Doctor Who

What do you mean? I cant remember all of blink and what do you mean DVD?

In Blink, the doctor created a DVD from a script given to him by Sally Sparrow containing details of what he had said on the DVD...

It's a standard predetermination paradox, I'm not sure why everyone seems to be getting so vocal about it... (not saying you are, but you should see how some people are reacting elsewhere...)
Meh, it was ok

I didn’t like how they didn’t even give us a hint as to why the tardis exploded surely they could have used this episodes for the 2 parter instead of The Hungry Earth/ cold blood episode and the used the final for a show down with the big bad guy.

bit impatient arn't you? :p

I think the idea is like bad wolf it gives an overlying story, this was Part 1 of the River Song story, next season will be Part 2 with the big bad guy revealed and river song's part in the doctors life fleshed out.

This season was setting up the connection between the doctor and his new long term assistant, im expecting next Season to be better on the whole.

aslong as they put River Song in 4 episodes of the season again ill be thoroughly happy, she's best part since the reboot in 2005.

on that note, thoroughly intriguing moment between her and the doctor at the end.

Also very good spot by the one who pointed out the jacket in the weeping angels episode :)
In Blink, the doctor created a DVD from a script given to him by Sally Sparrow containing details of what he had said on the DVD...

It's a standard predetermination paradox, I'm not sure why everyone seems to be getting so vocal about it... (not saying you are, but you should see how some people are reacting elsewhere...)

Ah ok. :)

Yeah I'm not bothered about it, just seemed strange that an episode that tried to wrap things up "sensibly" had such a massive flaw. :D
It's a very standard stable time loop plot device. Our heroes' ability to change time is entirely dependant on their being able to change time, but as they've already changed time by changing time it's then perfectly OK for them to change time in order to change time.
on that note, thoroughly intriguing moment between her and the doctor at the end.

Also very good spot by the one who pointed out the jacket in the weeping angels episode :)

Tbh it was glaringly obvious to a lot of us that watched it, dont think it was just one person!
Oh also the other thing that got me was the same matter same space issue... Screwdrivers go pop and apparently terrible things happen when matter touches itself. Then about half a dozen people touching themselves with no issue. :p
A few posts back someone posted what they thought would happen, I MUCH prefered that, who ever it was I think you should contact BBC and start writing doctor who episodes.

Because whatever I just watched made NO sense!

Enjoyable though! The doctor is basically God, even a mere memory can revive him from beyond time and space!
Enjoyed tonights episode, still thought that the Van Gogh epsiode stole the series.

Is there any talk of releasing this series, or previous series on Blu Ray?
It's interesting to see really what people want or expect out of this show.

I think Moffat summed up Doctor Who pretty well in one of the Confidential episodes iirc, that its really a fairytale.

It the type of show that thrives on the wacky and unexplained. It is more of a fantasy children' s book thats in tv form than a full sci fi show to be honest.

I suspect the writers/producers are fully aware that its weird and strange, thats the selling point of the show. If it got bogged down in 'proper' techno babble and the finer points of storytelling, as allot of other shows in the genre do, it would probably go downhill fast tbh.

As for Blu Ray releases, i think all of the specials with Tennant in that were aired prior to this series are on Blu Ray now as single and a complete collection. This season will also be on Blu Ray looking at the obvious sites.
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Oh also the other thing that got me was the same matter same space issue... Screwdrivers go pop and apparently terrible things happen when matter touches itself. Then about half a dozen people touching themselves with no issue. :p

technically though Emily pond wouldn't be the same person as long as there was at least 7 years between her ages.

Iirc all the cells, molecules and atoms that make you up are completely replaced over the course of about 7 years.
I concur, better still would be dropping Amy pond, Rory and the doctor and just having River Song nonstop :D

thats exactly what we want!

maybe it will come to a point that will happen, perhaps the end of next season? :D they've got to atleast spend a season together if they are going to make Baby Doctors!!!!!

i think a lot is relevant on whether Alex Kingston wants to do it though. Surely she must find the character completely intriguing aswell, i bet she stares at the mirror thinking damn im hot... hotter than amy pond! :D
I liked it, nice ending with the wedding.

My first Dr Who season ever, and i'm now wanting to watch all the tennant seasons, think i should? Or would it be too weird.

watch the christopher ecclestone ones aswell they were much better styled than these new ones darleks were really evil killing machines etc
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