Doctor Who

terrible episode. only good thing to come out of it was the moment about amy forgetting the darleks.

couple of theories which run along a simialr theme:

a) the doctor got kicked through to an alternate dimension.

b)moments from different dimensions have escaped through the cracks and exist here.

slightly contradicted by the video at the end of episode 1 where the doctor asked what happened to those that threatened earth before which showed the darleks.

anyways, next episode will be fantastic, thinking it'll be moffat writing again so woo :D
Why did the Daleks go to the trouble of collecting "testimony" from the Doctor proving they were Daleks to allow themselves to be instantly killed? Or did they need to prove they were Daleks simply to recover the progenitor whatever?

I have to agree that was shocking and the Daleks have been very badly used since the return of DW.

Apparently so as they werent the original original daleks, well thats my jist anyway. As for them wanting to be killed, as they weren't original daleks i.e. pure daleks. (they were created directly from Davros's cells, the originals weren't afaik.) So yeah Daleks think anything that isn't pure Dalek should be destroyed so of course they'd let themselves be killed to allow the pure daleks to survive.

At the end of the day the Daleks are fanatics that believe everything other form of life (including impure daleks) should be destroyed and only pure daleks should exist.

I thought this episode was a bit meh tbh, good premise, failed execution.

The next two episodes should be very good im hoping :), the 2 parter Weeping Angels storyline
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Hmmm, the episode itself was a bit naff, but i'm going to put that down to it being a held back episode so it didn't fit the 'flow' of the new writers/actors. The end results of the episodes were promising however:

Daleks weren't 'all killed off (but not really)' this time, they're actually a brooding threat which will hopefully strike from time to time but will never be snubbed out completely to allow for another rubbish 'reform'. I'm hoping they'll be the component of a serial type presentation, by that i mean a strong story that flows throughout an entire season with individual stories within, as opposed to the original 'hint at something big at the end of each episode' format.

The colours, ok they were naff but it was a nod to the old Dr Who movies (anyone remember the gold, red and black dalek lords?) and it's a kids show after all and in that sense it was a stroke of genius; all of the kids will now argue over which coloured Dalek was cooler at school tomorrow. Also it will hopefully result in some form of individuality to each Dalek. I personally would find one far more threatening if i knew who that specific Dalek had killed in previous episodes etc.

The memory stuff i imagine is related to the incorrect date given for her age in the previous episode (wasn't it a couple of thousand years out?). Maybe she's from a completely different time line? God knows but it's also got potential.

In short, yes the episode was a bit naff, but from what i hear it wasn't entirely the work of the new team so i'm not going to judge the potential quality of this season based on it (yet). It did create some promising elements that could be put to good use in future episodes. We shall see...
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I assume they are re-re-re-re-re-re-re-rehashing some old foes for a later purpose. (The Crack and the lost memories..or things that have happened in the past show, haven't any more.) /brain

Indeed, it is like a much less subtle rehashing of the bad wolf effect.
Cracks in space-time, mildly interesting, we shall se where it goes.
They are rehashing all the old enemies, next week its the angel statues, and we know cybermen will be involved, so someone or something has changed the past which leads to this future.
A really brilliant twist would be if it all led around to an accidental split in space and time at the point of the regeneration, where the Dr regenerated unintentionally and the Matt Smith is the offspring "alternate" Dr... the series ending with David Tennant returning as the "correct" Dr and putting the timeline back as it should be, returning David Tennant as the Dr.

But it wont work out that way....will probably just end up being the Master mucking about or something.
terrible episode. only good thing to come out of it was the moment about amy forgetting the darleks.
The best thing about this new series of DW is Karen Gillan. Woof woof. Miaow! :D She can do what she likes regarding forgetting or remembering the Daleks. :o

anyways, next episode will be fantastic, thinking it'll be moffat writing again so woo :D
Watching the Confidential on iPlayer last week Herr Moffat seems to be utterly bang on with his idea of what Doctor Who as a series should be. RTD seemed to want to write stuff because it was wonderful and fun.

