From what i gather it looks as if amys life has basically been made as a trap for the doctor to fall into (which he does) by everyone in the universe to stop the universe exploding.
Im thinking that the version of amy that is with the doctor will die and turn out she is infact one of those roboty people like the romans. Her being created by one of the evil races in the universe can explain a lot of things such as why she doesnt remember a lot of earth events such as the dalek attack etc. The real amy will still be on earth most likely hidden from the dr and replaced with robot amy and will most likely be given back to the dr after he saves the universe.
Im thinking that somehow anyway a second doctor is around(second part of weeping angels episode) who has been watching, but i cant really think what his part will be in this, probilly the one who river will kill.
Anyway i cant wait to watch next weeks episode! is this a 3 parter? i seem to remember that being said somewhere. Will be intresting to see how the Dr will bring everything back to normal.
What does "Silence will fall" actually mean though. I assumed it was something to do with the universe ending, but in fact that makes no sense as that would be "silence will rise" or something of that nature.
In the last episode I started thinking maybe it means that with the Doctor in the Pandorica the evil empires now have free reign of the Universe, so the current silence will fall into chaos and death etc.
Quick question. When River was trapped in the Tardis, which was spinning wildly out of control, a voice boomed out saying "silence will fall" - what on earth was that about? Whose eerie voice was that? Very puzzled about that bit.
I actually thought that voice sounded A LOT like Davros.
I actually thought that voice sounded A LOT like Davros.
That was my impression as well.
Awesome episode IMO.
One thing I'm left wondering about though; what's causing the TARDIS to explode? River obviously knows how to pilot it, we've seen that before, yet it's crashing/exploding. So something/someone must be controlling it externally. I either missed the explanation, or just didn't pick up on it, anyone know? Or it could still yet to be explained.
Exactly. I half expected him to materialise onto the Tardis somehow. I just can't get that very bit.I actually thought that voice sounded A LOT like Davros.
I thought Silence will Fall referred to the Doctor's last words as he was forced into the Pandorica. He stated something along the likes of "whole universes will cease to exist", and then at the end of the eps we saw the camera zoom far out of earth and in the background you could see whole galaxies exploding... = silence will fall?
since the darleks are so uber powerful and the last bit of the plan was to grab the doctor and manually put him in the pandoricle why did they need help?