Doctor Who

Originally Posted by Vonhelmet View Post
I'm never quite sure what people are hoping for with Doctor Who. It's light family sci fi. It's entertaining enough, but I'm not sure I'd ever try to take it terribly seriously.

I understand what you mean but there are adults that were previously children that also watch it. ;)
What is with all the people complaining about the lesbian couple, they've been in the show plenty of times before :confused:

I thought it started poorly, the first 20 mins can be summarised as:

We've hired an older actor
An alien threw a newspaper at Clara's head and she fell over

But it got better as it went on, it's ok but it's still a kid's show unfortunately.
The VAST majority of on-screen relationships are straight, I am tired of all this heterosexuality being shoved down my throat.
It doesn't bother me, but the scene where they kissed was completely contrived, as it added nothing to the story other than oh look two lesbians kissing. If they had made it out to be a good bye kiss or something it's then normal and understandable from a story point of view but instead they do a "I can store oxygen in my lungs" which two seconds later proved to be pointless.
Cautiously enjoyed this episode.

I know they have to blend Smith into Capaldi before he can really carve a niche. If he regenerated and became instantly different that would also be cause for criticism, as they are meant to be the same person after all.

The stand-out part for me was at the end when Smith was on the phone and actually helped link both Doctors together.

Definitely think there is great promise for Capaldi to evolve the Doctor into something deeper and darker. But without loosing some of the humour that I enjoyed with Tennant and Smith.
The VAST majority of on-screen relationships are straight, I am tired of all this heterosexuality being shoved down my throat.

My point above is that it's a weak concession. If they want a lesbian couple, hey should have a lesbian couple, I won't care. As it is they have some weird interspecies couple. I'm worrying about bestiality more than anything else. It's a compromise, like someone wanted a lesbian couple in there by was told they could only do it if they weren't both human.
It really isn't. It's hardly unusual to have human/alien couples. Think Farscape, Defiance, BSG (if you count Cylons), Star Trek etc. I've rarely seen people point those out as 'weak'. It's only because they're gay that people are questioning it.
Pretty darn boring, and she's got far to much tan :( looks terrible. thankfully she seems to whiten up through the episode.
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I'll admit, I was mildly amused by the references to previous episodes, especially the fact that Capaldi has been in the show before. But, honestly I was disappointed by the whole Matt Smith cameo, as it made me feel as though the writers didn't think the Capaldi could carry the role, and needed the previous doctor to smooth the transition.

All in all though, not a great episode, guess I'll have to hope that things get better as they go..
I'll admit, I was mildly amused by the references to previous episodes, especially the fact that Capaldi has been in the show before. But, honestly I was disappointed by the whole Matt Smith cameo, as it made me feel as though the writers didn't think the Capaldi could carry the role, and needed the previous doctor to smooth the transition.

All in all though, not a great episode, guess I'll have to hope that things get better as they go..

I too didn't like Matt Smith turning up, I could have lived with just his voice over the phone, but he, himself didn't need to be there imo.

I thought the episode improved half way through, and I liked the dark tonnes from the DR, at least it didn't have a CBeebies feel to it!
I had to watch a 'Best of Malcolm Tucker' afterwards, I don't think I deal with an emotional Capaldi.

Episode was a bit dodgy imo, very odd and muddled story, especially with the cameo...
My point above is that it's a weak concession. If they want a lesbian couple, hey should have a lesbian couple, I won't care. As it is they have some weird interspecies couple. I'm worrying about bestiality more than anything else. It's a compromise, like someone wanted a lesbian couple in there by was told they could only do it if they weren't both human.

Ahhh I see what you mean. I don't think this has ever been done before in sci-fi and could be a worrying trend. Just imagine:

  • Captain Kirk getting it on with practically every species he meets
  • Tom and B'Ellana having some weird human/Klingon hybrid baby
  • I'm glad Mass Effect didn't let you romance Liara, Tali or Garrus!
  • That Catkind guy in Gridlocked, he and that girl ... would she end up with kittens? LOL!
  • Pigslave? :eek:
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