Doctor Who

I too won't miss Peter Capaldi.
There are several suggestions on the BBC web pages, I quite like the idea of Richard Ayoade or Ben Whishaw (Q).
Outsider would be David Harewood, I can't see them picking a female quite yet as the Master has just done that transition.
PS +1 for a Tennant return though.
If you want a strong female lead program along the same lines as Doctor Who then just make a spinoff series with Clara and the other young girl who are both immortal and have their own Tardis, I would like to see that.

Making the Doctor a Woman just to with "With it" is a terrible idea.

Why the media feels they cannot just make a new original female hero (Comics for example) but instead feel they need to rely on the fan base of a previously male hero is beyond me, guess they don't think much of woman.
They should just improve the scripts. Write them for adults, instead of for twelve year-olds. If they want to do a spin-off with a female Time-Lord, then do it, don't hamstring it by just making it the same-old with different genitalia for the sake of political correctness.

If the character of a female Time-Lord can't carry it's own series, it's sure not going to carry the current series just by association of what's gone before.
OcUK members in "miffed by the mere suggestion of a female lead character" shocker. There's nothing in the DW canon to say the doctor must be male. We've already had TM being female and you didn't poo the bed about it then.

Also the target demographic for DW is no longer middle-aged men, it is American teens. The BBC make a boatload of cash by selling DW to US stations where it is shown during prime teen viewing.
I'm sad to see Capaldi go he's really been let down with the writing during his time on the show and I was hoping to see him with the new show runner.
Happy to see Capaldi go. I personally don't think his portrayal was right. He never took anything seriously and it gave it all a sort of Carry On Doctor vibe I felt. Guess writing was to blame.

I just hope the new lead writer makes things a little more adult and intelligent. I can't see it though sadly. In many ways, I kinda wish the rights to this show were bought by Netflix. They'd probably do a cracking job of it and would have no issues going for full on sci-fi. I know it's a very British (and particularly BBC) staple though and such a move would probably be controversial to say the least.

Still think they need to give Paul McGann a fair crack of the whip. That would be pretty amazing. Can't really happen now though I guess as it would force a nasty retcon.
Well they could always prequel it and do the 8th Doctor during the time he was active.

But tbh, Big Finish already has that well covered, though some of the 8th Doctor Adventure stories (later in the 8th Doctor's time so he doesn't have to wear that stupid wig) would make great fodder for a mini-series.

Hopefully we can get a last great season out of Capaldi, when he had the right material he was fantastic but then they spent large amounts of time having him be too wacky when we needed cynical and sarcastic (see the late John Hurt as the War Doctor). I'm not against a female Doctor either per se. I just think it would have to be a great actress backed with some great material so it didn't come off as a cheap stunt casting.

Still think Patterson Joseph would be my pick for new Doctor though, just lift his take on the Marquis de Carabas straight into the Who-verse.
Still think they need to give Paul McGann a fair crack of the whip. That would be pretty amazing. Can't really happen now though I guess as it would force a nasty retcon.

Wouldn't be difficult really. Instead of a regeneration, just have the current Doctor meet up with McGann for a story (ie Doctor meets his past self), then new one gets into his TARDIS and disappears off, the audience remains with McGann and follows him on his next adventure.
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I think it's a shame Capaldi is going, I didn't know him before Doctor Who and my impression is that he's actually really good but been let down by bad writing.

Sadly the last few years have tried to make Doctor Who all cerebral, clever and complicated when what it really needs is the Doctor turning up, saving everyone and then buggering off to his next adventure. No series arc, no complicated stuff.

I want to sit down for an hour, watch an episode and not have to think too hard about it.

I'm glad Moffat is going but I wish Capaldi had stayed on and got some decent storylines. Having said that, I still think that Blink is one of the best episodes of NuWho and that was written by Moffat so he can produce good stuff.
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