Doctor Who

Von Luck said:
Another fantastic episode last night - not quite as good as 'Blink', which is possibly the best episode of Dr.Who ever, but great.

Good to see the return of the Master - takes me back to the Tom Baker era, esp Logopolis with all the shrunken people (and Nyssa, mmmmm).

I reckon David Tennant is right up there with the best Doctors now that they've made the storylines a bit less 'run-around-shouting' and have had the bottle to start doing more multi-part stories.

Tom Baker is still the best (although I rate Earthshock with Peter Davison as one of the best episodes).

As you are a major fan can I recommend that you read "Dalek I loved you" (if you have not already read it).
The author does confess to be a daily mail writer but says most of his friends write for the guardian ;)
The author grew up with Pertwee and Baker as his Doctors and his recollections are wonderfully funny.
Did anyone get the precise wording or script transcript when the doctor was talking about humans evolving and de evolving. It sounding like humans turned to gas form then something then downloaded them self’s for a million years. For some reason I find the new doctors voice unclear and hard to understand at times.
Simian said:
It might be like drinking out of date milk!... (bare with me here!! :D )

The 12/13 Regenerations is a proviso not an absolute!... Its recomended you don't regenerate further than this otherwise things go wrong... Bits fall off... You go Mad (in the Masters case its too late for that!!)... (Just like drinking out of date milk is not a good idea!... You can do it!... But things might go wrong... You can get poisoned... even die!...) So it was made a Law... That over the thousands of years became muddled into an absolute!... You can't go over 13 Regenerations.. Rather 'than its not a good idea to go over 13 regenerations'!...

Probly just ramling here!... sounded good in my head anyhew!! :D
No its just 12, its been stated many a time in the show. There was on ep '5 Doctors' where an ancient Timelord Rassilon had unlimited regens and the Master tried to steal the secret. I think you're on the right path though, there were a bunch of guys who tried to steal regeneration technology from the Timelords in 'Mawdryn Undead'. They ended up these disfigured immortal zombie things.
Pottsey said:
Did anyone get the precise wording or script transcript when the doctor was talking about humans evolving and de evolving. It sounding like humans turned to gas form then something then downloaded them self’s for a million years. For some reason I find the new doctors voice unclear and hard to understand at times.

With this in mind, I thought Cassandra was the last human?
Cassandra was the last true pure breed Human born on earth. There where many other factions of humans on other planets.

EDIT: I guess with time travel its perfectly possible the Doctor killed the master on his last regen then this Master is an early Regen verson. In theory that also means the Master can kill this Doctor, not that it will happen. But they could kill each other.

25 year old John kills Dave who is 50 year old. Dave when he was 25 kills John when he was 30.
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I have a question:

How are they going to get back to the past without a tardis?
Im assuming they either fix jacks vortex thing or the proffessor had either a tardis or some parts of one hidden/dotted about the place...

Also does anyone here have any of the dr who dvd's? Im interested to know what extra's are included, like the original bbc1 adverts and that kinda thing
OMG!!! What an episode! :D :D

Just gets better and better!

What have they done to the Tardis tho!

When I saw that I was like nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

:( :( :(
Oo....I liked that.

Looks like it's up to Martha to save the day. Jolly good. About time the character did something on the same level as Rose obliterating the Dalek Emperor :)
I think the John Simm is brilliant as the Master. Assuming he somehow reverses what was done to him, the Doctor is going to have an awesome showdown next week.

The end of Torchwood/beginning of Doctor Who ep 11 is bugging me too... how did he get outside without using the lift or the door?

AND we got to see a brief view of Gallifrey. Sweet :)

Jumpingmedic said:
Not all of them, some of them were upgraded in this dimension. Plot hole tbh! That's a first for Dr Who :p
Plot hole closed in Torchwood.
JRS said:
Looks like it's up to Martha to save the day. Jolly good. About time the character did something on the same level as Rose obliterating the Dalek Emperor :)
That was the one thing I didn't like about this episode - it doesn't seem very inventive. 'How do we sort this mess out? Oh Rose got sent off and then came back to save the day in series 1 - Martha can do it now!'.
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