Doctor Who

The token wokeness is still unfortunately a thing
so blatant I can take it as an adult satire of Woke - it's like the jokes in Airplane.

in the land of whittaker and ncutti - the one eyed Tenant is king though.

wondered what the political significance of 166M was - nothing brexit related ? other easter eggs ?
I thought it was pretty good, better than anything we've had in about 10 years IMHO, somewhere on par with middling 2005-2010 era and the best of the beginning of Matt Smith era (before it all went downhill).

Personally the woke stuff doesn't bother me, New Who has been "woke" (before the word was captured) since it started.
I’ve been saying this for twenty years - Dr Who takes superb actors, some of the very best that Britain (ie the world) can provide, and gives them the absolute worst scripts ever written in the history of mankind.
Well I totally enjoyed that. Good having the show back. Don't know why people are so bothered by current and topical issues.

New theme and credits were fab too as was the new TARDIS console room.
Realise as a 52yo white hetero male that I'm not the primary target audience for this but I grew up with Dr Who, loved Tom Baker and David Tennant but I cannot be doing with the "Woke Bingo" script writing. It's the best of the BBC now being appropriated by the worst of the BBC
Yes I'm a grumpy old git.
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Realise as a 52yo white hetero male that I'm not the primary target audience for this but I grew up with Dr Who, loved Tom Baker and David Tennant but I cannot be doing with the "Woke Bingo" script writing. It's the best of the BBC now being appropriated by the worst of the BBC
Yes I'm a grumpy old git.

The ratings show they have abandoned the actual audience YOU, for one that doesn't exist. There's no audience for "woke bingo" that's been proven over and over again in modern TV and film. There's always an audience for great TV and film though. Disney are now saying "We don't know what our audience wants" just a few years after the most succesful sequence of movies ever in film History.

They do know, they have simply made a conscious decision to try and have their cake and eat it, ie they want woke bingo AND massively successful blockbusters that make all the money. Can't have both. They've tried blaming and shaming the audience and it's backfired spectacularly, that's ego capitalism we see it everywhere, we're just gonna keep doubling down and doubling down until we win, but they won't win. They have no respect for their customers whatsoever, just a massive entitlement to all your money and unquestioning loyalty.

People are pretty forgiving but they won't keep buying a sandwich that you keep gobbing in, while also insulting them into the bargain.
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Don't know why people are so bothered by current and topical issues.
People aren't bothered by "current and topical issues" though, are they? What people are bothered by is the constant shoehorning in of woke agenda ******** into nearly every TV show when it's not needed and adds nothing to the story. It's pretty ******* obvious to anyone with more than a couple of braincells that it's only done in order to tick boxes and to give themselves a pat on the back.
Well that episode was 'mostly' OK for about the first 40 minutes until they really started ramming the non-binary pronoun nonsense in, at which point it turned into a steaming pile of ****. It's a sci-fi show and people want to see sci-fi. Nobody cares about the BBC's or Disney's gender politics and the show is much worse for it being pushed so hard.
It wasn't just the non-binary/pronouns part though:

- The UNIT boss in a wheelchair - fine a none issue, but then let's double down on that by giving them weapons and having them save the day, after having Davros publicly retconned because you can't have evil disabled people.

- unnecessary acknowledgement about above wheelchair user being able to get up the stairs

- the whole "we can let it out because we are female" (or whatever the exact words were) - seriously?
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