Divinity Original Sin

Do other quests and level up?

That's what I did and I'm no expert.

I'm not sure why people are moaning about the difficulty, it would be pretty tedious if you could just steamroll through the game (like every other title out there)!
I just don't get this game. I was doing OK for a long time until that point. Now I'm screwed, and incapable of going any further.


You've done every last quest and explorered every area?

Come on man, stop exaggerating and go exploring!

It'll be more satisfying when you come back and beat it.
Baccus is a hard battle. I think I saved a few times during the battle. Freezing works well I think and use lots of buffs like fortify and haste on my tank. If you take Jahan his elemental and teleportation spells work wonders. Elementals don't last long but they will take up at least one of his moves. Make sure you put the elemental well away from your people.

He was the second to last area I went to on that map, so my party was about level 9 I think.
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I can't remember what level I was at the Baccus fight, but I already had a better axe than the one he drops (rng loot...). Died the first time due to the spawns then killed him on the next try. Nuked the adds down first and then focused on him. Knight (haste & fortify) and an earth elemental on him and two casters spread out. I also remember there being a poison barrel by one of the adds so destroyed that before starting the fight which effectively took out the add when it walked forwards to get in range.

I've found if things are the same level or higher then it'll be a reasonable to hard fight. If they are a few levels higher I tend to go elsewhere.
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it would be pretty tedious if you could just steamroll through the game (like every other title out there)!

Now who's exaggerating? :p

Yes I've done all the Act 1 quests and explored the map 100%. Party is level 8 ish.

Not sure if I'm just unlucky but the entire party is being wiped out by the boss's opening gambit.

That's not difficulty, that's just mean. So yes, I'm stuck, and short of putting the difficulty down there's nothing else to do.

Think I'll take a break and play some of my other games until they patch this game some more.
Hold fire squire - have you been north to the second map yet? If not, do so, or atleast that's what I did!

I took on the church dwellers at level 10 - it was still tricky, but good crack!

*I meant every other as in 50/50 *cough* :D
Oh dear oh dear, what's with all the sad b****** nude and 'sexy' mods. Its a computer game... why on earth try and make it erotic?

Not aimed at you - aimed at the sad individuals that make this nonsense.

Yeah that's pretty inexplicable.

Given the amount of bare flesh you can find all over the internet, modding a nudity into a video game seems like a total waste of effort :p
I followed a guide on steam for my first 2 chars. It's built around lonewolf, leach and zombie which gives insane almost free healing and extra strong chars but your party is limited to just 2.


The man-at-arms char ends up doing a large amounts of damage and is my main damage source at lvl 7 now. I've fitted her with 2 hander weapons and buff her with Oath of Desecration for 50% damage increase and defence upgrades like Fortify and Absorb all Elements. Think I've only died in 2 fights so far doing this when I was just rushing in to everything. Scoundril also lets you steal everything and earn good money in the beginning.

The caster char is a buffer, summoner and controller and stays tucked away from the main fight. With zombie poison heals each char so if things get a bit dodgy just blow up poison barrels or cast poison arrow.

The ability Bloodletting is a 100% heal when cast on the other char due to Leach, also just walking over poison or blood heals as well.

I think I'll try a more traditional build next time with all 4 chars.
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Just got this, really enjoying so far, doesn't have the feel I get from say BG II but still very enjoyable.
Just got this, really enjoying so far, doesn't have the feel I get from say BG II but still very enjoyable.

I still need to play BGII, I barely remember BG from my childhood so I really think I'm missing out!

/lack of time
Looking for the cabin in the second area. I go up to an NPC and ask him where it is. He replies "it's over there"...There are no animations ffs!:rolleyes:

I got fed up in the end with the companion personalities and just set it to no personality. It would be a decent feature if it didn't force you to do things.

EDIT- Jesus Christ!...Steam says I have been playing for 34 hours:eek:...time just flew by!(don't know how reliable it is tbh)
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I'm only 4 hrs in and love this so far. It reminds me of BG and Icewind Dale combat but with a bunch of nice additions. I like how the freezing/burning mechanics work with big fire chain reactions going off and ppl slipping over in the ice :) I'm not really sure what i'm doing at this early stage tbh - have two warriors and two casters but the skeletons seem to be dropping readily enough. Superb stuff!
Apparently I don't have all the stones and the game won't let me go any further unless I collect atleast 13, but it doesn't give any indication as to where they all are.

Thus I'm now bored :(
Oh dear oh dear, what's with all the sad b****** nude and 'sexy' mods. Its a computer game... why on earth try and make it erotic?

Not aimed at you - aimed at the sad individuals that make this nonsense.

Deadly Sorceress Vixen - The Return Of The Underboob

For the Braccus fight, split your party up. I sent in 1 fighter and hid my mages behind the wall on the right. Oh and make it rain. He's susceptible to knockdowns.
I had a break from this game for a few nights, came back to it and am starting to enjoy it :) seems ok once it picks up.

I have enough loot to kit out most of the town :D
only level8 atm, got to under the old church part.

I've not crafted a thing yet
Well I've somehow managed 32 hours and I can't say I'm annoyed or bored - lots to do and really enjoying this game (and the combat).

Considering my average play time for a new game is 1-2 hours... this is excellent!
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