Doctor Who

Not a chance, The good thing about tennant was he could turn menacing very quickly, smith when ever he’s done it or threatened some one I just don’t believe he would follow through with it.

That said i do like smith in the role.

Smiths menacing is that quiet, slow talking kind which either works or doesnt, i think we are yet to see him go for it with some real venom!

As for catherine tate, she was brilliant because she was lippy! Really made that character her own.
As for catherine tate, she was brilliant because she was lippy! Really made that character her own.

If by brilliant you mean so god damn annoying I wanted to murder her every second she was on the screen then yeah

In fact Rose's accent annoyed the hell out of me too
Thats true. her granddad was a ledge though! what a great character, when he knocked on the glass i swear a little part of me died!

I actually meant the mother of Rose. But yeah most of the family members were pretty annoying. It was like watching eastenders everytime they were on screen.

Bernard Cribbins as Wilfred made a pretty likeable character, although all the oap scenes from the end of time special were cringeworthy.
If you ever dared to use fancy special effects in Doctor Who it would defy the whole point. The sets are part of the shows character, it's like an art form in it's own and you end up loving it for that reason.

Take Red Dwarf... they fell flat on their face when they inserted all that CGI and placed concentration in completely the wrong area. If it ain't broke then dont fix it!

I for one love British TV and think we're doing it just right. That might have something to do with the fact that I now live outside UK but I just can't get into American shows at all. They concentrate way too much on watering down episodes to get tens of seasons and end up flogging a dead horse.
Here be spoilers if you're stupid enought oread a thread before watching the episode...

Well... That was actually pretty epic, even if I did miss the first few minutes of the second episode (why was the doctor incarcerated?)!

And another time lord (potentially...), what's going on there? Still doesn't explain why he was killed at the beginning of the last episode though and I'm still a little confused about the whole lifetimes travelling in opposite directions...
Don't quite understand who that girl was!?
How did showing the aliens face on TV defeat them? Is it because they would watch it over and over to jog their memory?
The girl was probably Amelias child but maybe there is some kind of paradoxical issue or due to the travelling in the TARDIS (or her getting a bit frisky with the Dr...) which is why the TARDIS couldn't make up it's mind. (still trying to work that one out myself!)

As for them displaying them on TV, it means now when everyone sees them they will remember that they should be killing them. IE exterminate on sight, even if they don't remember after turning away.
Don't quite understand who that girl was!?
How did showing the aliens face on TV defeat them? Is it because they would watch it over and over to jog their memory?

That piece of footage would be repeated for generations, and billions of people would subconsciously absorb the "you should kill us on sight" message. Remember it was previously established that a person could be influenced by things suggested to them even if their memory of the suggestion was deleted.
I thought that episode was much better than last weeks.

These first two episodes still felt like they were building up to something. I really hope that this isn't the first and only time that we see of hear of 'the silence' as there was such a big deal made out of them last series.

Really wondering what's going on with the kid at the end, definitely a wtf moment.
I'm still not quite getting the idea that the whole "silence will fall" is a good thing. In the last series it appeared to be portrayed as very bad?

Maybe future episodes will pck this up some how.
More set up less answers, damn they really like to tease, I didn’t think it was possible to have more unanswered question after part one.

Over all a good ep even if it started off a bit slow.
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