how the hell did Clara go back to galifrey when it's time locked? The doctor had removed the ability to travel back to his own timelines from an older series, so tonight's episode makes absolutely no sense.
Well that was a lot better. I enjoyed that.
The Doctor mentioned that he had completely disabled all the safety locks on the Tardis to get so far into the future
Surely it isn't that easy to get somewhere/when that has been locked off?
And hasn't he been to the end of the universe before?
I like Capaldi, I do not like the storylines so far.
I'm still not liking the fact that his assistant is always taking the lead and has far too strong a role compared to all previous series of the program dating back to the very start. They might as well call it Clara Who with the last 4 episodes.
Surely it isn't that easy to get somewhere/when that has been locked off?
And hasn't he been to the end of the universe before?
I'm no Who expert, but wasn't that the end of humanity, or the end of life? Where as this time is was literally the end of everything, only 1 planet left and nowhere to go?
Good fun.
Nice and creepy.
Final speech went on a bit too long for my liking but a thoroughly enjoyable episode !!
The Doctor sees Captain Jack Harkness racing towards the TARDIS and dematerialises. Jack grabs on to the outer shell, causing the TARDIS to fly to the end of the universe trying to shake him off.