want to die, and I don't think the animal cares if any part of it is wasted once it's dead!
There's no escaping the fact that it's inherently immoral to rear animals at such scales purely for sustenance where a good portion of it ends up as waste because the people buying it don't respect where it's come from.

I think that every advert that involves meat should include either pictures or video of said animals being slaughtered and not because of veganism but because people live too sheltered from the consequences of their choices. I'd also ban any content showing needless waste for the sake of 'views'.

Ah but waste food is whole other argument. We waste far to much of everything. Should we also show pictures of rotting veg and so on?
I don't think you should worry about the respect and dignity part as it's not respectful to kill something that doesn't want to die, and I don't think the animal cares if any part of it is wasted once it's dead!

I think it's important that live stock is reared with a good quality of life. Just because their entire purpose of existence is ultimately for our sustenance I don't believe that is a valid excuse to not treat a living breathing creature with respect.

I have my own standards/morals which I adhere to. I eat a lot of chicken and eggs but I would never buy a chicken or eggs from a chicken if they aren't free range - though a lot of our eggs actually come from the nearby allotment as it's cheaper than the supermarket for 24 eggs. Though I don't eat offal I also wouldn't eat something like Foie Gras as I don't agree with the practice of force feeding something. I don't eat crabs/lobsters because I don't like the idea of boiling something alive.

Obviously the animal doesn't want to die. It's going to have self preservation like all living creatures. They are going to die so I'd like their slaughter to be as humane as possible and as instantaneous as possible. Yes, the animal wont care how much of it's carcass is consumed after the fact but I believe out of respect to the animal, it should be minimum waste.
Are those people not civilised then?
Of course they are, but they’re trained for the job and are desensitised to it. Many have grown up in that environment. To start expecting everyone to kill their own food is not feasible, not economically viable and to insist on desensitising millions to it, including impressionable children would, I feel, lead to a sharp backward step in society and a sharp increase in violence between humans.
Of course they are, but they’re trained for the job and are desensitised to it. Many have grown up in that environment. To start expecting everyone to kill their own food is not feasible, not economically viable and to insist on desensitising millions to it, including impressionable children would, I feel, lead to a sharp backward step in society and a sharp increase in violence between humans.
Societies that have to survive on food they catch, do not distance anyone from the methods of either catching or slaughtering their next meal. We on the otherhand are so civilised to not need everyone to do this so have become distanced from it. Plus with the amount of food that is required to sustain our population, rapid processing is the order of the day.
I think it's important that live stock is reared with a good quality of life. Just because their entire purpose of existence is ultimately for our sustenance I don't believe that is a valid excuse to not treat a living breathing creature with respect.

I have my own standards/morals which I adhere to. I eat a lot of chicken and eggs but I would never buy a chicken or eggs from a chicken if they aren't free range - though a lot of our eggs actually come from the nearby allotment as it's cheaper than the supermarket for 24 eggs. Though I don't eat offal I also wouldn't eat something like Foie Gras as I don't agree with the practice of force feeding something. I don't eat crabs/lobsters because I don't like the idea of boiling something alive.

Obviously the animal doesn't want to die. It's going to have self preservation like all living creatures. They are going to die so I'd like their slaughter to be as humane as possible and as instantaneous as possible. Yes, the animal wont care how much of it's carcass is consumed after the fact but I believe out of respect to the animal, it should be minimum waste.

I would understand if you say that you like to give your animals a good standard of life before they are slaughtered, but in my book, this does not constitute respect for them.
I would understand if you say that you like to give your animals a good standard of life before they are slaughtered, but in my book, this does not constitute respect for them.

That's OK. That's why I described it as my own standards/morals. I'm not expecting anyone to abide by what I think is right and wrong, it's just my opinion.
I eat meat. I often don’t buy it though when I think of the animal in question being alive. I don’t buy pork anymore. I like pigs too much. I would buy some from a farm. It’s the conditions in which they’re reared which really puts me off.

I eat beef, at least they get to spend time outdoors and there’s lots of meat to be had on a cow. I’m okay with chicken, so long as it’s not real cheap factory stuff. Lamb I will, but only occasionally.

I’ve never killed a mammal bigger than a mouse. I’ve despatched a few injured birds and I’m not that squeamish about that. Killed and eaten a few fish. Again, I’m okay with gutting them etc.

I think it would be better for everyone if people paid more attention to where meat comes from. People say they’re aware, but then eat KFC, so are either ignorant, sadistic, or really don't give a ****.
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