I can't believe we've already got to the last episode next week, it's named "The Big Bang" and what a finale we're about to see.
Are we assuming that there is another doctor as fact? It would be pretty funny if it was a genuine closet mistake. Especially since we've only been given one single clue and it hasn't been made too obvious, where as most of the other elements of the series have been blatant (at least compared to the Tennant era). However I think it's pretty likely there is a second doctor, I'm just stunned by how much of an amazing find that was. Well done for finding that, I'm pretty sure only one person found that in this thread.
I didn't see the vortex manipulator on the doctors wrist when he was thrown into the Pandorica. I'm pretty sure River is still wearing it, in which case it was silly she didn't just use that to exit the TARDIS... even if she did want to land it safely rather than jumping out of a moving time vehicle that would destroy the universe.
How do we know it's young Amy that saves the doctor? I didn't see any clues for that at all.
Its the common beolief on the gallifray base forums that young amy releases the doctor from the pandorica in a museum after hes been inside it for almost 2000 years