Doctor Who

Pretty epic episode, hopefully the end will be just as good! I did think throughout the episode that he was going to come out in some guise, it was only when river said it was a trap did I realise he was meant to be going in.

This series has been much darker than the last and in fact this episode itself was pretty dark and "scary". Long may the next series continue in the same vein. Less old enemies and bad cgi/puppety and more implied and brooding like this series.

Can't wait til next week.

EDIT: Actually wasn't the reason they locked him up because he was the one that could fly the TARDIS (only you can fly the TARDIS), which was the cause of the end of the universe, not because he was going to do it as such.
Do we know that the Doctor has actually been signed up for another series yet? Could it be that River Song kills the Doctor (which is why she ends up in Prison in the future?) or have I missed some great big plot answers? :D In an interview with Amy Pond, the TV mag mentioned that the series had a really emotional ending... (although she did get shot...)

I'm waiting for the really big plot twist in the last 5 mins of the episode next week where everything goes back to the way it was...
I'm waiting for the really big plot twist in the last 5 mins of the episode next week where everything goes back to the way it was...

Yup me too, I somewhat expect that the finale will be 95% of doom, gloom and despair at what's happening and then someone saying oh wait....if I press this button/lever/set this off everything resets and will be fine.
Was expecting a previous/alternate Doctor to be in the box, didn't see the twist until the daleks started yapping.

I've seen the young Amy in some of the trailers so i expect the universe is going to be saved by a 9 year old this time.
i didnt see that twist at all!, i was thinking it could maybe be the master or some other rogue timelord in there! great episode.
Really enjoyed that episode and for Doctor Who that was a really entertaining episode. I quite liked the quirky comedy as well. Of course doctor who is more fantasy than sci fi but Moffat seems to balance fantasy with common sense in most of his stories.

Didn't see the twist coming at the end, interesting. I can see River having to kill The Doctor in the finale or something (as alluded to in flesh and bone).

Looking forward to the finale next week. While this season has had some really weak episodes (as any fantasy/sci fi show usually does) there have been some fantastic ones.
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Was a good episode didnt guess it at all.

I'm thinking its something to do with Amys family, the Doctor mentioned she lived in an empty house.
Was a good episode didnt guess it at all.

I'm thinking its something to do with Amys family, the Doctor mentioned she lived in an empty house.

Well she doesn't appear to have a family, the doctor did say her life doesn't make sense, which it doesn't. A little girl, living by herself with no adults, in a big house, with books which seem to be relevant to events in the future. Who has no memory of the daleks etc, when she should have, maybe because up until the moment the doctor arrived she didn't exist? Hell it seems that she isn't human and/or didn't actually exist. Seems that she is in some form, a construct, for some purpose. She will probably turn out to be a timelord who has forgotten they are a timelord, who will survive being "killed" by machine-rory due to not being human.
By the looks of it, yeah. Stupid evil races. I'm surprised they managed to come up with such a plan to be honest.

Perhaps I am mistaken.
I thought they wished to stop it. All working together to save the universe, from what they thought was the doctor.
They had become aware of cracks in the universe.
They had realised the cracks were caused by the explosion of the tardis.
They wishes to stop the explosion and stop the cracks.
They falsely assumed the doctor was the only person capable of flying the machine, and thus he must have been the pilot when the machine exploded.
That was their mistake, not that they wished to destory the universe.
They wanted to stop the doctor ever flying the tardis again, and thus had generated the pandorica.
The pandorica is a prison capable of containing the doctor, for all time.
So I am guessing someone else must be involved in saving him, or at least assisting with reopening it.

The badguys were trying to save the universe, but ended up preventing the doctor saving it. Thats my understanding anyway.
OK, the adventure games are based after this series and feature both the Doctor and Amy so both must survive. Indeed, I think its generally agreed that Amy will rescue the Doctor. River will, of course, survive by using her time vortex band thing to get out of the Tardis.

So we have the problem of the cracks in time (caused by the Tardis exploding) and how the Doctor actually gets out of the Tardis.

