Doctor Who

I can't believe we've already got to the last episode next week, it's named "The Big Bang" and what a finale we're about to see.

Are we assuming that there is another doctor as fact? It would be pretty funny if it was a genuine closet mistake. Especially since we've only been given one single clue and it hasn't been made too obvious, where as most of the other elements of the series have been blatant (at least compared to the Tennant era). However I think it's pretty likely there is a second doctor, I'm just stunned by how much of an amazing find that was. Well done for finding that, I'm pretty sure only one person found that in this thread.

I didn't see the vortex manipulator on the doctors wrist when he was thrown into the Pandorica. I'm pretty sure River is still wearing it, in which case it was silly she didn't just use that to exit the TARDIS... even if she did want to land it safely rather than jumping out of a moving time vehicle that would destroy the universe.

How do we know it's young Amy that saves the doctor? I didn't see any clues for that at all.

Its the common beolief on the gallifray base forums that young amy releases the doctor from the pandorica in a museum after hes been inside it for almost 2000 years
Its the common beolief on the gallifray base forums that young amy releases the doctor from the pandorica in a museum after hes been inside it for almost 2000 years

Do they give any explanation for how the Pandorica gets into the museum? I am assuming that they left it under Stonehenge (which would itself be stupid of course, given all the effort and elaboration they have gone to get the Dr inside the thing , you would have thought they would then had the sense to take it and drop it onto some ridiculously inhospitable planet rather than leave it on a planet with 6 billion humans on it , one of whom will be a future companion of the Dr :D )
Do they give any explanation for how the Pandorica gets into the museum? I am assuming that they left it under Stonehenge (which would itself be stupid of course, given all the effort and elaboration they have gone to get the Dr inside the thing , you would have thought they would then had the sense to take it and drop it onto some ridiculously inhospitable planet rather than leave it on a planet with 6 billion humans on it , one of whom will be a future companion of the Dr :D )

No i dont think so.

What struck me tho is that chair seemed to fit perfectly and this trap seemed to be set from the very first episode so how did all these enemies know his new face?
Has anyone else noticed the remarkable similarity to this unfolding chain of events in Dotor Who to the actual Greek mythology of Pandora?

To paraphrase:

The earth was a world of bliss and man was content but Jupiter looked upon this state with great hatred. Jupiter assembled the gods and they formed a solemn council and decided to create a woman.

The woman was named Pandora and was given as a gift to Prometheus' brother. Soon after they were married they were approached by a weary traveler to look after a 'box'. The traveller was secretly sent by Jupiter and had asked them to simply hold the box until the traveller returned. Pandora's curiosity overcome her and she took a peep into the box and unleashed flying creatures onto Earth that looked like moths and stung with evils such as diseases, crimes, vices and sorrows.

However there were two things in the box; one were these evil spreading insects and the second item was hope.

According to the ancients, evil entered the world and delivered untold misery but hope followed closely in its footsteps to aid humanity and point to a happier future.
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The Darleks always know it's the doctor, even when they haven't met his new form. Wouldn't be difficult to just tell the rest of them. Also the trap doesn't need to have been set from the first episode, in fact it could have been set any time after he met Amy.

I'd suggest it was properly set "after" the Silurian episode. I guess they went back to her house at some point. Someone went back after that to collect her biodata and then set the trap proper.

The reason it's after the Silurian episode? Because Rory remembered dying and as it was implied that it was all set from Amys mind it would have to have happened after he died. I can't see Amy being a plastic thing (nestine) because teh Doctor would have sussed her after spending that much time with her. Maybe she was swapped at some time on the Doctors travels though.
Has anyone else noticed the remarkable similarity to this unfolding chain of events in Dotor Who to the actual Greek mythology of Pandora?

To paraphrase:

The earth was a world of bliss and man was content but Jupiter looked upon this state with great hatred. Jupiter assembled the gods and they formed a solemn council and decided to create a woman.

The woman was named Pandora and was given as a gift to Prometheus' brother. Soon after they were married they were approached by a weary traveler to look after a 'box'. The traveller was secretly sent by Jupiter and had asked them to simply hold the box until the traveller returned. Pandora's curiosity overcome her and she took a peep into the box and unleashed flying creatures onto Earth that looked like moths and stung with evils such as diseases, crimes, vices and sorrows.

However there were two things in the box; one were these evil spreading insects and the second item was hope.

According to the ancients, evil entered the world and delivered untold misery but hope followed closely in its footsteps to aid humanity and point to a happier future.

That is interesting, and allot of the things in that legend certainly could be metaphors or descriptions of people/objects in the show.
They're keeping it pretty quiet, even the trailers aren't showing any of the final episode, just rerunning snips of what we've already seen.

ARGH!!!!!!! :D
Has anyone else noticed the remarkable similarity to this unfolding chain of events in Dotor Who to the actual Greek mythology of Pandora?

To paraphrase:

The earth was a world of bliss and man was content but Jupiter looked upon this state with great hatred. Jupiter assembled the gods and they formed a solemn council and decided to create a woman.

The woman was named Pandora and was given as a gift to Prometheus' brother. Soon after they were married they were approached by a weary traveler to look after a 'box'. The traveller was secretly sent by Jupiter and had asked them to simply hold the box until the traveller returned. Pandora's curiosity overcome her and she took a peep into the box and unleashed flying creatures onto Earth that looked like moths and stung with evils such as diseases, crimes, vices and sorrows.

However there were two things in the box; one were these evil spreading insects and the second item was hope.

According to the ancients, evil entered the world and delivered untold misery but hope followed closely in its footsteps to aid humanity and point to a happier future.

I remember it having much more emphasis on hope being far smaller than all this evil, and creeping out after everything else. Maybe i'm being pedantic but it's what made the story for me, and what fueled my belief that hope is humanities most enamering feature, perhaps even ahead of love.
Just watched the 5th episode (the dream one) as I missed it first time round and more importantly the beginning of the first episode again.

It's definately a person that runs past the window... Don't know where the raggedy doctor bit comes in though? She lives in a large house with only her aunt AND a room that is hidden from view with a perception filter. How long has the filter been in place? As long as she has been in the house I assume, same with the crack? I guess we assumed the door opened when the Doctor ran down the stairs to let Prisoner 0 in, but then why take so long to find it (the guards)? Perhaps it is the "future" Doctor hiding in the room?

Question is it's quite convinient that the parents are "dead" and the only person that looks after her is out of the house that night. Maybe the aunt is in fact River?

Totally random thoughts I know but they were what came to my head when I was watching the episode...:p
The raggedy doctor reference comes from the fact when Amy first saw him he was in the old doctors clothes which just so happened to be all ripped and torn due to his actions while trying to save the tardis thats why when getting his new clothes in the 1st episode he says "enough with the raggedy!"
Maybe in a twist, it will turn out that Prisoner Zero IS the Dr.

That would have been good. Doesn't make sense though as Prisoner 0 was captured in the first episode.

The raggedy doctor reference comes from the fact when Amy first saw him he was in the old doctors clothes which just so happened to be all ripped and torn due to his actions while trying to save the tardis thats why when getting his new clothes in the 1st episode he says "enough with the raggedy!"

Ah yeah, so nothing to do with the him being stuck in a Pandorica then...

Watched last weeks episode last night as well. I thought it the first time but it didn't twig fully. The Doctors rambling about the Pandorica just describes him perfectly. Think that bit was where I was starting to think it was him in the box.
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