Doctor Who

I thought the episode was pretty dire to be honest. Story was abit thin on the ground and it just seemed cobbled together. I don't mind the "bravardo" **** that the doctor is towting lately but this episode was filled with it. If the second episode doesn't improve it I won't be going out of my way to watch it

I'm with you... the "bravado" thing is the single most annoying factor. During Ecclestone it was OK (like at the end of 'The Doctor Dances'), but it got worse during the latter Tennant series, and seems to only be getting even worse. :(
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If you couldn't tell the difference, may I suggest saving yourself a few pounds and going back to standard definition? :)

Just saying that the listing said it was SD not HD.

Maybe I am wrong, I wouldnt know, I dont actively flick back and forth to compare :D

Just that generally when I look on an HD channel and it lists the show as not being in HD , it actually isnt. Maybe this one was an exception.
Loved that. The new theme music was a bit dodgy but I might get used to that but everything else was superb. Roll on next week.

Oh, and Amy - Yum yum :D
Theme music I did not like, the new doctor I think I will grow to like as the episodes move on, So used to David Tennant.
See what next week brings :)
Very meh imo, Daleks in space going spitfires looked interesting though. :D

And Karen needs to keep her hair down, tied back she looks kind of odd.
Absolutely loved the new episode. I thought the new Doctor combined the best bits of Tennent, Baker and Ecclestone in good measure.

Good raport between the assistant and the Doctor with a good back story, so that should work well.

.....................but the theme tune - even our 5 year old wanted to know what had happened to it.
i actually fell asleep 2/3rds of the way through the new onebut im loving the ww2 dalek and spitfires in space looking episode

rofl bring that on asap

i spent more time eyeing up Ginger's pins when possible than paying attention to the plot.
Well i didn't like the intro music, the tardis set look a bit cheap and the story was meh but at least Matt smith impressed and i didn't think i was going to like him after Tennet but he is off to a good start.
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I think the new doctor is rather good actually. Amy is good too. ;) First episode wasn't perfect but I'm pretty pleased so far. Do agree that a bit less bravado by the doctor would be good.
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