Doctor Who

Such a fantastic finale!!

Absolutely loved the series and have to agree that they did an excellent job of getting us really excited for this ending. They really did have all the parts 'just' right, had me teared up, excited and definitely didn't fail on the delivery.

Matt Smith is good by me. Obviously I do miss Tennant.. a lot, in comparison I loved the arrogant security that Tennant held in his knowledge. It makes Smith look like he's always winging it, but that's ok, he's a new doctor and he's playing it in a way that works really well.

When is the next season back?

PS: Don't take credit away from the sharp eye who caught The Doctors jacket difference. It's ok to give someone credit for a bloody good find and if you found it yourself then you were beaten to the punch. Deal with it. So a pat on the back for the lad who spotted the Jacket difference. I was bloody impressed as were 90% of the people on here.
Not a bad ending. Hadn't a clue what was going on early on in though so I think I need to watch that eps a good couple of times.
so who do people think the big baddie is who caused the tardis to blow up in the first place

i going to guess Omega
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after never watching dr who i thought id start on this season, it was slow, annoying, and quite bad. But something made me keep watching and the finale was absolutely amazing in my book :)

Through the season the characters have grown on me, and i actually quite like matt smiths role now, imo hes doing a fine job!
I was really worried about how the new Docter would handle himself after Tennant. But got to give credit to Matt Smith in making this role his own. Really enjoyed the series and loved the plot line running through the episodes that linked everything up to the final showdown.
I think he has been absolutely superb, has handled the lighter comedy moments as well as the drama moments and can't remember a single moment where he's been poor.
What jacket thing?

people noticed that in the woods in the "nd part of the weeping angels episode that when the doctor left without his jacket then returned and kissed amy on the head he was wearing a different jacket, to the one he had lost, this cut out costume mixup. More obviously what i noticed was that the doctor seemed far different than the one that was with her originally, that was my clue to him being from th future, he seemed a lot more conencted to amy and in dire straights.

very nice moment from moffat, was my favourite part of this season, i have a soft spot for just really good dialogue, and that was.
Finally someone posts a link to this "unspoken" Planet Gallifrey Doctor Who thread.

It's not like OcUK mods will be worried about links to other forums, only to competitors that sell the same products.

Wait... is there a TARDIS for sale?
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When Smith first mentioned bringing people back to existance by remembering them I was hoping there would be more substance to the method.

As touching as it was to see the Doctor to reappear into existence donning a top hat, it initially felt like a cop out but then it just made his words to Amy to remember (the entire jacket switch incident) that much more powerful.

Absolutely loved it.

I also loved the initial recap and music for getting us excited, "every sun will super nova at every point in history... the whole universe will have never existed... LISTEN TO ME"
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I've got all the Doctor Who themes except the new one and I want it to walk on stage to before we kick in with the opening number.
Anybody know where I can get it?
A mediocre ending to a mediocre series tbh, people saying "Oh at least there was no deux ex machina stuff!"

Did you miss the fact Amy essentially brought the Doctor back by just thinking about it really hard for 5 seconds?
A mediocre ending to a mediocre series tbh, people saying "Oh at least there was no deux ex machina stuff!"

Did you miss the fact Amy essentially brought the Doctor back by just thinking about it really hard for 5 seconds?

It was really really really hard thinking though, she had to purse her lips and widen her eyes and everything.
technically though Emily pond wouldn't be the same person as long as there was at least 7 years between her ages.

Iirc all the cells, molecules and atoms that make you up are completely replaced over the course of about 7 years.

Smartarse! :p

When did they say that?

It's been a recurring theme throughout Dr Who AFAIK, and the reason the sonics sparked when he touched them together.

PS: Don't take credit away from the sharp eye who caught The Doctors jacket difference. It's ok to give someone credit for a bloody good find and if you found it yourself then you were beaten to the punch. Deal with it. So a pat on the back for the lad who spotted the Jacket difference. I was bloody impressed as were 90% of the people on here.

Eh? There was about half a dozen of us mentioning it as soon as it was shown. :p

There may well have been hypothesises that it was another Doctor straight after as well (in fact I think it was).:confused:
A mediocre ending to a mediocre series tbh, people saying "Oh at least there was no deux ex machina stuff!"

Did you miss the fact Amy essentially brought the Doctor back by just thinking about it really hard for 5 seconds?

And the fact that River obviously remembered the Dr or else she wouldn't have left the blank book to remind Amy of him. Begs the question why Amy needed to remember when River already had...
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