A really brilliant twist would be if it all led around to an accidental split in space and time at the point of the regeneration, where the Dr regenerated unintentionally and the Matt Smith is the offspring "alternate" Dr... the series ending with David Tennant returning as the "correct" Dr and putting the timeline back as it should be, returning David Tennant as the Dr.

But it wont work out that way....will probably just end up being the Master mucking about or something.
Lol. You a Tennant as the Doctor fan? Struggling to come to terms with his departure? Wandering around in a dazed state now that Matt Smith is the new Doctor? I'm the same. Matt Smith is decent but there are some lines he does where I just wish Tennant had delivered them. :(
Why did the Daleks go to the trouble of collecting "testimony" from the Doctor proving they were Daleks to allow themselves to be instantly killed? Or did they need to prove they were Daleks simply to recover the progenitor whatever?

I have to agree that was shocking and the Daleks have been very badly used since the return of DW.

Thats what i was wondering, to me it seems like a plot hole more than anything. What i said in a post above

Was just thinking there about the whole "pure" Dalek thing. The last time you seen any Dalek ships from what i can remember was in the 2 parter with Davros. Davros created those Daleks from his own cells which would mean they were fully Dalek, which the docter confirmed as he said that hiding behind the tardis door was pointless as it was just a wooden door to those Daleks. So if the three Daleks from this episode were ones that survived the crucible explosion why weren't they recognised as pure daleks?
I want them to bring Paul McGann back as the Doctor. He needs more screen time. The movie and the audios are all superb but we need to see the actual Time War or something, that would be awesome. Just get the 8th Doctor back onto the screen in some capacity.
Hopefully the crack in time will allow the proper restoration of Gallifrey and the Timelords as opposed to the stupid crap that was pulled in "End of Time" with the mad Timelords hell bent on destroying the universe.
Lol. You a Tennant as the Doctor fan? Struggling to come to terms with his departure? Wandering around in a dazed state now that Matt Smith is the new Doctor? I'm the same. Matt Smith is decent but there are some lines he does where I just wish Tennant had delivered them. :(

Not really, I prefer Tom Baker :)

Just think it would be a really good unexpected storyline, a kind of ha ! we got you ! you thought we had a permanent new doctor and it was all just a single series storyline !

Would be a surprise and a creative piece of story writing :)
Not really, I prefer Tom Baker :)

Just think it would be a really good unexpected storyline, a kind of ha ! we got you ! you thought we had a permanent new doctor and it was all just a single series storyline !

Would be a surprise and a creative piece of story writing :)
Well I'm hoping and praying. :D
Nah her age was right.

Are you sure??

It was set in the 29th century, but the computer said she was 1306 (give or take a year) years old, which wouldnt work out correctly?

EDIT : oh wait no...hang on, you're right. The Starship UK was launched in the 29th century, but the time they were in was that would actually work out correctly at 1300 years.
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Was it? I'm going by the Doctor Who wiki which said the year was 3295 or something like that.

Yeah I got 29th century caught in my mind because at the start when he sees the ship he says its the Starship UK , launched in the 29th century. So I just assumed they were in the 29th century. (though to be fair I dont think the aired episode ever mentions they are actually in 3295, so easy to see why I came to the assumption I did)
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I dunno, first episode I have watched of the new series and I quite enjoyed it :p

arghh, get the first especially and 2nd watched. this episode was a complete disaster. its the worst ive witnessed since Doctor Who got started again with Christopher Ecclestone.

i was just sat, and immediately i could tell, this script was shocking. then the story made absolutly no sense even for doctor who, then the terrible planes in space/death star style rubbish was just horrendous, and quick cuts to some daft english man on the roof... this all without mentioning the Mighty Morphing Power Darleks.

terrible from mark gatiss considering i quite enjoyed The Unquiet Dead.
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