Doctor Who

Brilliant season finale, really enjoyed it. Steven Moffat didn't just tie up everything nice and neatly, he put a bow on it and used ribbons. Shame we have to wait until next year though to find out why the TARDIS exploded.
NEXT YEAR!!! Is that when it returns. Oh boy that's a joke.

You know these stories really do get quite disappointing if you start to break them down. The whole question as to how he FIRST released himself is possibly the biggest, then we have the feeble re-entrance into existence by merely remembering him and even that is completely flawed by River Song obviously remembered him before Amy did.

I really need to think of a better way of saying "ignorance is bliss" because there really are so many cases when this is true.
NEXT YEAR!!! Is that when it returns. Oh boy that's a joke.

You know these stories really do get quite disappointing if you start to break them down. The whole question as to how he FIRST released himself is possibly the biggest, then we have the feeble re-entrance into existence by merely remembering him and even that is completely flawed by River Song obviously remembered him before Amy did.

Wibbely-Wobbely Timy-Wimey there's your explanation!
NEXT YEAR!!! Is that when it returns. Oh boy that's a joke.

You know these stories really do get quite disappointing if you start to break them down. The whole question as to how he FIRST released himself is possibly the biggest, then we have the feeble re-entrance into existence by merely remembering him and even that is completely flawed by River Song obviously remembered him before Amy did.

I really need to think of a better way of saying "ignorance is bliss" because there really are so many cases when this is true.

Or you could stop trying to read so much into it and... this will be tough... enjoy it for what it is?!

Or if you can't do that I would suggest stopping watching :).
really disappointed with last episode, although kind of what I expected. Was hopping for something darker and crazier and war like.

Not, lets do some crazy time travelling to sort it all out.
Im still not sure why the Doctor says 'gotcha' to Pond before he flys off in the pandorica.

Anyone have any ideas?

I was wondering if it may be something to do with implanting into her mind a bit, alongside the whole I'm going to not exist but i'm actually going to come back again... :p
I've found Matt Smith's version of The Doctor to be quite good ..... its like a cross between Patrick Troughton's and Tom Baker's Doctors, something that Sylvester McCoy's version tried to do but without as much success.

Oh yeah .... Fezzes are cool!
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