Divinity Original Sin

I was hoping they might add some kind of quest markers for some quets, but apparently that is not going to happen. Shame.

Making some real progress now.
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Just loaded up Divinity Original sin and I have triangles and texture corruption really badly! Gpu is at 54C and stock clocked during this heatwave.

Damn, might try original drivers
Not got very far, but rogues seem to be the most useless class, ever.

They hit repeatedly, and 90% of the damage is absorbed. My girl is hitting for 3, 4, 3 (10-15 damage absorbed) against same level enemies. With a same level dagger.

I only made her a rogue for lockpicking, and she can't even do that, because there are no lockpicks in the entire realm, that I've found :p

Roges = useless.
Not got very far, but rogues seem to be the most useless class, ever.

They hit repeatedly, and 90% of the damage is absorbed. My girl is hitting for 3, 4, 3 (10-15 damage absorbed) against same level enemies. With a same level dagger.

I only made her a rogue for lockpicking, and she can't even do that, because there are no lockpicks in the entire realm, that I've found :p

Roges = useless.

What enemies? Some (like skeleton guys) are weak to crushing damage, so her daggers may be pointless (pun intended).
I spent the first few fights wondering why my ranger was doing so little damage against skeletons for the same reason. Not exactly going to puncture a lung with that arrow :)
I spent the first few fights wondering why my ranger was doing so little damage against skeletons for the same reason. Not exactly going to puncture a lung with that arrow :)

That makes sense, although it's not actually spelled out in the game.

My only source of damage was bow (druid type) and dagger (rogue), and I was having a super hard job dealing with anything.

The druid only has a poison offence (poison dart + poison spider), which the undeads are immune too, plus his bow, plus the rogues dagger.

No wonder the undeads were bending me over and skipping the foreplay.

Not sure now if I should start over with a more undead specific loadout.
Meh, I give up with this game.

Party has been stuck on level 3 for ages, and has 4 people.

The lowest level area I can go to next has level 4 mobs in groups of 7. I get torn to shreds every time.

Basically the fights all go like this: enemies engage, there are 3 archers, 3 melee and a priest. Their first turn there 3 archers freeze two of my guys and set 1 on fire. I now have 2 guys against 7. They proceed to slaughter us.

I've reloaded and tried everything to get past, but this is how the fight always goes.

Basically it boils down to game balance. Why the hell does the game pit 7 level 4s against 4 level 3s? And why is this the easiest area available to me as a level 3 party? Makes no friggin sense.
Meh, I give up with this game.

Party has been stuck on level 3 for ages, and has 4 people.

The lowest level area I can go to next has level 4 mobs in groups of 7. I get torn to shreds every time.

Basically the fights all go like this: enemies engage, there are 3 archers, 3 melee and a priest. Their first turn there 3 archers freeze two of my guys and set 1 on fire. I now have 2 guys against 7. They proceed to slaughter us.

I've reloaded and tried everything to get past, but this is how the fight always goes.

Basically it boils down to game balance. Why the hell does the game pit 7 level 4s against 4 level 3s? And why is this the easiest area available to me as a level 3 party? Makes no friggin sense.
I had something similar last night, is that northwest of Cyseal where u go up a hill :confused: (the archers seem to be elevated on higher terrain and have free shots on you) I think my group is only level3 or 4 at the moment, I just thought I went the wrong way
Not got very far, but rogues seem to be the most useless class, ever.

They hit repeatedly, and 90% of the damage is absorbed. My girl is hitting for 3, 4, 3 (10-15 damage absorbed) against same level enemies. With a same level dagger.

I only made her a rogue for lockpicking, and she can't even do that, because there are no lockpicks in the entire realm, that I've found :p

Roges = useless.

While rogues are indeed a bit underpowered they're not useless. They do little damage if you use them against high armoured enemies with piercing resistance (such as melee skeletons). I use my rogue to sneak behind the front line and take out the mages/rangers. Or I use the powerful stun for one of the armoured guys, use invisibility and then take out the mages/rangers. These have much lower armour values which allows you to take them down quite fast. Furthermore, even armoured targets can be hurt by rogues when they are flanked (some of the armour is ignored when the target is flanked by your others guys). My rogue does most of the party's damage in the fights where it's difficult to use AOE attacks.

The undead area. I've run out of leads in the murder case (no spoilers, please), and was told to find a hut in the undead area.

You have several options for that fight:

1. Sneak an invisible rogue behind the targets and kill them while the rest of your party takes care of melee targets. Some of the archers will probably fight back so this is viable if you have a decent armour rating on the rogue.

2. If you are not using a rogue then you should be using at least two ranged guys. When the fight starts, fall back and kite the melee skeletons, while your ranged guys use 1 CC/AOE skill per turn (the rest of the AP should be used to retreat each turn).

3. Finally, explore more, do more quests, earn experience and it should be somewhat easier to handle that group at lvl 5+.

Do you know the storage that protects goodies near the town entrance? Lvl 6 with a bunch of lvl 4s protecting it, I've killed them at level 3 (hardest difficulty)? You just have to plan ahead, make every AP count and use the skills at your disposal properly.
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Not got very far, but rogues seem to be the most useless class, ever.

They hit repeatedly, and 90% of the damage is absorbed. My girl is hitting for 3, 4, 3 (10-15 damage absorbed) against same level enemies. With a same level dagger.

I only made her a rogue for lockpicking, and she can't even do that, because there are no lockpicks in the entire realm, that I've found :p

Roges = useless.

u need to make sure u get behide ur target and a lot of times the cursor will change to a backstab icon and ur do loads of dmg
Getting on quite well now and making good progress, but there are lots of niggles that get in the way for me. Still finding a fair bit of the combat quite tedious as well.

Off the top of my head:
enemy animations. I mean the way they sway whilst standing there. Can cause you to miss and move by accident.
Needs map-markers where appropriate. Who just tells you to go north ffs?....'can you go and clear out that cave for me?'...'sure where is it?'...'east of here, but I'm not going to tell where for some reason, just go around aimlessly and you might stumble across it'.
I think it is too easy to get status ailments imo. Especially when just moving through an area and the AI steps through something they should easily avoid. It can get annoying.
Someone mentioned earlier that you need to use different weapons for different enemies. You should be able to carry two at the same time and easily switch between them.
An easier way to regroup would be handy, and sometimes when you have touch spells, you have to unlink everyone so that you can get close enough to use it!

BTW, is there some kind of way to rest or something? Getting boring going through healing whenever a fight ends, waiting for the cooldown.
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Ugh, I just realised I've totally messed up my characters.

I kept spending the single trait point you get at level up, thinking that the level 2 skills would unlock at a certain level. The game doesn't tell you that you have to save 2 trait points to unlock level 2 skills, and 3 trait points to unlock level 3 skills.

So all my chars have a bunch of level 1 skills that they mostly don't use.

Fabulous :p

Oh well, time to start over, without the cursed Rogue of uselessness :p
Ugh, I just realised I've totally messed up my characters.

Oh well, time to start over, without the cursed Rogue of uselessness :p

The mages seem quite good at the lower levels, I have a mage and witch and summon a fire elemental and spider to take agro then nuke from range also they seem pretty good for crowd control.

From what I've read the Ranger starts off kinda slow but gets good in the higher levels.
I'm at level 7 now. A ranger and a kind of Battlemage I suppose. Got some pretty good gear recently. My armour especially seems very strong.

I put a point or two in constitution for each of them, so they both have plenty of HP. Also, I find it much easier, and less tedious if I just make everyone have some kind of healing spell.
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