Doctor Who

Squark said:
So does the Doctor normally have to avoid any time frame that he has already visited, in order to avoid a paradox?

Yeah i think so, in the first series when the doc took rose to meet her dad he was very carfeful that they didnt see themselves, and when they did the reapers came
MeatLoaf said:
Yeah i think so, in the first series when the doc took rose to meet her dad he was very carfeful that they didnt see themselves, and when they did the reapers came

meanwhile they can cause a major paradox by reading from a script that was written using what they read off the script. That made me lol
Zogger said:
meanwhile they can cause a major paradox by reading from a script that was written using what they read off the script. That made me lol
How is that causing a paradox?

The paradox would be if they changed the script.

EDIT: unless you're also referring to a predestination paradox, which is not such a bad thing.
lame, I thought she was really annoying in the Christmas special last year.
I had no idea who she was at the time though, I just thought she was some random skank. I know now she's a comedian, but I've never seen her stuff.

Hopefully she'll be funny in season 4, rather than all the screaming and whining she did before.
fornowagain said:
That's the end of that then. What are they thinking? Dreadful.

Well there are Roumers that its the last Season EVER!!!... What a way for the Beeb to make us WANT it to end!... Give the Doctor the most annoying, Talentless, Annoying (have I said that already?) Companion/Actress (I use the term Veeeeeeeeery loosely) and we'll gladly want to see the back of it!! (her!!).

I'll reserve my judgement!, but I'm not holding out too much hope!!.
I remember what everyone (including me) said about Billie Piper when she was announced as his companion. I'll reserve judgement until we actually see it :)
Wasnt it Bonnie Langford as a companion that killed off Dr Who before?

She really annoyed the hell out of me to the point that it killed it for me.. now Catherine Tate :(

Another annoying bint brought in to kill off a good show.
Danger Phoenix said:
We have seen it, and she was terrible :p

She was better than Martha, the whole 'lovesick puppy' idea where she followed the doctor around was pretty awful IMO...
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