Doctor Who

Soon as I saw what was happening to the plane , I thought a bit insensitive and just knew the press would jump on it

I can tell the difference between reality and fiction. I was not "furious" (© Daily Mail). The fictional plane was not even brought down in the same way.

In fact, given that it was a heavy handed allegory regarding war and terrorism, it actually makes it more poignant that it reflects a recent real life happening, and is a sad indictment of the human condition.
Can someone explain the ending - osgoods and the doctor. I think there is something up with my TV speakers, but i struggle so much to hear the quieter dialogue!!

As for the plane scene, i thought they may have cut it, however, although they have cut scenes in past episodes, it was only small scenes. This was a large scene and loks like it cost quite a bot of budget!

The BBC has edited a Doctor Who episode to remove footage where a character is beheaded, after the murder of two US journalists by Islamic State militants.
Found the online script - no need for an explanation now!

[Brockwell Park]

OSGOOD: The Tardis.
DOCTOR: The Tardis.
OSGOOD: What does it stand for?
DOCTOR: What? You're kidding me? Surely you know that?
OSGOOD: Well, I've heard a couple of different versions.
DOCTOR: I made it up from the initials. It stands for Totally And Radically Driving In Space. Do you want to come? All of the future, all of history, and all of the universe?
OSGOOD: More than anything. But I think I have to stay. I've got a couple of boxes to keep an eye on. And a world to keep safe.
DOCTOR: Fair enough. Clara, would you mind er
CLARA: Mind what?
DOCTOR: I'll see you in the Tardis, okay?
CLARA: (penny drops) Er, yeah, sure.
(She goes and hugs Osgood.)
CLARA: Take care, you.
OSGOOD: You take care of him. Don't let him die or anything.
CLARA: What if he's really annoying?
OSGOOD: Then fine.
CLARA: Got ya.
(Clara goes into the Tardis and shuts the door.)
DOCTOR: I need to know. Which one are you?
OSGOOD; I'm Osgood.
DOCTOR: Human or Zygon?
OSGOOD: I'll answer that question one day. Do you know when day that will be?
OSGOOD [OC]: The day nobody cares about the answer.
(A second Osgood in 7th Doctor duffel coat, paisley scarf etc steps out from behind Osgood, where we know there was no one before. Her spectacles haven't got a mend on the bridge.)
OSGOOD 2: Gotcha!
OSGOOD: Oh, look at his face.
OSGOOD 2: It's almost not fair.
DOCTOR: (stuttering) But I don't, I don't. How, how?
OSGOOD: Oh, think it through, Doctor.
OSGOOD 2: Well, it wouldn't be right, would it?
OSGOOD: To carry on using Clara's face
OSGOOD 2: When there's a vacancy.
DOCTOR: Zygella?
OSGOOD: Osgood!
DOCTOR: But which one of you
BOTH: Osgood!
OSGOOD: It doesn't matter which of us is which.
OSGOOD 2: All that matters is that Osgood lives.
OSGOOD: And nothing's going to stop us!
DOCTOR: You're a credit to your species, Petronella Osgood.
OSGOOD: No, Basil.
OSGOOD 2: We're a credit to both of them.
DOCTOR: Oh, and you should know. I'm a very big fan.
(He goes into the Tardis and shuts the door.)
Wraps the ending up now for me quite nicely.
Can someone explain the ending - osgoods and the doctor. I think there is something up with my TV speakers, but i struggle so much to hear the quieter dialogue!!

Dodgy BBC sound editing. I though the sound engineers had been told they had to do a final pass with a standard TV to get the sound levels right, rather than a bank of high quality cinema speakers. Mumbling actors and sound engineers who mix for 50 surround speakers <sigh>.

The ending was the two Osgoods resuming their role as the balance between the Zygoids and the Humans. You still don't know which is which, and the hybrid Osgood that was originally killed is replaced by Bonnie/Zygella. They'll answer the question of which is which (race) "when the answer ceases to matter".
Thanks for that.

Great couple of episodes, i do wish the aliens looked more fierce/different instead of Mr Hanky - detracted a little for me because of this.
Thanks for that.

Great couple of episodes, i do wish the aliens looked more fierce/different instead of Mr Hanky - detracted a little for me because of this.

They all look like Curious Orange to me:


The problem is the Zygons are a Troughton/Pertwee era baddie so although they have updated the makeup and effects, they are still a basic design from donkey's yeas ago. They need to do some new baddies that are as good as the old classics that the writers keep returning to. Apart from The Silence and the Weeping Angels, I can't think of any good new Who baddies that aren't rehashes that have been that great. I'd love for them to do more Tardis stories (Doctor's Wife was fantastic thanks to Suranne Jones & Neil Gaiman). I'd like to see them make some serious effort at doing some time travels stories, instead of "oh, I have a time machine but I can't use it to change anything".
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Seen a story online saying the next season will only have half the amount of episodes as this one, wonder if theres any truth t it?

They are making a full series next year but theres doubt as too weather all of it will be shown next year or if some of it will be held back for 2017 like they did with one of Matt Smiths series
Curious, as someone who stopped watching DW early in the Matt Smith days, has the show improved or gotten worse? I thought it had gotten a bit too childlike, as opposed to some of the more dark episodes from the Tennant era.
I think it helps with this season they seem to know how to use Capaldi a bit better, Capaldi a step up compared to Smith and they didn't seem to understand that last year.
I think it helps with this season they seem to know how to use Capaldi a bit better, Capaldi a step up compared to Smith and they didn't seem to understand that last year.

It was the same with Smith tbh, his first season (outside of his introduction episode) all felt like Tennant episodes that got held over; it wasn't really until his second season they had a clue who they wanted his version of the Doctor to be.

I still maintain they could have found the sweet spot for Capaldi a lot quicker if they got rid of Clara with Eleven or shortly after.
Slightly off topic (but not really), is anyone else going to the Doctor Who 50th anniversary Festival at the Excel London?

I'm taking my daughter and one of her friends, quite looking forward to it actually. :)
I really don't know what happened....this series was going well and then we got that clapped out, every sci-fi cliché possible utterly disappointing. Quite shocked to be honest.

And YES meatloaf! I saw those adverts and was very confused being my wife and I attended the 50th in 2013 at the Excel centre.
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