Doctor Who

But again you don't offer an explination beyond an acronym you knew some would have to Google first.

I feel you hide your true feelings behind a boogeyman that has been created so you don't have to explain how you really feel because, and I'll be the first to admit I am guessing here, but I would be willing to bet isn't defensible.

Wouldn't want a trans character to be the focus. Oh no, no, no, that would be ever so beastly...

Aye, but I'm not giving up on you folks just yet.

To be fair, it is a bit lacking in imagination to introduce a character and then make them a cliché e.g. a trans character who immediately focuses on pronouns.

Ncuti seems to have the whole "excess of personality" thing down which is typical in portrayals of the Doctor. I do hope the writers aren't going to go down the lazy route of making storylines revolve around the Doctor's skin colour or sexuality. After all, the character is supposed to be an ancient, vastly experienced and highly intelligent alien. Or has that all been retconned now?
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The Christmas episode was fine for the most part, the only dig it had was hinting a previous incarnation liked men, which was uncalled for as its never come up before (before 14). There was a trans character in the taxi at the beginning and they didn't focus on it, good. That's how it should be. Story was pants though.

The 1st special was just a trans alagory, where Rose saves the day literally because she's trans and at the same time reminding us how stupid white men are. Pathetic.
They never suggested a previous incarnation was having a gay old time with Houdini. Simply that the doctor once spent a long hot summer with him. That could literally mean it was very warm. Its given no context. Just the doctor name checking someone he spent time with. It's some viewers that have interpreted it to men that.

There are those that can sit and watch and just enjoy the show and then there are those obsessed with 'the message' DEI and w0kEnEsS and viewpoints being forced on them. Its those people that have problems and blame everything being woke for their true feelings on certain subjects.
But again you don't offer an explination beyond an acronym you knew some would have to Google first.

I feel you hide your true feelings behind a boogeyman that has been created so you don't have to explain how you really feel because, and I'll be the first to admit I am guessing here, but I would be willing to bet isn't defensible.

Wouldn't want a trans character to be the focus. Oh no, no, no, that would be ever so beastly...

Aye, but I'm not giving up on you folks just yet.

What explanation is required? what are not understanding?

Well, you're wrong, it's not a "boogeyman" the BBC, Disney etc a multitude of large corporations in and outside entertainment have mandated DEI policies. This is common knowledge.

Your lack of knowledge around this subject is your own shortcoming, not mine.
What explanation is required? what are not understanding?

Well, you're wrong, it's not a "boogeyman" the BBC, Disney etc a multitude of large corporations in and outside entertainment have mandated DEI policies. This is common knowledge.

I mean I do understand, I just don't think you want to explain yourself further.

Lets say for a second that you are correct and "DEI" is a thing. If it was removed tomorrow and then another character in pop culture turned out to be gay, is written to be gay or something alone those lines that would have people like yourself clutching your pearls.

If that happened with DEI not existing would that then be ok with you?

Better yet who decides if an LGBTQ character exists purely for DEI?

Because I'll get this out of the way right now. If your evidence is the multitude of YouTube talking heads such as Nerdrotic, The Quartering, HeelvsBabyface, Geeks and Gamers and Critical Drinker...if those folks and there like are you source of proof for this "Common Knowledge"...that's really something.

I'll get back to this quote, even though it's not from yourself.

Now we have a black doctor and he also has to be gay?
Why couldn't he just be a black doctor?

Where are the lines in the sand here? When did people decide a different race/gender was ok but they HAVE to be straight.

I mean really if we are being honest how much does the main characters sexuality bother you in a series like Dr Who? That show is snooker loopy at the best of times so the idea of an entity who has travelled across space and time enjoying a same sex relationship is probably more believable than wheelie bins with a grudge taking over London.

But I suspect you don't see that. You just see change YOU don't like and cry foul because someone else gets a go on the swing.
Where are the lines in the sand here? When did people decide a different race/gender was ok but they HAVE to be straight.
There are no lines in the sand, but equally there shouldn't be any boxes to tick either. If by casting a woman or someone of colour as Doctor Who is supposed to be a significant milestone in representation, why then does it need to be watered down by bringing in another characteristic to box tick?
If being Gay is supposed to be the "big deal" of getting some representation as the Doctor, why not just a gay white man?

