Doctor Who

Even if it was a bit boring it had some good tense tension moments ill give it that.

Btw when i was watching it i said to my mother who was watching with me and i said he doesnt half remind me of sammy davis junior and she said yeah he does. Anyone else kinda got that vibe about him?
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I don't know what would lead you to believe that, it was actually very girthy and veiny.

Granate! Deckung!
Better episode this week, with it being a 'bottle episode' feels like they've saved the budget for other episodes.
Watching the episode of Unleashed, the behind the scenes show, it still looks to have had a fairly decent budget. Building the main sets, CG for the background and other visual effects. Plus they also brought in an LED wall for some of the backgrounds, so certainly not cheap in the traditional sense.
Watching the episode of Unleashed, the behind the scenes show, it still looks to have had a fairly decent budget. Building the main sets, CG for the background and other visual effects. Plus they also brought in an LED wall for some of the backgrounds, so certainly not cheap in the traditional sense.
i'm gonna do it... i'm gonna watch the episodes so i can see if i'm totally wrong and they are great!
Ep 3 definitely better than the first two even if the Doctor stood on a
for 40 out of the 45 minutes.

Relatively unwoke ( :) ) too, though maybe the idea of warrior-priests was having a poke at something.
Ep 3 definitely better than the first two even if the Doctor stood on a
for 40 out of the 45 minutes.

Relatively unwoke ( :) ) too, though maybe the idea of warrior-priests was having a poke at something.
I'm pretty sure telling guys in dog collars to think for themselves was a poke at something :p
Ep 3 definitely better than the first two even if the Doctor stood on a
for 40 out of the 45 minutes.

Relatively unwoke ( :) ) too, though maybe the idea of warrior-priests was having a poke at something.
You must have missed some of the 'woke' stuff then.

The Story was very tense and gripping because he was stuck and couldn't move for fear of it going off.
It was nothing but a poke at the military machine, capitalism, religious indoctrination, callous indifference of modernety and social norms...
Dropped 600K viewers over the first three shows, how low can it go? :D

Chubby, Whittaker, Timeless Child, return of RTD, Woke Disney's involvement, Ngatwa, gaslighting the fan base, drag queens, pro-noun lectures - it's all been a disaster.

Yeah, people did keep telling you it's not what they wanted, but you knew what was best for them in the "current day" - do enjoy those ratings...

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Remember the old saying "Know your audience"


I bet they really thought doctor who fans are so captivated they would never leave, families will watch it no matter what.

That's an interesting difference. Mind you, we have only seen a few episodes so far, and the latest was better.
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Ep 1 - rubbish
Ep 2 - could have been an outstanding episode but the fact The Doctor ran away sort of set the scene. Opportunity missed there.
Ep 3 - pretty decent

Although after watching Ep 3 I went and watched Let's Kill Hitler and the difference was significant (I quite often watch random Matt Smith era episodes).

I'm not giving up on this season as think Angie Watts reveal must be coming soon.
Ep 1 - rubbish
Ep 2 - could have been an outstanding episode but the fact The Doctor ran away sort of set the scene. Opportunity missed there.
Ep 3 - pretty decent

Although after watching Ep 3 I went and watched Let's Kill Hitler and the difference was significant (I quite often watch random Matt Smith era episodes).

I'm not giving up on this season as think Angie Watts reveal must be coming soon.
He had a reason to though, which they explained.
He had a reason to though, which they explained.
indeed they did, thought that was a load of rubbish as well, possibly the fact I'd just heard in the previous episode IIRC 'you never run'. Meh! Think it's more disappointment from me that there was an 8/10 story there but ended up as a 5 to me.

Will continue to watch though as I'm sure there will be a few very good stories in this run.
Dropped 600K viewers over the first three shows, how low can it go? :D

Jinx said:
Numbers are not shrinking. For every transphobic, racist, bigoted “Doctor Who” fan that we lose this season, there are going be three to five new fans who are coming in for the representation. So to those fans — who are not fans — I say, “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”

I would suggest that Jinx is clearly living in a very tiny Echo Chamber, and it isn't good for anyone to be so closed off that their version of reality has become so vastly different from the one the rest of us live in. Maybe they should also step outside and touch grass as well.


The really, truly sad thing is that "message" that Russell T Davies (whose early TV work I really love) is trying to push is actually not a bad thing (be nice to everyone, irrespective of their specific differences) yet that message is being delivered the most aggressive way possible - "like us and everything we do, even if its crap, or you're a bad person and we'll tell everyone that you're the problem, bigot" - which is absolutely never, ever the way to get genuine change in a large group of people.

It's really sad as I loved RTD's early career. I watched an interview with him about his TV career so far just after it was announced that he was coming back to this latest run on Doctor Who and he made some amazing TV, from the ground breaking Queer as Folk which opened the door (and the wider populations eyes) to modern day "gay life" being normalised on TV, through to his show Its a Sin (which is my favourite) about the disaster of AIDS in the 80's as it ran rampant through the gay scene, killing and changing lives whilst the victims felt the need to hide due to shame and the slow change in society through the 90's as we (mostly) realised how wrong it was. As the stories were based on people he knew, that gave it a reality that was gut-wrenching and it was a fantastic way to gently change peoples opinions, through empathy and patience and the belief that "people will get it eventually" whereas all his newer stuff is based around to be "I don't have time left for the slow & gentle approach any more - like this or or else".

So I couldn't understand how the man who wrote some amazing TV shows, and who pushed "the message" in such a good way earlier on, had become so aggressive about changing the way people thought, until the part of the interview where he was talking about the after effects of "Its a Sin" on society and why it'd left him so angry, and (to paraphrase this) he said "I realised after I saw the effect of Its a Sin had on people that I couldn't continue to be passive any more, I needed to be an activist, I need to force change..........." (again, thats paraphrased) and that was the point when I realised what had changed. He'd stopped being the guy who wrote such amazing earlier work that changed attitudes through things like empathy and just showing people being realistic rather than being caricatures and, as he'd become angry at what he saw as the slow pace of the change, he decided to force it upon people and if you didn't like "Tough, get out the way!"

That I think perfectly explains the situation he's now in, surrounded by his own echo chamber and unable (or unwilling) to understand that how he effected his biggest changes WAS by putting his message across slowly, and that there is no large audience there for the aggressive way he (and the cast/crew) have currently decided to push his message instead. The biggest shame is that, if the quality of the writing and acting was at least still really high, then you really could beat people around the head with the message (see Green Book or Hidden Figures etc) but in his rush the quality has been lost, making his message appear bullying rather than coaxing, and I think thats why its now falling flat.

I'd love for him to take a step back and re-evaluate what worked for him and why it did, as I genuinely thing he's probably still got that ability locked up somewhere, but he's got to lose that aggressive "change or else" attitude which is failing him so hard now when we all know that his earlier stuff worked so well.
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