Doctor Who

I found this second episode to be even worse than the first episode...

Still dont know what is going on but at least now we know the little girl is a timelord.

For a species that had the entire last season scaring us about "silence will fall" etc, and to have the entire last season build up to this, its majorly anticlimatic when they are beaten in the second episode of the series with a very sad trick based on the assumed superiority of mankind.
I can't see it just finishing like that, I'm guessing there are other things that will surface throughout the series...;)

Also where does it suggest mankind is superior? I'd suggest it's more to do with the 6Billion people vs what looks like a realtively small number of "silence", whose main weapon remember is the fact people forget them.
For no reason at all I'm going with a

River Song is Amy Pond's child, who nobbled the doctor. The kid is a timelord and for some reason they dump it in the future

For no reason at all I'm going with a

River Song is Amy Pond's child, who nobbled the doctor. The kid is a timelord and for some reason they dump it in the future

Rather incestuous that she keeps flirting with and kissing the Doctor (her father) then...

Could still be her though - maybe he's not the father. Suppose we'll have to wait and see!
It will probably turn out like something daft and annoying like... The child will be Amy Ponds and Rorys, and Rory turns out to be a timelord who has forgotten he is a timelord or that the little girl is nothing to do with Amy Pond and is River Song whose life is going backwards compared to the Doctors and she is a timelord and the girl is her future/younger (past) self, in a kind of Benjamin Button way.
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In this crazy universe she could have regenerated and become a child.

/clutching at straws.

Well is there an age issue with timelords? They can regenerate into any form they wish (essentially) so why not age range?

"Our" Dr, who only regenerates as human appears to have got a lot younger over the years so...?
It will probably turn out like something daft and annoying like... The child will be Amy Ponds and Rorys, and Rory turns out to be a timelord who has forgotten he is a timelord or that the little girl is nothing to do with Amy Pond and is River Song whose life is going backwards compared to the Doctors and she is a timelord and the girl is her future/younger (past) self, in a kind of Benjamin Button way.

It this turns out to be true, you win the internet. Thats something so crazy that it could potentially be put into Dr Who.
But if the girl is a timelord (which looks very likely) then why in past series has he been saying that he's the last of the timelords and him saying that if others were out there then he would be able to feel it.?
Well is there an age issue with timelords? They can regenerate into any form they wish (essentially) so why not age range?

"Our" Dr, who only regenerates as human appears to have got a lot younger over the years so...?

That makes a lot of sense if she feels she is a child inside.
Amy isn't pregnant - she's having sympathetic symptoms for River, who is.

Heh, I love this game ^_^

Haha, yeah but the TARDIS isn't sure... Which adds a whole new call game .

But if the girl is a timelord (which looks very likely) then why in past series has he been saying that he's the last of the timelords and him saying that if others were out there then he would be able to feel it.?

He thinks he is. He killed all the timelords but him between the old and new series. The master survived because he hid. The clone girl he doesn't realise is still alive and that girl... Well we don't know when she was born (or indeed she could be jenny).
It can't be Jenny since Amy picked up a picture in the girls bedroom and she was holding the girl when it was a baby
The child will turn out to be Amy's and Rory's but there will be some event in the future to explain why she has become timelordified. Probably the effects of time travel and the TARDIS on a developing feotus or something along those lines.
Can it be river? As her timeline is going in the opposite direction to the doctor. He is getting older so she is getting younger.

She says she has a much worse end, the doctor not knowing her. Which is why, in the beach before she shot him, the doctor said "its ok, I know its you".

Can it be river? As her timeline is going in the opposite direction to the doctor. He is getting older so she is getting younger.

She says she has a much worse end, the doctor not knowing her. Which is why, in the beach before she shot him, the doctor said "its ok, I know its you".


Nope, River dies the first time the Dr ever meets her. The big library two parter with David Tennant.
Nope, River dies the first time the Dr ever meets her. The big library two parter with David Tennant.

That cant of been the first time he met her though can it? I mean she clearly had a whole massive number of times that she had met him before written in her book. If her life is going backwards compared to the Drs, then it makes sense for it to start with her "death" and then as the (tv) encounters pass she is progressing backwards whilst the doctor is progressing forwards until such time as she is younger whilst he is "older". Then again, its wibbly wobbly so they can pretty much make up whatever storyline they want and just say its all down to wibbly wobbly time :D
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