Doctor Who

Is it a law now that Mark Sheppard has to be cast in every good sci-fi show?

:D I think he is a fantastic actor and immediately started smiling when I saw him in this thanks to his great performances in BSG (oh how I mess thee) and Warehouse 13. I'm looking forward to next weeks episode now, admittedly I didn't think this was that great a start so hopefully it picks up, I did like the creepy aliens though with their massive middle fingers hahaha.
Good ep, but didn’t really expand on what happened last season, obviously building it up.

Nice to see the tardis ripoff from the lodger, always wondered what happen to it :)
When he came on I was like "It's that Irish laywer git", and my old man was like "It's that Badger bloke"!

King of the crossroads tbh, although he has been in every good sci-fi serie sin the last decade.

Now if only Amy Pond and Rory could be 'removed' as companions, and replaced with River Song and Mark Sheppard as the FBI dude.

Doctor Who BSG Style :p.

Whoa whoa whoa... Whoa. Remove Amy Pond? No. Mute her maybe, but don't remove her.
So does what happened mean that Matt Smith will be the last actor to play Doctor Who?

In theory, yes; in practice, probably not. Time lords are only supposed to have a limited number of regenerations, and IIRC Tennant should have been the last. If it doesn't get fixed in the next episode, they'll just keep Matt Smith long enough that only the nerds will remember.
In theory, yes; in practice, probably not. Time lords are only supposed to have a limited number of regenerations, and IIRC Tennant should have been the last. If it doesn't get fixed in the next episode, they'll just keep Matt Smith long enough that only the nerds will remember.

They get twelve regenerations iirc, Matt is the Eleventh Doctor on his Tenth regen. Or eleventh if you want to get into all that Doctor Donna aborted regen malarkey and that's not even getting into all the Valeyard stuff. So two or at least one more after Matt.
Was looking forward to this but sadly I thought it was complete rubbish!

Its definitely building up to something but this episode was too minimal, almost nothing happened in the majority of it. They should have made a 1-hour special and left it at a real cliff hanger. Just compare this episode to the first episode of the last series where the earth is about to be destroyed by a huge eyeball thing, and the doctor comes out and gives a massive speech about how he is awesome and saves the earth!
They get twelve regenerations iirc, Matt is the Eleventh Doctor on his Tenth regen. Or eleventh if you want to get into all that Doctor Donna aborted regen malarkey and that's not even getting into all the Valeyard stuff. So two or at least one more after Matt.

Although i suspect they'll find some way of getting around that...
Although i suspect they'll find some way of getting around that...

Well they sort of did with the Master!.. he'd used all of his regenerations (granted they all looked the same!!) by the Canadian 90's 'Movie' with that McGann Brother!!.. and then somehow he came back as John Sim (who was fantastic and compleatly bonkers as the master!!).. :cool:

I recon amy and/or River will find some way to stop the 'event' that happened at the start of the episode from happening some how!!.. (trying not to have any 'Spoilers')...

And watching 'Confidential' on BBC3 at 7pm last night, they said that we'd finally find out just who exactly River is this season!!.. Looking forward to this!! :cool:
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