Doctor Who

how many of those viewers watched more than a few minutes before switching over after coming back from the toilet/making a coffee and realising doctor who was now on?
Given that the 28 days later figure is basically people who watched on catchup, I'd guess not many at all.

Personally I'm not minding current who much, it's not as good as some of the past who, but it's no worse than a lot of the old who.
Probably none of them as it's all iPlayer numbers. So they chose to watch.
but how much? these companies love to manpulate figures and someone can watch for a few minutes and suddenly they watched a whole movie according to netflix etc
I doubt the BBC is any different, just meaningless viewer numbers that don't mean what you'd expect them to.
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but how much? these companies love to manpulate figures and someone can watch for a few minutes and suddenly they watched a whole movie according to netflix etc
I doubt the BBC is any different, just meaningless viewer numbers that don't mean what you'd expect them to.

Most of it was overflow from the Cup Final, the I-Player numebrs are nothing to shout about at all, and it is mostly just the devoted few like Steve re-watching it anyway.
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Apart from that first episode which I thought was a bit rubbish, I've enjoyed them all this series and I'm not shy about saying if I think something is crap.

I watched all of the first Chib/Jodie series and thought it was so bad that I didn't bother with the second and third. What I've seen over the last few weeks has been a massive improvement over those three series.
The ratings are absolutely appalling and even RTD has admitted they're not what he had hoped. And the reason they are so unbelievably bad is because in context it's a show with huge fan-base built on near 60 yerars of TV. Where are those people? they're not watching anymore because Doctor Who is terrible, and completely died with The Timless Children. Nothing from Jodie Whittaker onwards is canon, and outside of the coping-harders who will seal-clap anything Who, the vast majority of fans have moved on, or just gone back to watching proper Who.
I think the new doctor is great. The sets are awesome and the camera work and general production amazing. The real problem for me is the stories. They seem to be focussed on social messages rather than what Doctor Who was all about - scary sci-fi stories for kids.
I think the new doctor is great. The sets are awesome and the camera work and general production amazing. The real problem for me is the stories. They seem to be focussed on social messages rather than what Doctor Who was all about - scary sci-fi stories for kids.

This is the problem - the overt messaging and propaganda, that and willfully antagonising the 50 year long fan base who just want good stories without the politics, pro-noun workshops, and pandering. It is shocking that they're aiming this squarely at kids IMO.
This is the problem - the overt messaging and propaganda, that and willfully antagonising the 50 year long fan base who just want good stories without the politics, pro-noun workshops, and pandering. It is shocking that they're aiming this squarely at kids IMO.
It's not aimed at kids though. It's for everyone. It's a family show.
Well that was a nice surprise, cracking episode that felt like the start of an epic in the same way Army of Ghosts did. Really hope they can keep that level up for the second episode, that episode deserves it.
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Should be enough still to be revealed in the finale to make it fast paced, absolutely no idea who Anita Dobson is going to turn out to be and although she hasn't had much screen time yet she plays her lines so well so hopefully she will have an extended part in the finale.

Doctor Who at it's best tonight, non-stop science fiction. Think I'll watch this again, and looks like the episodes get released to iplayer at midnight so I'll be watching this next Saturday at midnight 100%.
Well that was a nice surprise
Wasn’t it just. I had no idea, they did a superb job of keeping that quiet. At least, I’ve not even heard it suggested.

When Anita Dobson said “He waits no more”, I jokingly said to my wife what I posted in spoiler tags above.

I seem to have a knack in calling it. I called the Toymaker about a year in advance. Just in conversation with my lad I said that they’ll dig up an old villain like the Celestial Toymaker :cry:
Bridgerton episode had potential. Rogue was pretty cool and yes gay - no issue with that, nor the Doctor being attracted to him, but the kiss? It's a family show, keep the snogging for Torchwood :) They also turned Ruby into a bumbling mess - she has become Tilly from Discovery.

The Legend of Ruby Sunday - getting better! Less of the social messages and more episodes like this.

Although the 13 year old genius reminds me of the Haribo advert with the adults being dubbed with kids voices.
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Wasn’t it just. I had no idea, they did a superb job of keeping that quiet. At least, I’ve not even heard it suggested.

When Anita Dobson said “He waits no more”, I jokingly said to my wife what I posted in spoiler tags above.

I seem to have a knack in calling it. I called the Toymaker about a year in advance. Just in conversation with my lad I said that they’ll dig up an old villain like the Celestial Toymaker :cry:
I had a feeling it could be something like him as he has waited a long time and as one of the biggest gods the show featured it had to be someone like him.

There was a few little things that hinted to him, certainly a few youtubers I watch called it a couple of weeks ago as a theory.

RTD had said to look at the title sequence for the sparks coming off the TARDIS. He was very interested in the TARDIS in the Pyramids of Mars, also the noises it has been making are almost the same as when he tried to enter the TARDIS in ep1 of that story.

As for the other stuff, who is Ruby's mum, who is Mrs Flood I'm still baffled. There was a 30 second next time trailer just uploaded to YT and the Doctor Who socials. Looks like there is a lot going on.
More importantly, who's looking after Neil and who's taken over his milk round?

At least he brought us jelly and ocelots.

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