Doctor Who

Oh dear. That was one of the weakest first episodes of a Who series I can remember and Tate did nothing to dispel the fears I have of her becoming the most annoying companion ever :(
Oh dear. That was one of the weakest first episodes of a Who series I can remember and Tate did nothing to dispel the fears I have of her becoming the most annoying companion ever :(

Total agreed, has almost ruined something totally epic for me :(
Another crap kiddie-lite version for the kids. I remember when the show was actually creepy and scary. Now it's just dumbed down comedy. I ended up browsing the forums for the middle portion of the show because I just couldn't bear it. I half expected the Care Bears to make a cameo appearence.

4/10 for tonights eps, and thats only because of the twist at the end.
Another crap kiddie-lite version for the kids. I remember when the show was actually creepy and scary.

It's never been creepy and scary, its a kids evening time show, come on ;).

Damn Daleks couldn't even climb stairs until CGI kicked in :D.
It's never been creepy and scary, its a kids evening time show, come on ;).

Damn Daleks couldn't even climb stairs until CGI kicked in :D.

Ye Olde Worlde Doctor Who's were creepy and scary for their time. Hence many people watching from behind the sofa when Daleks first appeared.

However I do agree that modern Doctor Who has been changed to be more evening telly friendly, everything bundled up into one 40 minute episode :(
Torchwood killed it for me, now Catherine Tate, :(. I agree aswell that it used to be far scarier, even watching the really old bad graphics ones that were repeated in the 90s on bbc every tuesday evening scared me.
Who remembers the Queen/Werewolf/Torchwood eps of Dr.Who? Or even the Gas Mask/Child eps with Ecclestone iirc? Those scared the hell out of me. Now its just dumbed down trash. I wonder how weak the daleks will be now :/ - Mummy! :o :eek:
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Twenty past six on a Saturday, of course it's a kids show! My two absolutely loved this episode and I must admit that I thoroughly enjoyed it.

A good solid introduction to the new series.

Of course, it's fashionable to knock anything that's done in this country so I'm not surprised by the comments above :rolleyes:
Worst episode I can remember. The mime acting in particular was just ridiculously badly acted (by Catherine).

Really hope she doesn't spoil it to much as, with there being no proper series in 2009, they're really pulling the stops out for this series:
return of the Ood
Rose for 3 episodes
Martha for 3 episodes
Sarah Jane Smith for an episode
episode about the doctor's daughter

In theory it should be the best series yet, but she could so easily wreck it.
Twenty past six on a Saturday, of course it's a kids show! My two absolutely loved this episode and I must admit that I thoroughly enjoyed it.

A good solid introduction to the new series.

Of course, it's fashionable to knock anything that's done in this country so I'm not surprised by the comments above :rolleyes:
Agreed. It was an enjoyable episode -- for an adult it wasn't one of the best but I bet most of the kids watching loved it. And that's how it'll continue to thrive as a show, by having episodes for the kids and episodes for the adults (like Blink last time around) but keeping it accessible to all.

When Doctor Who starts churning out tension-filled high drama every week, that's when it's doomed to cancellation again. IMHO of course. ;)
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