Doctor Who

There are four possible takes on the 'touching yourself is bad' issue:
1) The originally episode was just a thinly veiled lesson to kids on not touching themselves; or
2) The rule only applied to Rose because she was massively important in the universe (think Bad Wolf) and thus her entire history was fixed in time. Ergo paradoxes themselves aren't bad, but they potentially have the power to alter otherwise fixed events and, if that starts to happen, then they're bad.
3) Moffat's already said that some of the old rules will be torn up under his watch.
4) It's a Christmas special, they're allowed to do what they want.

Where did the reapers come from in any case? If it was the void maybe the daleks that were chucked in to the void have helpfully exterminated them.
I was thinking about this recently after watching the Pandorica episodes and I have come to the conclusion that they have no idea what they are doing...:p

Watch the last episode of the last series (Pandorica) and in the first scene where the Dr is let out of the pandorica he touches the two screwdrivers against each other to see if they are the same, they spark.

He then gets little Amy to open up the Pandorica in the present day and they run around together for ages, surely touching each other. Finally when the Dr is "killed" half way through the "other" Dr then surely touches himself...:confused:

Maybe they don't actually touch or there is some other reason, either way, rather odd.
No, but when I'm on nights I tend to play link-hockey on Wikipedia - I know a lot of useless information about an astounding number of trivial subjects ^__^
Those red nose quickisodes were pretty neat (as was that skirt :D)

Of course the characters did seem to just become instantaneously endowed with knowledge (Moffat fell into a similar trap with the season finale allowing the characters to cheat defeat via time travel yet not providing the initial spark which would have allowed the progression to success) but that can probably be put down to the fact that the timeline we were watching was in fact quick a few iterations into the whole closed space-time loop, far enough in that the previous iterations had all the complicated, timey-wimey stuff worked out.

Still, fun if non-sensical.
Aw, it was great - perfect for RND and a great taster for the new series in April :)

Don't look too deeply into fictional time travel related paradoxes - just suspend disbelief and enjoy the ride!
He didn't actually kill them did he? I thought they were stuck in some form of time lock type thingy.

Edit: Oh, I had wiped the awful finale of season 3 from my mind.

no he killed them all and all (well nearly all the darleks) at the end of the time war (he ended it), but everything be fore that is time locked so nothing can be changed.

it's not said how but he says he burned them all, both darleks and time lords.
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no he killed them all and all (well nearly all the darleks) at the end of the time war (he ended it), but everything be fore that is time locked so nothing can be changed.

it's not said how but he says he burned them all, both darleks and time lords.

I feel too geeky for knowing that too. :p
This. I wanna know if River Song is the Rani/another Female Time lord/ The doctors wife/sister/GF/best mate etc! :D :p

She already said, she's his wife... Then again, maybe she is the time lord clone from the series before last... Just older..;)
it's not said how but he says he burned them all, both darleks and time lords.

He used "the moment" which is allegedly a modified De-Mat gun, activated with the 'great key of rassilon'. The de-mat gun was able to completely remove a person from space and time, with the addition of the great key, he was able to remove millions, as well as seal the medusa cascade.

Now hows that for geek

She already said, she's his wife... Then again, maybe she is the time lord clone from the series before last... Just older..;)

I'm pretty certain, that she has never explicitly said that she is his wife, as that would be 'spoilers'. What she does do, is call him "sweetie" and knows his true name. In fact, I believe that Amy asked if she was his wife, and she said nothing.
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He used "the moment" which is allegedly a modified De-Mat gun, activated with the 'great key of rassilon'. The de-mat gun was able to completely remove a person from space and time, with the addition of the great key, he was able to remove millions, as well as seal the medusa cascade.

Now hows that for geek

Not very, it's only implied he used the de-mat gun, and that the de-mat gun is "2the moment" it's never actually said.
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