Doctor Who

I don't think they could afford him, and I'm not sure why on earth he would want to it, bit of a step down!

Tom Hiddleston, would be a good choice, and lets be honest Matt Smith has added nothing to the character, some of the bit part actors have been more believable. Whether that's his fault or the fault of the writers I don't know. But the show needs a much darker feel than it has at present, with stories that span an episode or two, not crammed into 45mins.
Do people seriously think the issue is Matt Smith rather than the absolutely dire writing and plots?

That's a good question.

Without doubt the writers have dropped the ball in the main, but I assume that any actor taking on such a roll brings something to the table, possibly something the writers think they can build on or they hope the actor will "add" some new facet to the character. Otherwise they'd take in any old actor off the street and just go with it. Whatever it is that is out of kiltie at the moment it's certainly lost it's edge.
I must have been the only person to like the last couple of episodes, the latest of which was the best yet :o

The sub episode was a bit weak but over all the episodes have been good, the problem is there has been no stand out episodes to make the run of the mill ones more tolerable.
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In fairness to Matt Smith it's hard to polish a turd.

I was under 10 years old for the Tom Baker era but thought it was brilliant, yet the modern child centred plots are so weak and idiotic it pains me. Talk about aiming low and still undershooting.

Forgettable telly for the forgetful generation.
Agreed with the other comments, this series whilst watchable - just isn't catching my interest. After the Clara/Dalek episode last year I had some high hopes for this series, but absolutely nothing seems to have happened. Even if suddenly a really clever connection appears to tie it all together it's still not going to make up how much of a non-event it's been so far.
I predict that next week's episode is going to be the worst of the lot. All the warning signs are there really. The kids (who are already really annoying after only a few seconds of screen time) will no doubt find some cheeky way of defeating the cybermen and they will all get home in time for tea.

I really hope Doctor Who gets a total reboot treatment at some point. Perhaps even a darker and more adult cinematic film featuring Matt Smith or a new Doctor. What annoys me is that Doctor Who, if done right, could be amazing sci fi and world class.
Doctor Who, if done right, could be amazing sci fi and world class.

That's why I find it so frustrating to watch at the moment. The premise is that we have a bloke who at some point in the past has been so ruthless he's seen off an entire race (the Darleks) who just happens to have a machine that can travel to ANY time and point in space! The show should have no boundaries and the ideas should be limitless. We now have the CGI effects that should allow at least allow some of those ideas to be expressed. The episode with the damaged TARDIS was a shocker, the most magical machine that's ever been and the first time we get to see it's inner workings and it's reduced to running up and down a few corridors!! It should have been breath-taking and an episode to remember.

It desperately needs to go adult or at least have a spin off with adult content. It's one of the few shows that has huge potential simply because it not limited to a time or a place or even a style. I know there are constraints on budget, etc. But I'm sure we can do better.

On the up side, I'm quite liking Defiance.
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That's why I find it so frustrating to watch at the moment. The premise is that we have a bloke who at some point in the past has been so ruthless he's seen off an entire race (the Darleks) who just happens to have a machine that can travel to ANY time and point in space! The show should have no boundaries and the ideas should be limitless. We now have the CGI effects that should allow at least allow some of those ideas to be expressed. The episode with the damaged TARDIS was a shocker, the most magical machine that's ever been and the first time we get to see it's inner workings and it's reduced to running up and down a few corridors!! It should have been breath-taking and an episode to remember.

It desperately needs to go adult or at least have a spin off with adult content. It's one of the few shows that has huge potential simply because it not limited to a time or a place or even a style. I know there are constraints on budget, etc. But I'm sure we can do better.

On the up side, I'm quite liking Defiance.

I agree. Unfortunately, however "adult" sci-fi doesn't make money, or at least not enough money to make it feasible. Look at Battlestar for example, great show, great universe, okay it lasted for it's seasons but the spin offs didn't work and that's not forgetting that the main series was during a booming economy. Firefly is another intelligent sci-fi that always gets mentioned and there are many more which suffered a similar fate.

Kids, on the other hand, do make money and I think that's why they've orientated the series as they have. Call it the "Star wars effect". Merchandising it can make it far more profitable then just featuring it on tv.

I wish it wasn't so but it's a cash cow and is therefore treated as such. :(
I predict that next week's episode is going to be the worst of the lot. All the warning signs are there really. The kids (who are already really annoying after only a few seconds of screen time) will no doubt find some cheeky way of defeating the cybermen and they will all get home in time for tea.

But, but, but, Neil Gaiman!

Even if it's only half as good as his previous episode it should still be great.
It did, it was called TORCHWOOD and look what a turd that was.

Still better that Dr Who is a present. If they'd have gone a little easier on the self indulgent Gheyyness and it's obvious attempt at feeling "American" it wouldn't have been so bad. Plus I didn't think "Miracle day" was so bad, at least it was longer than 50mins
I think the current series leans too far toward the comic, it seems to go for many more laughs than scares per episode.
There never seems to be any sense of real peril, a very important ingredient of the old Doctor Who.
I'm not convinced by Matt Smith either, he seems to be lacking almost entirely in screen presence and doesn't come across as a figure of authority, which a Time Lord most defineily should. You don't get the feeling that he's a creature whose lived for thousands of years and seen and done what he has, he just comes across as a bit of a buffoon.
And what's with the overuse of the sonic screwdriver, it's getting ridiculous. Any problem at all wave the sonic screwdriver at it...just seems symptomatic of a total lack of imagination on the part of the writers. I'll watch the rest of the series but my hopes aren't high, whatever happened to episodes like Blink - brilliant plot, well written and with more than a hint of real menace. We can but hope...
I think the current series leans too far toward the comic, it seems to go for many more laughs than scares per episode.
There never seems to be any sense of real peril, a very important ingredient of the old Doctor Who.
I'm not convinced by Matt Smith either, he seems to be lacking almost entirely in screen presence.

That's the nub of it, Matt Smith has little or no screen presence at all. You just get the feeling it's all a bit tongue in cheek and it spoils it. The characters are all a bit slapstick and almost tip each other the wink as if to say yeah we know it's rubbish, but it's for kids. Just look at the Strax, character, he's played as if some teenager on a E-number and sugar rush. This is the first series I've watched and after every episode I just think meh!!!
As for Torchwood once it came into its own in the 3rd season it was really good, It was just trying to be a grow up Doctor who to start off with and it never really work.
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