Doctor Who


Eye's in the palm made the Davros connection too obvious, JC has been the most dire companion imho, Missy is going all panto dame and this development of love/hate between her the doc is irksome.

I've said it before in this thread, a companion is not needed! it's an outdated plot device harking back to a simpler time when there had to be a premise of danger in order for the doctor to become the hero.
It's like the Walking Dead thread - years and years people have been watching it, but the same people keep posting how rubbish it is. WHY WATCH IT????!!!! In your opinion you have given it a fair chance, you don't like it, move on to something else.

For me, The Walking Dead and Dr Who are exceptional. This series start was very good and am looking forward to how this plays out - jaw drop too when the kid said his name!
Better than any episode from last year and overall enjoyable, missy still annoy the hell out of me and I don't really see the need for her in the episode.

I'm expecting a cheap quick fix next week though :(
Haha! Alright well have this wallpaper as an apology, her locks look absolutely stunning and I know you'll photoshop your face into this with your bedroom in the background.

LOL how did I miss this! Apology accepted and yes I will :D

I actually enjoyed the last episode, especially the part when Clara got zapped. Time for a new companion and I disagree with whoever said the companion is outdated, I love the Doctor having a companion as long as they aren't boring or all bossy like Clara.
The problem isn't the idea of the companion , more Clara overstaying her welcome in general and a combination of:

A - Clara's arc being concluded with Eleven.
B - The switch with Capaldi from the show being about the Doctor to being about the companion and her view of the Doctor.

You still need a companion if for no other reason than to give some (albeit minute) possibility of danger, we know the Doctor isn't going to die and without a companion all we have are single episode characters with little to no development and no care if they live or die.
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