Doctor Who

So does what happened mean that Matt Smith will be the last actor to play Doctor Who?

Not a chance. They'll retcon it if it ever becomes a problem, which it won't as they'll never reference it beyond this two parter, or this season at most.

I'm not keen on Amy Pond's character, and the Doctor is a bit on the manic side.

The aliens were good though - I like the idea of people not being able to remember them, that's clever.
I thought it was excellent :)

Speaking as someone who was unable to watch the first few series thanks to Russell t ds attention deficit disorder style of cringe worth television. Moffat is an absolute legend. This feels much more like proper sci fi than embarrassing low budget hammy acting bbc productions.
i dont think amy/river will stop it, infact i think river will be the one doing it, we might even see their first meeting
Its river in the spacesuit isn't it?
She did say she was in prison for killing the best man she ever knew.
I'd assume he has to kill the doc to make the silence go away, or trick it into thinking he is dead.
The he magically reappears through some naughty fashion.
Role on the valeyard, maybe the valeyard takes matt smiths form and needs shot for his boldness.
The aliens were good though - I like the idea of people not being able to remember them, that's clever.

what i don't get is the highly trained SS agent outside the bathroom containing the very suspicious woman who magically appeared in the white house didn't burst in guns blazing at the sound of repeated yells and the loud killing explosion?
what i don't get is the highly trained SS agent outside the bathroom containing the very suspicious woman who magically appeared in the white house didn't burst in guns blazing at the sound of repeated yells and the loud killing explosion?

Aye, I was thinking the exact same, but then I remembered none of this is real, so I let it slide :p.
What I want to know is that last night the Tardis had a new trick up its sleeve - a Cloaking Device. Why hasn't the Doctor used it before - Could've saved him a whole lot of trouble TBH. :p
It was in the old series wasn't it? It just never worked :p

Wasnt that the Chameleon device thing though? didnt make you cloaked as such, it made the tardis look like an object befitting the scene. Thought that was the whole reason why it got stuck as a police box. Last night it was actually cloaked rather than something befitting the place and time. Romulans I tell you ! Either that or the lost Klingon companion storyline ;)
Amy's preggers?

Who's is it? o.O

I quite enjoyed the episode, despite not watching too much of the last series as I thought it was a bit stale.
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