Remember the 'raggedy doctor' - did you notice that the Doctor wasn't actually raggedy when he first met Amy? I think Amy will rescue the Doctor as a child. She'll find the pandorica in a museum and will open it there. He will look raggedy because he's been there for the past two thousand odd years. At that point the Doctor will go about setting up all the actions so that they happen as set so that he can be rescued by Amy at the point that he is (bit of a time-loop).

How does he stop the earth from exploding? Well the rescued Doctor doesn't have a Tardis and has some time on his hands - so how about he takes up some space in Amy's house (thus why the house is bigger than it needs to be) in the same way that a Tardis took up space in 'the lodger'. He'll spend the next twenty odd years building a new Tardis.

The new Tardis will need to be made from human technologies because that's where he is. People who have only watched this series will be used to the Doctor's use of untechnological technology due to the Lodger episode. The new Tardis will look like the Tardis design that the winner of the Blue Peter created - thus answering the question of when that design will be used.

In his new Tardis, when the right time comes, he'll control his old Tardis (thus answering the question of who was controlling the Tardis that River was in) making sure that it lands surrounded by stone etc (you saw this when River opened the door) so that, when it explodes, it doesn't kill everyone.

By making the cracks never happen Rory never gets pulled in to the cracks so you never end up with a robo-Rory and thus Amy never gets shot.

<prepares to be proved hugely wrong>
Interesting theory and it sounds reasonably sensible.

Only a couple of things that sound a bit iffy. The TARDIS is supposed to be alive, so how does he create another one? Also the TARDIS ending up in the rock is fine, but it's explosion would still create cracks in space and time would it not?

I think there is definately "another" doctor involved somewhere, there are a few incidences of what seems like another Doctor running around (such as the bit in the second episode of the weeping angels). Any ideas where the Doctor pops up in other episodes? May have to watch a few again I think (if I can find them). :p

EDIT: Actually

So we have the problem of the cracks in time (caused by the Tardis exploding) and how the Doctor actually gets out of the Tardis.

Do you mean the Pandorica not the TARDIS? He isn't in the TARDIS when it explodes as far as we know at the moment (River is).

Remember the 'raggedy doctor' - did you notice that the Doctor wasn't actually raggedy when he first met Amy? I think Amy will rescue the Doctor as a child. She'll find the pandorica in a museum and will open it there. He will look raggedy because he's been there for the past two thousand odd years. At that point the Doctor will go about setting up all the actions so that they happen as set so that he can be rescued by Amy at the point that he is (bit of a time-loop).

Wasn't the first time he met her when he crash landed in her back garden, when she gets him to look at the crack (ooh er, that sounds dodgy), he was raggedy then? Or is there a bit before then?
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The TARDIS is supposed to be alive, so how does he create another one?
Someone was building a TARDIS in The Lodger so it must somehow be possible.

Also the TARDIS ending up in the rock is fine, but it's explosion would still create cracks in space and time would it not?
Yes, I agree this is the weakest part of my theory. Loads of TARDIS were destroyed in the Time War though (before it was time-locked), were they not? They didn't kill everyone. There must be a way to destroy a TARDIS without killing everyone.

I think there is definately "another" doctor involved somewhere, there are a few incidences of what seems like another Doctor running around (such as the bit in the second episode of the weeping angels). Any ideas where the Doctor pops up in other episodes? May have to watch a few again I think (if I can find them). :p
There's talk of him running past a window in the first episode.

Do you mean the Pandorica not the TARDIS? He isn't in the TARDIS when it explodes as far as we know at the moment (River is).
Yes I do - typo!

Wasn't the first time he met her when he crash landed in her back garden, when she gets him to look at the crack (ooh er, that sounds dodgy), he was raggedy then? Or is there a bit before then?
The first time we have seen him meet her, yes. The problem was that he didn't actually look that raggedy, did he - thus partly why I think the raggedy comment actually comes from when she helped him out of the pandorica - from which I'm guessing he'd look quite raggedy (2000 years will do that to you).
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