Doctor Who

Im going to go against whats already been said as me and the mrs quite enjoyed it. I really like the cybermen and I really liked how truly dangerous they appeared on this episode, especially compared to previous ones where they were slow and quite easy to kill in comparison. Sure the story wasn't the best that's ever been written for the program, yet I don't understand why people really rip into it now.

Its like matt smiths portrayal as the doctor. The cybermen said that his neural network was a mess due to all the regenerations hes been through and living for nearly 1000 years would drive anyone a bit loopy anyway.

The entire of dr who from the first few seasons has been fraught with either poor story telling, limited budget that hurts the story telling or simply bad acting. I've been working my way through the old episodes which are dalek based on Netflix and the previous doctors use guns and explosives like a member of al-queda at times!

When you watch the old stuff you do realise that the character has evolved with everything else on the show and I personally don't think its in a bad way. I couldn't stand how amazingly arrogant david tenants character got in his final season, which was nothing like the previous portrayals of the character, who had their moments sure, but didn't keep it up for so damn long.
The writing is just poor, look back at some of the episodes in previous series (Blink, Silence in the Library, Midnight, The Empty Child for example) There's nothing even remotely close to that quality. The whole premise of this series has been, what's the mystery behind Clara? We're 12 episodes in and they haven't developed that beyond the doctor occasionally saying what is she! They'll just cram it all in as a deus ex machina to the last episode again, it's lazy and shoddy.
You know what, I'm torn on that episode.

I enjoyed watching it, and I think it had a great premise and the potential to be one of the memorable ones, even up there with Blink.
But WHY did they have to wrap the whole premise up inside a CBBC wrapper of a kids day out to an amusement park :(:(:(

Just imagine that as a dark story with the rebirth of the Cybermen on a decaying planet... but no... let's have more goofy running around and lighting every scene in blue and purple like Joel Schumacher was directing it.

I said it last week and I'll say it again... someone PLEASE cancel Dr Who until they can fix it !!
I genuinely don't get why you guys that clearly don't like Moffat's version of Who put yourself through this every week. Turn off the TV or watch a series you've been putting off for ages (I recommend Breaking Bad) - use that 45 minutes doing something you'll enjoy.

Personally I love Matt Smith/Moffat's run. I could happily sit down and watch at least 80% of the episodes again (and probably have).

While I enjoyed Ecclestone / Tennant at the time, there's very few epsiodes that I would bother to rewatch now; and beyond Dalek and Midnight, they're either written by Moffat (Girl in the Fireplace, Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, Empty Child/Doctor Dances), barely have the Doctor in (Turn Left) or both (Blink).

Im going to go against whats already been said as me and the mrs quite enjoyed it. I really like the cybermen and I really liked how truly dangerous they appeared on this episode, especially compared to previous ones where they were slow and quite easy to kill in comparison. Sure the story wasn't the best that's ever been written for the program, yet I don't understand why people really rip into it now.

Its like matt smiths portrayal as the doctor. The cybermen said that his neural network was a mess due to all the regenerations hes been through and living for nearly 1000 years would drive anyone a bit loopy anyway.

The entire of dr who from the first few seasons has been fraught with either poor story telling, limited budget that hurts the story telling or simply bad acting. I've been working my way through the old episodes which are dalek based on Netflix and the previous doctors use guns and explosives like a member of al-queda at times!

When you watch the old stuff you do realise that the character has evolved with everything else on the show and I personally don't think its in a bad way. I couldn't stand how amazingly arrogant david tenants character got in his final season, which was nothing like the previous portrayals of the character, who had their moments sure, but didn't keep it up for so damn long.

Amen brother
I also enjoyed tonight's episode, more than any this season so far actually. Kids weren't too annoying, which surprised me.

One thing which doesn't help is whenever you have military on any planet (and this has been true for a number of seasons) they're useless. Absolutely useless. They're written this way, I assume, to be a comic element, so it's not all too serious and "deathy". I guess it's also to boost the apparent power of the doctor BUT he's a TIMELORD, you shouldn't need to lower the bar to make him look impressive. I think if they made the army or whatever just slightly less pointless then the whole thing would pick up. Obviously there are bigger, more fundamental issues, but this is something that could be fixed pretty easily and would be a big improvement.
The hole thing just needs to be darker and more adulty.
We aren't 7 anymore. But then they want to entice a new generation so keep it as a kids program.
Would love it to go darker.

I was also hoping for a good story ark, but so far there's nothing, other than him in the last two minutes going why are you impossible. That's not a story ark, it's just crap writing.

Was also hoping for someone to actually be close to the doctor as well, she managed to hack the Daleks but she's been pretty useless so far. Ok not as bad as some other side kicks, but nothing like her first episode.
I gave it a chance, but switched off about 14minutes into the episode. Out comes the sonic screwdriver with the doctor prancing about amongst the kids... The episode just took too long to actually start and I'd lost interest. That female soldier was just cringeworthy at best.
It desperately need to have at least a nod to the adults that watch it. As it stands at the moment it's well below the bar even as kids entertainment. Kids are far more savvy than 10-20 years ago, yet show feels like it's being written for 5 year olds, lots of colours with random jumping about. It's this first series I can remember, where I just want it to end so the next Dr can start again. I was sorry to see Eccleston go and was surprised at how good Tennat was, but Matt Smith... Mehhhh.. And JLC is the first character that actually becomes shallower each episode instead of building a back story. Very disappointed by latest series.
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