But again if you're saying there shouldn't be any "lines in the sand", then I look forward to the next doctor who should be a wheelchair using, blind, mute, ginger, chinese, ftm trans dwarf.

I mean really if we are being honest how much does the main characters sexuality bother you in a series like Dr Who? That show is snooker loopy at the best of times so the idea of an entity who has travelled across space and time enjoying a same sex relationship is probably more believable than wheelie bins with a grudge taking over London.
Why does there need to be any reference to sexuality at all? It's a prime time family show - there's never going to be any sex scenes implied or otherwise, so why bring sexuality in to it at all? What does it add?

It's also a load of double standards, as was proved with the Davros retcon - you can't have evil people of minority groups, so there will never be any "baddies" who are Gay, or Trans or anything else.

But I suspect you don't see that. You just see change YOU don't like and cry foul because someone else gets a go on the swing.
You have no idea what I like or don't like, and I'm all for someone else getting on the swing if they're actually deserving of a place on the swing through their talent.
Ncuti may well be a great actor, I don't know enough about him yet to decide that, but the casting of Rose and the wheelchair user UNIT chief in the earlier episode was certainly not because they were deserving of "a go on the swing" - they were more wooden than the 70's Who sets!
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Where are the lines in the sand here? When did people decide a different race/gender was ok but they HAVE to be straight.

I mean really if we are being honest how much does the main characters sexuality bother you in a series like Dr Who? That show is snooker loopy at the best of times so the idea of an entity who has travelled across space and time enjoying a same sex relationship is probably more believable than wheelie bins with a grudge taking over London.

But I suspect you don't see that. You just see change YOU don't like and cry foul because someone else gets a go on the swing.

I have no idea why you are so blind to what has happened with Doctor Who. There's always been a fair bit of diverse characters in Doctor Who without it being an issue in the slightest, black assistants in Mickey or Martha Jones, characters who were Omnisexual (Captain Jack Harkness) etc. I don't recall back then anyone having any issues with the Doctor Who universe as it wasn't something forced down us or just thrown into the story line for the sake of it. It never detracted from the story lines at all.

But you are completely blind if you haven't realised what has changed in recent years instead of being able to just enjoy great story lines in a whacky Doctor Who world the last 4 episodes have had the following being quite pivotal to the story lines or just forced down us for no added benefit just because of tick boxes to hit.

- Only a Non-binary able to handle Meta-Crisis energies.
- Man hating - Only females able to release the meta energy 'Something a male-presenting Time Lord will never understand'
- Assuming pronouns
- Trans characters that for some reason HAVE to tell us straight away they're trans.
- Historical character Sir Isaac Newton no longer being white. (history washing)
- New Doctor Who of course having a to be both black, extremely camp and gay.
- Wheelchair access Tardis

I'm sure I've missed a load more from these unmemorable episodes but if you can't see how every episode is now a tick box script then you truly are blind.

Doctor Who never used to be this bad, before you could just enjoy the setting, the story and the characters. For many that is now hard to do without having some sort of message shoved down us.

The proof is in the pudding and after every episode the majority of posts are criticising the above forced inclusion. When that happens can you really keep turning a blind eye to what is happening? It never used to be like this. It's great if you like all of that but have some respect for those opinions who don't enjoy the obvious agenda that has taken over the story lines.
They never suggested a previous incarnation was having a gay old time with Houdini. Simply that the doctor once spent a long hot summer with him. That could literally mean it was very warm. Its given no context. Just the doctor name checking someone he spent time with. It's some viewers that have interpreted it to men that.

There are those that can sit and watch and just enjoy the show and then there are those obsessed with 'the message' DEI and w0kEnEsS and viewpoints being forced on them. Its those people that have problems and blame everything being woke for their true feelings on certain subjects.

