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6 Feb 2019
What did LTMatt do? I miss his ridiculously high overclocking scores that he pretended wasn't achieved with exotic means, bit like a pro bodybuilders do

I have to ask cause we probably cant find out if no one already knows, cause the mods delete posts that break forum rules so the rule breaking posts would have been deleted already

If I had to guess then I'd guess the ban was for the same reason most people lose their GPU forum access - trolling, fighting, throwing insults and going off topic. As someone who has lost access myself to one of the subforums here, I can tell you it's not on a time limit, the access withdrawal is permanent and you can no longer even see the forum or read it
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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
What did LTMatt do? I miss his ridiculously high overclocking scores that he pretended wasn't achieved with exotic means, bit like a pro bodybuilders do

I have to ask cause we probably cant find out if no one already knows, cause the mods delete posts that break forum rules so the rule breaking posts would have been deleted already

If I had to guess then I'd guess the ban was for the same reason most people lose their GPU forum access - trolling, fighting, throwing insults and going off topic. As someone who has lost access myself to one of the subforums here, I can tell you it's not on a time limit, the access withdrawal is permanent and you can no longer even see the forum or read it.

CPU section or politics? :cry:



3 Oct 2008
People on here tend to get a lot of warnings and slaps on the wrist, either nothing happens or a post gets removed at worst.

If one gets perma'd or access removed its not only one instance, its multiple times the poster has screwed up in one way or another.
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18 Oct 2002
If one gets perma'd or access removed its not only one instance, its multiple times the poster has screwed up in one way or another.
Yes but at the same time it's totally subjective, and to get a final warning for such a small throwaway remark was a tad OTT imo. I do appreciate that this sub-forum had its share of idiots in the past so they had to do something.

Just a shame it seems to have come at a cost of having the fraction of the gfx forum we used to, you only have to see the complete lack of posts during a gfx card launch this place used to be *thriving*! Like a morgue now in comparison :(

I mean it's gotten that bad even Gibbo rarely has a new launch post now, even for the 4070S which is forecast to be a BIG seller!! That was unheard of even a couple of years ago...

edit - My bad, release is tomorrow not today, am sure their will be a thread!
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4 Jun 2009
Yes but at the same time it's totally subjective, and to get a final warning for such a small throwaway remark was a tad OTT imo. I do appreciate that this sub-forum had its share of idiots in the past so they had to do something.

Just a shame it seems to have come at a cost of having the fraction of the gfx forum we used to, you only have to see the complete lack of posts during a gfx card launch this place used to be *thriving*! Like a morgue now in comparison :(

I mean it's gotten that bad even Gibbo rarely has a new launch post now, even for the 4070S which is forecast to be a BIG seller!! That was unheard of even a couple of years ago...

Say it's more because this gen has been complete and utter **** for both sides and no real competition.
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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
I remember exactly what he said, a sarcastic throw away comment to a complaint I had when I was still running my old 3080 when vram talk was literally all the rage.

Considering the stick going 3090 owners way and he bought a fair few of them, very harsh imo for a gfx sub perma.

So your saying you got him banned by mistake? :cry:



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Just a shame it seems to have come at a cost of having the fraction of the gfx forum we used to, you only have to see the complete lack of posts during a gfx card launch this place used to be *thriving*! Like a morgue now in comparison :(

It is a bit scary to have banter these days. What I consider fun banter and pulling a fellow forum members leg can get reported by the usual lot trying to get me banned for a laugh. I also get worried about using gifs and refrain most of the time.

I have a rough idea where the line is now, but it does make it less fun.

That said I don't blame the mods, can't be easy moderating when people lose the plot a little and they get loads of reports coming in.

You know who I miss on here? It's my money and will spend it the way I see fit Gregster!

Was fun pulling his leg also. Where you at @Gregster?

Oh and Kaapstad doesn't post here much anymore :(

These days I enjoy pulling @mrk 's leg. But I checked with him and he is cool with it and understands it is coming from a good place. I enjoy his posts. But as he does actual reviews online when he gets things what I condenser to be wrong I enjoy winding him up about it. Oh and because he is stubborn fella :cry:
30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
@TNA better go to Specsavers.:p

What I consider fun banter and pulling a fellow forum members leg can get reported by the usual lot trying to get me banned for a laugh.
It was exactly that, a bit of banter.

At the end of the day it's the gfx sub that loses out, Matt could answer problems most of us don't know was even a problem to begin with, even with Nv stuff
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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
@TNA better go to Specsavers.:p

It was exactly that, a bit of banter.

At the end of the day it's the gfx sub that loses out, Matt could answer problems most of us don't know was even a problem to begin with, even with Nv stuff

Here to quote you. You said it happened to a complaint you had.

I remember exactly what he said, a sarcastic throw away comment to a complaint I had when I was still running my old 3080 when vram talk was literally all the rage.

That means if you never made that post he would still be with us :p

Third leg more like I bet, heh

Lol :D
18 Oct 2002
That said I don't blame the mods, can't be easy moderating when people lose the plot a little and they get loads of reports coming in.
Yeah man have to agree, most of my issues with mods has come from having a few too many and ******* around a bit too much then I get an infraction :D Miss the days when we could have a bit of humour on here without fearing the ban hammer :(
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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Forum rules issues are trivial anyway as long as you're just bantsing etc, I think I had the most user notes out of any other member at one point going by what my informants told me in the past :p
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  • Haha
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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Forum rules issues are trivial anyway as long as you're just bantsing etc, I think I had the most user notes out of any other member at one point going by what my informants told me in the past :p

With an almost 6 figure post count I would not be surprised if you still don't :p;)

Surprised to hear that to be honest. Wonder what they were saying about you.

My notes are probably very short. I imagine it goes something like this:

Silly ****** that loses the plot now and then, but on the whole harmless :cry:

@Stanners Sound about right? :p
6 Oct 2007
North West
Yes but at the same time it's totally subjective, and to get a final warning for such a small throwaway remark was a tad OTT imo. I do appreciate that this sub-forum had its share of idiots in the past so they had to do something.

Just a shame it seems to have come at a cost of having the fraction of the gfx forum we used to, you only have to see the complete lack of posts during a gfx card launch this place used to be *thriving*! Like a morgue now in comparison :(

I mean it's gotten that bad even Gibbo rarely has a new launch post now, even for the 4070S which is forecast to be a BIG seller!! That was unheard of even a couple of years ago...

edit - My bad, release is tomorrow not today, am sure their will be a thread!

If we got gpu launches that were not £600 12gb jokes, I'm sure this place would liven up. As for the 4070s being a big seller, not at £600 with a measly 15% boost over the original. Gamers are fed up being price gouged for weak performance and specs. Nvidia and AMD kill all the hype with ridiculous poor price to performance.
19 Feb 2007
My sig was 1KB over the then limits, 1KB!

Yeah but imagine if all forum users went 1KB over the limit, OCUK would need to have an extra 200MB of storage on their servers, 200MB ! That's asking too much, You have to remember OCUK are a tiny indie company that survive on pennies... :D

All joking aside I stick to plain text, Much easier to stay within the limits.
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