Doctor Who

Shamikebab said:
I thought an existing tardis was trying to repair itself then?
The Doctor said in the episode that it was 'someone's attempt at building a TARDIS'. It was borked (needing a pilot), but that is a separate issue and likely simply a plot device for that episode.
Someone was building a TARDIS in The Lodger so it must somehow be possible.

I didn't think that was actually a TARDIS though, it was just a time machine was it not? I thought he said it was a time machine not a TARDIS. Probably missed the important part though (think i'll go download that episode and watch it again...). :p

Yes, I agree this is the weakest part of my theory. Loads of TARDIS were destroyed in the Time War though (before it was time-locked), were they not? They didn't kill everyone. There must be a way to destroy a TARDIS without killing everyone.

I don't understand that either. It must be a certain way TARDISes are destoyed, I guess a bit like nuclear subs etc, most of the time they just blow up, but maybe other times they cause chaos. You'd expect it to have happened before thoug.:confused:

There's talk of him running past a window in the first episode.

Ah, think I remember something like that. I'll watch it again and see.:)

The first time we have seen him meet her, yes. The problem was that he didn't actually look that raggedy, did he - thus partly why I think the raggedy comment actually comes from when she helped him out of the pandorica - from which I'm guessing he'd look quite raggedy (2000 years will do that to you).

I actually can't remember the ins and outs, all I remember is him landing in the garden wearing a tennans clothes, not his new clothes (the clothes he was put in the Pandorica with).
no he doesnt or all the timelords would live forever they dont

Can, worms, everywhere.

There was a limit on regenerations, but that was imposed by the Time Lords themselves wasn't it? Something to do with trying to keep their population in check IIRC. There aren't any Time Lords around to stop him from continually regenerating now are there - or maybe it's not that simple?

For the sake of the series - and realising that we're now very close to the regeneration limit - I think we can assume that the limit either now no longer applies or there'll be a way around it.
Well she doesn't appear to have a family, the doctor did say her life doesn't make sense, which it doesn't. A little girl, living by herself with no adults, in a big house, with books which seem to be relevant to events in the future. Who has no memory of the daleks etc, when she should have, maybe because up until the moment the doctor arrived she didn't exist? Hell it seems that she isn't human and/or didn't actually exist. Seems that she is in some form, a construct, for some purpose. She will probably turn out to be a timelord who has forgotten they are a timelord, who will survive being "killed" by machine-rory due to not being human.

Amy is the Doctor's daughter :o That would be a cool twist!
For the sake of the series - and realising that we're now very close to the regeneration limit - I think we can assume that the limit either now no longer applies or there'll be a way around it.


When they first started Dr Who all those decades ago the whole regeneration thing probably never took into account that the show would last as long as it has or have as many actors playing the role. In order to the show to not just end they will of course need to either find a way around it or just hope that people forget theres a limit.

Hehe, she doesn't really fit my tastes, too tall for my liking, too skinny, not curvey enough, young enough to be my daughter and her acting appears to just about manage to stretch to pouting and widening her eyes. Different tastes for everyone of course, but she does nothing for me. :)
Hehe, she doesn't really fit my tastes, too tall for my liking, too skinny, not curvey enough, young enough to be my daughter and her acting appears to just about manage to stretch to pouting and widening her eyes. Different tastes for everyone of course, but she does nothing for me. :)

The young enough to be my daughter would turn her off for me.


Also, look what's on his arm.
OK, the adventure games are based after this series and feature both the Doctor and Amy so both must survive. Indeed, I think its generally agreed that Amy will rescue the Doctor. River will, of course, survive by using her time vortex band thing to get out of the Tardis.

So we have the problem of the cracks in time (caused by the Tardis exploding) and how the Doctor actually gets out of the Tardis.

Remember the 'raggedy doctor' - did you notice that the Doctor wasn't actually raggedy when he first met Amy? I think Amy will rescue the Doctor as a child. She'll find the pandorica in a museum and will open it there. He will look raggedy because he's been there for the past two thousand odd years. At that point the Doctor will go about setting up all the actions so that they happen as set so that he can be rescued by Amy at the point that he is (bit of a time-loop).

<prepares to be proved hugely wrong>

I think youre mostly correct but the raggedy doctor bit comes from the fact young amy met him just after hed regenerated and was still wearing 10s torn up costume. Even tho when young amy rescues him hes been there for 2000+ years id bet from the docs point of view its only been moments since he was locked up.

I think amy as we know her will stay dead. As will Rory. Karen and Matt are confirmed for next year so i think somehow young amy will grow up differently from what she did and will be known as ameila from then on. Strange yeah i know but timey wimey wibbly wobbly lol.

Theres also the things in the series that have seemed strange, like the message amy recorded for herself in the 2nd episode on the UK starship, the fact that the scene in Flesh and Stone where the doctor appeared back with his tweed jacket on despite having it nicked by the angels. He also says to amy remember what i told you when you were 7. Well so far hes not told her anything.

For me the best bit of the episode was the bit where the cyber head burst open to reveal the skull!

And the regen limit is apparently going to be addressed in the upcoming sarah jane adventures episode that the doctor appears in.
Okay... I've got a few questions.

I've never watched the show, but considering giving it a shot.

Is it good (I like typically stuff like Stargate, BSG and the like) and are there Daleks? :p
Okay... I've got a few questions.

I've never watched the show, but considering giving it a shot.

Is it good (I like typically stuff like Stargate, BSG and the like) and are there Daleks? :p

Go ahead, give it a go. What's the worst that can happen?

It's not a patch on stargate or bsg and doesn't come anywhere close to Babylon 5 or firefly , but then it wouldn't as its got a smaller budget and has to appeal to children as well.


Also, look what's on his arm.

What episode is that from? Or is it a "spoiler"?

Go ahead, give it a go. What's the worst that can happen?

It's not a patch on stargate or bsg and doesn't come anywhere close to Babylon 5 or firefly , but then it wouldn't as its got a smaller budget and has to appeal to children as well.

It's nothing like any of those shows though so it's all good. It's a mix of comedy and a bit of Sci Fi, not the very serious style Sci fi of those listed.
Quick question. When River was trapped in the Tardis, which was spinning wildly out of control, a voice boomed out saying "silence will fall" - what on earth was that about? Whose eerie voice was that? Very puzzled about that bit.
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