Doctor Who

I did turn to my wife (a big Dr Who fan) after 10 minutes saying, actually this might not be so bad. How wrong I was, once Tate got going; one word appalling and I ended up turning my laptop on.

A typical Russell T Davies plot. Cliched, weak, cheap and totally devoid of any finesse, subtlety or sophistication.

Catherine Tate just lacks presence and charisma and between her and Davies there in danger of turning the brilliant David Tennant into another Sylvester McCoy.

As a besides I do think Torchwood has got a lot better; though I'm a big believer that this is down to Davies having less to do with it.

Was it just me and my dad trying to work out at various points which of her series characters Tate was being?

Bernard Cribbins as the mad old Grandad :D - oh dear though CGI at the end :O

I am an old Dr Who fan and tbh I haven't really seen many episodes since the new doctors appeared. He is growing on me not sure about the scripts & storylines though.

And she is going some to be worse than 'Bonnie' - maybe it's something about the 'ging assistant gene' ;)
Tate annoys me no end, just grates against me. Story line wasn't bad Rose's reappearance (and subsequent disappearance) was a good setup - looking forward to the series, we will see.
Obviously you will correct me if I am wrong. Most of the assistants have moved on and I believe, sooner, rather than later, there will be another Doctor. Will it be a sinking ship or Tardis one asks?
Just watched 'Spearhead from Space'. Ah, the good old 70s...theres something far more unsettling about watching Autons gun down pedestrians in London (Ealing Broadway, to be precise) vs "Rose" in the new series (with its fake Cardiff-as-London setting). Not to mention the sinster Auton duplicates...
Well, I'm sorry but I loved it. I know that Ms Tate can be a bit annoying, but her style is very different from the other 2 more recent assistants and she will take some getting used to.

Personally I find it a good idea to return to the pals act that the Doctor used to have with the ladies who accompanied him and there won't be the annoying, contrived, sexual tension of the will they / won't they relationship that he had with Rose.

By the way, how soon will I be able to buy a cuddly Adipose teddy?
Well, I'm sorry but I loved it. I know that Ms Tate can be a bit annoying, but her style is very different from the other 2 more recent assistants and she will take some getting used to.

Personally I find it a good idea to return to the pals act that the Doctor used to have with the ladies who accompanied him and there won't be the annoying, contrived, sexual tension of the will they / won't they relationship that he had with Rose.

By the way, how soon will I be able to buy a cuddly Adipose teddy?

My son asked the same question about them Adipose lol
Whilst Tate was annoying, I felt she could have been a lot worse and had certainly calmed the character down somewhat from the special. I'm still not convinced about her acting though, she appears to suffer from her success as a comedienne and falls too easily back into her comedy characters.

Overall quite a good episode, I thought Sarah Lancashire was great, she ought to do more 'baddies' :)
how dodgy was torchwood, bombing the remote computer servers that control a nuclear plant is going to cause a meltdown :/

What happened to good old control rods?
how dodgy was torchwood, bombing the remote computer servers that control a nuclear plant is going to cause a meltdown :/

How dodgy? VERY!

Was a nice touch to snuff out 2 characters though, gives it something which Spooks lost in the last few series.
Worst episode I can remember. The mime acting in particular was just ridiculously badly acted (by Catherine).

Really hope she doesn't spoil it to much as, with there being no proper series in 2009, they're really pulling the stops out for this series:
return of the Ood
Rose for 3 episodes
Martha for 3 episodes
Sarah Jane Smith for an episode
episode about the doctor's daughter

In theory it should be the best series yet, but she could so easily wreck it.

You also forgot...

DAVROS (roumered to be in the Season Finale/Cliff Hanger!!) :cool::cool::cool:

Tate's not as Annoying as I first thought!... Yeah!.. She's still annoying!, but I think thats what they were looking for!.. Someone who's not going to go all Gooey eyed over the doctor!... She'll shout back at him and not just blindly agree with Galactic Law!!

I just hope that most (if not any) of her Comedy (I use the word loosely) characters don't pop up like a few nearly did last night!

Plus I want an Adapose Teddie too!!!.. (well the wife does!!)
aghhhh a nuclear power plant losing power = shut down not meltdown :mad:

Also how are 1-2 random torch wood people better qualified then several hundred trained staff at a nuclear plant Barrrrgh

*head explodes*
Did any of you watch BBC Four last night? They showed the first three parts of the Hartnell serial "The Daleks". Hadn't seen it in ages, it's just as good as I remember :D
That was a bit poor actually. I love Dr Who but I didn't think that episode was very good at all...
Well if there's no power the cooling systems for the used fuel rods will fail.

yes but the instant power fails control rods fall, and the reaction stops, the coolant will be more than capable of taking away the heat moved by it's own expansion.

At worst you end up with a permanently shut down reactor that has to be refitted, but no major trouble.
yes but the instant power fails control rods fall, and the reaction stops, the coolant will be more than capable of taking away the heat moved by it's own expansion.

At worst you end up with a permanently shut down reactor that has to be refitted, but no major trouble.

But that makes no fun for the Doctor.
But that makes no fun for the Doctor.

isn;t even the doctor but torchwood :(

I also don't understand what kind of moron they hired to design the place...
to stop a melt down caused by lack of power to the coolant, the system is to vent the super heated radioactive coolant into the 20 foot square control room, I mean come on who designs these places?:confused:
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