Unfortunately animals die when they turn into meat.
Not strictly true, they're meat when they're still alive as well, it's just easier to eat them when they aren't actively running away
While I've never butchered a sheep or cow, I frequently helped on my uncle's farm during the school holidays when I was younger, where he did have lambs and cattle bred for meat. I've also caught, killed, prepared and eaten fish many times and also shot* rabbit and woodpigeon and helped prepare & cook those.
I absolutely agree that it's hypocritical to be happy to eat meat, but not be willing to kill and prepare an animal for that meat if necessary.
I think the animal is probably more insulted that we slit it's throat
It's dead, I doubt it's insulted about anything to be honest (also, I'm pretty sure animals don't understand the concept of "insult" [except cats, the wily little sods...])
* I was about 8 at the time, so my dad did the actual shooting part.
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