Doctor Who

worst season ever

Can't say I agree; it's had some pretty dire episodes, but considering it's a new Doctor, and a new companion I think that looking back on the series, it's been pretty enjoyable to watch. Plus, I've not been this excited about a finale in a long time!
I liked it.

Even though it was another epic end of the universe, end of time, end of everything story, it just "felt" right.

The right ammount of mumbo jumbo (and clever time jumping wangling) and the right ammount of emotion without being too sickly sweet.

I just felt it all clicked together much better than all the preious "end of everything" stories.

Can't wait for the next season :)
Interesting finale.

I'm glad that everything wasn't resolved by the end, and we didn't find out why the Tardis actually exploded or who the voice belonged to that said 'Silence Will Fall'.

mmm the Orient Express at xmas it seems? Interesting. I hope the cause behind the Tardis explosion gets some payoff in the next series and it's not just left hanging. Moffat seems to have a much better grasp of long term plot arcs though.
When the Doctor said to River ' who are you' & she said 'you'll know very soon' I think she'll reveal herself as another time lord, either the Rani or Romana. Mind you I was wrong when I said that the 10th doctor would regenerate into himself was nonsense at the end of the 2008 series.
I liked it, it was good, cheesy a bit, you knew it was going to end well but thats what its all about. This Doctor makes it I think, he's not too melodramatic, he doesnt take things to seriously, he's always optimistic.
I liked it, nice ending with the wedding.

My first Dr Who season ever, and i'm now wanting to watch all the tennant seasons, think i should? Or would it be too weird.
I liked it, nice ending with the wedding.

My first Dr Who season ever, and i'm now wanting to watch all the tennant seasons, think i should? Or would it be too weird.

Might as well watch them if you have nothing else on, no harm. Also watch the Tom Baker ones if you can, one of the best Doctors ever.
My first Dr Who season ever, and i'm now wanting to watch all the tennant seasons, think i should? Or would it be too weird.

Exactly the same boat as me, my first season and as a whole I really enjoyed it, although I think my fave episode was the first one so the whole season went downhill from there for me, not by much tho.

Not sure if I should watch the older seasons either
Quite fantastically overpowering even by sci fi doctor who standards. Last 10 minutes were good rest was just... ok... ok .... really ... ok .... ok...
Was intriguing I think. One of those you watch first time snd think hmm, then it grows on you. One big issue I had was the "terminator" style time issue. He managed to save himself by saving himself, how did he get out in the first place? Loved the fez though, clever way of telling between the two and comical. :D

Can't wait til the next episode/series. :D
Was intriguing I think. One of those you watch first time snd think hmm, then it grows on you. One big issue I had was the "terminator" style time issue. He managed to save himself by saving himself, how did he get out in the first place? Loved the fez though, clever way of telling between the two and comical. :D

Can't wait til the next episode/series. :D

Same question can be asked about the Blink episode and the DVD :)
Meh, it was ok

I didn’t like how they didn’t even give us a hint as to why the tardis exploded surely they could have used this episodes for the 2 parter instead of The Hungry Earth/ cold blood episode and the used the final for a show down with the big bad guy.

As for this season as a whole any episode written by moffat were good to fanatastic, it was the other episode that really let it down (or utter crap to be more accurate), as the show runner he is going to have to get involved in the other episodes, give guidance to the other writers, Chris Chibnall who did The Hungry Earth/ cold blood has done some great work on torchwood and doctor who but his show's this season were crap.

I think as a writer moffat is better than rtd but as a show runner rtd seems to be stronger than him.

Also while matt smith is good, I still really miss tennant as the doctor. :(
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