Doctor Who

It's a show that uses Time travel as it's primary plot device, they can bring back any Doctor they want (like say the current rumour of the Christmas special being 12 and 1), every incarnation of the Doctor has enough unaccounted for time to squeeze in extra adventures if they wanted to bring someone back.

But outside of a one off special, it's not going to happen.-
How extensive is the CGI work on this now, and has there been large cost reduction on production costs per episode ?
it seeems increasingly artificial to me, the ambiance of the show ... lots of green backgrounds ?
The core idea was interesting, but inadequate elaboration/explanation on the motivation of the aliens, plus gratuitous cameo by the daleks.

Were we meant to infer she will be the doctors first homosexual companion ? so no more the previous doctor/companion chemistry,
not mentioning the Matt Lucas (pantomine dame) character.
I'm finding the new companion really irritating.
+1 yes with her naive remarks she is a crossover between , the women in the final destination franchise and the girl in
American Pie ('one time at bandcamp'), but at least you know the former will not be in the movie for long,
Do not get what demographic she is meant to appeal too - she seems to be trying, too hard, to play a teenager.
Her remarks as opposd to inciteful/intelligent, like previous companions, seem frivolous/accidental.
I don't mind her so much.
Actually having a companion who isn't (currently) written to be the terrible TV trope of a 'strong woman' who is miraculously the doctors equal and extremely wise and brave and courageous and gorgeous is refreshing.
Just having a 'normal person' who's just a bit goofy along for the ride is a nice change. :)
Hopefully its just new companion syndrome. We have been through the same thing numerous times before and there is only some many ways they can do it.
i wonder if the vault that the DR is guarding is connected to the Black vault from The day of the doctor, and will be used to explain why Capaldi (the 13) appeared in The day of the doctor
i wonder if the vault that the DR is guarding is connected to the Black vault from The day of the doctor, and will be used to explain why Capaldi (the 13) appeared in The day of the doctor

I'm thinking it will be something like the Master / his memory or something like that. Maybe it will be something more interesting but I'm not so sure. I'm also wondering if wiping minds will be important to overall story. First episode the doctor is going to wipe the new companions memory. Second episode he does wipe the robots memory. Maybe reading to much into that so early.
Also - looking for consistency of this story with previous series - this series suggested he had been lecturing at the University for 100's of years, which means he was doing that in parallel with his adventures in the previous series - is that over-analysing it ? (so he is two-timing companions) ...
or, is his lecturing/guarding career being intentionally partitioned/isolated, facilitated by mind wiping ... a very tangled web
Also - looking for consistency of this story with previous series - this series suggested he had been lecturing at the University for 100's of years, which means he was doing that in parallel with his adventures in the previous series - is that over-analysing it ? (so he is two-timing companions) ...
or, is his lecturing/guarding career being intentionally partitioned/isolated, facilitated by mind wiping ... a very tangled web

wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff, he could have been doing it for ~50 years as suggested and not have a companion in that time frame, much like Matt's doctor aged 100's of years before regenerating to keep the town safe.
The BBC, why do they feel the need to shoehorn their liberal political agenda into nearly every ******* programme they make? Little wonder they're a laughing stock in comparison to shows made elsewhere and by companies that aren't funded to the tune of £billions by public money.
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