Doctor Who

It could only come from a surface presenting a clear reflection. So it came from the becalmed sea, the surface of the water in the barrel, and the polished metal of the treasure. So they ditched the treasure, the windows, etc, and stayed below decks to avoid the surface of the sea. When the wind picked up, the surface of the sea wasn't smooth any more, so they were safe above decks again, but the crown was unaffected by the wind, so gave a clear reflection still and the siren came through the crown.

then why didn't they just lock the treasure in a room? Seeing as the "siren" is incapable of passing through walls and doors...

frankly i thought the whole episode was pap with the very sole exception of the woman in the hatch speaking to Pond.
then why didn't they just lock the treasure in a room? Seeing as the "siren" is incapable of passing through walls and doors...

frankly i thought the whole episode was pap with the very sole exception of the woman in the hatch speaking to Pond.

Wasn't the treasure already...locked in a room, the same room the one pirate locked himself in. They could have just left it be, and made sure the door was secure, and they would have been fine :p.
Last episode was really disappointing. They seem to have employed a much better casting director than in previous series, as most of the actors have a basic understanding of acting, but the story really didn't seem to flow. I'm not sure if it was a writing thing, editing thing or direction thing, but it all seemed to just be a disparate collection of badly stitched together shots. Allot of the jokes fell flat because of poor pacing and i never cared about any of the characters, so when they get bumped off or their is a risk of them being bumped off it was very much 'meh'.

Felt very amateur, like a student production or something
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the whole point of the episode was to show that 2 objects can occupy the same space/time but on a different plane, later on we find that there are 2 amys, one knocked up, one not, but both taking up the same space/time. that why the tardis shows amy in two states.

ill guess they explaine it by using the cracks somehow
Bit of an iffy episode.

What intrigued me more than anything was the trailer at the end. The voice that said "Why shouldn't I just kill you now" sounded awfully like Tom Baker.
the whole point of the episode was to show that 2 objects can occupy the same space/time but on a different plane, later on we find that there are 2 amys, one knocked up, one not, but both taking up the same space/time. that why the tardis shows amy in two states.

ill guess they explaine it by using the cracks somehow
Interesting idea, there's a picture of two cribs on set. One is all Tardis blue and the other looks all tech-cyber.
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As above that wasn't a brilliant episode TBH, hopefully next week will be better. What I'm not too sure about is why they didn't release the crew with minor cuts, obviously they aren't going to die from them so would have been fine to go back...

And Ood'unit at the end of the trailer?;)
Did I miss something, or did one of the pirates disappear mid-episode?

There were the two extras/pirates hiding in the powder hold with everyone else. Both wanted to leave the captain after he decided to save his son. One got cut and ran away to hide with the treasure, where he died. What happened to the other one?
Did I miss something, or did one of the pirates disappear mid-episode?
What happened to the other one?

He was the bosun and one of the bodies on the beds so I assume that the Siren got him but that the scene got cut as the episode was over running.

Did anybody see The Hand of Fear on BBC4, not fast paced compared to current TV and the support cast was a bit dodgy but the scenes between the Doctor and SJS was so much better and less irritating than any of the recent main companions.
Ah was he on the beds?

I assumed something had been cut, but it seemed such a glaring mistake not for it to have been addressed at some point. I'm really surprised no-one noticed it during the cutting process. One second he was right with the crew, the next nobody even mentioned his existence.
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