Doctor Who

I thought it started a bit slowly and seemed all wishy washy to begin with and then it picked up towards the end. All in all I thoroughly enjoyed it and can't wait for next weeks episode. Me and my dad were both annoyed it cut out when it did, thinking it would be an hour special :(
I am really sick and tired of Amy I NEVER LISTEN TO ANYONE Pond, her character is starting to get right on my nerves.

The episode, alright I suppose nothing special, I do like the Silent however, very cool design.
That episode had instant awesome as Mark Sheppard (Badger in Firefly, Romo Lampkin in BSG) was playing the FBI dude.

I't will be interesting to see how everything is explained, especially with the doctor at the start.

Rory constantly being portrayed as the idiot out of his depth is a bit old now, as is Pond getting all emotional. It's like watching a teenage girl with hormones out of whack. The crying and emo moment at the start was kind of cringeworthy. It makes me miss the days of Billie Piper/Rose as a companion, least she could handle herself.

The plot was very convoluted (more so than usual) although i suspect this episode is all buld up, interested to see what happens in the next episode.
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Is it a law now that Mark Sheppard has to be cast in every good sci-fi show? Sliders, Star Trek, Firefly, BSG, Dollhouse, Supernatural, Chuck and now Doctor Who. I do love the guy though :D
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