You are either incredibly naive or particularly dishonest - and trying to shut down debate by suggesting that anyone that doesnt lap up obvious and shoe horned wokeness as a 'something-phobic' doesn't cut it any more.

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I have no idea why you are so blind to what has happened with Doctor Who. There's always been a fair bit of diverse characters in Doctor Who without it being an issue in the slightest, black assistants in Mickey or Martha Jones, characters who were Omnisexual (Captain Jack Harkness) etc. I don't recall back then anyone having any issues with the Doctor Who universe as it wasn't something forced down us or just thrown into the story line for the sake of it. It never detracted from the story lines at all.

But you are completely blind if you haven't realised what has changed in recent years instead of being able to just enjoy great story lines in a whacky Doctor Who world the last 4 episodes have had the following being quite pivotal to the story lines or just forced down us for no added benefit just because of tick boxes to hit.

- Only a Non-binary able to handle Meta-Crisis energies.
- Man hating - Only females able to release the meta energy 'Something a male-presenting Time Lord will never understand'
- Assuming pronouns
- Trans characters that for some reason HAVE to tell us straight away they're trans.
- Historical character Sir Isaac Newton no longer being white. (history washing)
- New Doctor Who of course having a to be both black, extremely camp and gay.
- Wheelchair access Tardis

I'm sure I've missed a load more from these unmemorable episodes but if you can't see how every episode is now a tick box script then you truly are blind.

Doctor Who never used to be this bad, before you could just enjoy the setting, the story and the characters. For many that is now hard to do without having some sort of message shoved down us.

The proof is in the pudding and after every episode the majority of posts are criticising the above forced inclusion. When that happens can you really keep turning a blind eye to what is happening? It never used to be like this. It's great if you like all of that but have some respect for those opinions who don't enjoy the obvious agenda that has taken over the story lines.
Except none of those points you cling to are correct, right wing views has missinterpreted much of the points.this is a very good watch.
Except none of those points you cling to are correct, right wing views has missinterpreted much of the points.this is a very good watch.

I'm not watching a 30 minute video telling me what I watched wasn't real. I know what I watched and I know everyone else who commented in dissatisfaction how they felt as well at the time of watching, we can't all be completely oblivious can we?. If you need a 30 mins video to make some claims that none of this is 'wokeness' then something is deeply wrong with what is being produced.

What are you on about 'right wing' Why are you labelling such things. I used to enjoy this show and tried to give it a good go. My thoughts are my own, not some 'right wing' agenda.

If you can't be bothered to reply properly and counter my points then it's probably because you know you have nothing to say. How's your laughing emoji coming along?
There you go yet again. It's not telling you it wasn't real but a lot is misinterpreted and in other ways Doctor who has always been this way.

For example after regeneration the 4th calls himself 'the definitive article you might say. You are a Doctor but I am The doctor'
So the whole pronouns and how to address someone was there long ago. There are other examples.
Not me.

This thread is classic OCUK, a small group of people getting angry about a TV show with an alien.

I actively don’t want to post in here anymore because we never end up discussing the damn show!
Nah, don't do that, opinions are like ass holes, everyone has one. You know your Dr Who stuff so it'd be a shame if you stopped posting.

For me though, you think every Dr Who episode is amazing and untouchable - 10/10 and they can't do no wrong. Far from it, they have turned a show that you could watch with your family into a vehicle to drive the bbc's woke agenda.

Dr Who is timeless and the story should be the primary focus, not given a back seat to meet tick boxes.
Nah, don't do that, opinions are like ass holes, everyone has one. You know your Dr Who stuff so it'd be a shame if you stopped posting.

For me though, you think every Dr Who episode is amazing and untouchable - 10/10 and they can't do no wrong. Far from it, they have turned a show that you could watch with your family into a vehicle to drive the bbc's woke agenda.

Dr Who is timeless and the story should be the primary focus, not given a back seat to meet tick boxes.

I don’t think every episode is 10/10 at all. I spent much of the last 10 years slagging off how bad it’s got.

I think it’s better than it was but it’s not yet got back to the peak under Tennant/start of Smith. I think I posted in this thread that the first episode was a 6/10.
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